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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Amazing ratings for TWD. I was really annoyed by the insane number of commercials. AMC cut the show's budget, It could have gone easy on selling ad time.

I thought the premiere was solid, but too long. Darryl has grown on me, but Shane, Lori, Carol, and Andrea work my last nerve. I want to see more of Glenn and T-Dog. The group is so stupid. They cannot find a better camper or SVU among all those abandoned vehicles on the highway. Knuckle heads! BTW, I hate that the zombies can eat animals. I rather they only crave humans. Watching them eat that horse and the dog makes me more sick than watching them eat humans.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I think Darryl may be my favorite. If nothing else he is comic relief. In the season 1 finale I could not stop laughing at his efforts to get out of the CDC. I guess that's wrong, but even when I saw that episode again on Sunday, it still made me laugh. That man does not give up.

Andrea pisses me off because she doesn't have the sense to appreciate that someone actually gives a f@ck about her.

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Yeah, that was crazy, but funny as hell. I realized last night that Darryl might be a racist cracker, but damn he is determined, brave, and very loyal. If I have to face down zombies, I want him, Glenn, and Rick next to me. It doesn't seem like Morgan is returning this season, but he, Rick, Glenn, and Darryl would make a great team.

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Is he? I have a terrible memory. I remember his brother was for sure (I wonder where is, btw?). Darryl did save the AA guy last night in a pretty impressive way, so at least he's not trying to let the AA people die. Low standard, I know, but his brother sure seemed like he would if he could.

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This is great news. Thanks. I love Lennie James, a very talented actor.

Darryl is a racist, but he isn't anything near his brother. Meryl was an ugly racist and a meth-head, something which Darryl acknowledged. However, Darryl seems like fundamentally a good guy who is able to overcome his racist upbringing which is why it was great that after threatening T-Dog for abandoning Meryl last season, he turns around and saves his life. One handed Meryl is missing, but I full expect him to show up one day to get his revenge. I can see Darryl killing him after he is unable to reason with him.

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I'm going to attribute T-Dog's lack of loyalty to a high fever and sheer desperation. Loved his line about going out with a cut arm after the dead have risen up to eat the living. laugh.png

Those scenes with the sheriff (I know, it's inexcusable that I don't know all their names at this point) running, while carrying his son made me cry.

Andrea continues to piss me off. I see her point about wanting to die in a way, but it's time for her to woman up. She's strong enough and you never know how many people might be left. There is still hope.

Loved the scene where the woman on the horse came riding in to save Andrea. That was just perfect. You could tell everyone was stunned.

Darryl continues to be a favorite. Love that he has not given up on finding Sophia and that he just assumes they will find her. I'm not giving him a ton of credit for coming up with the drugs to save T-Dog though. He really should have told someone else about Merill's stash in case he got caught by a walker.

I know this show's budget has been slashed in favor of Mad Men, but it doesn't show for me. Maybe there are more commercials, but I DVR, so I can't tell.

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Darryl was the best part of the last episode; exclaiming “am I the only one zen around here? Good lord,” telling the zombie to "shut up" before shooting it in the head, and then calmly announcing that Merle "got the clap on occasion" as he casually handed over the antibiotics to save T-Dog.

The rest of episode felt like the Shane redemption story. One minute Shane is ready to shoot Ric dead, now he is all caring. Whatever, dude.

T-Dog cracked me up with his paranoia. It was definitely the fever talking, but I think that his subconscious fears were coming out. After all, when you are the only black person in the horror movie cast, you usually have no shot of surviving. smile.png

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Love that the show is getting huge ratings. Take that Mad Men! Yes, I'm bitter about TWD and Breaking Bad getting their budget's slashes after AMC paying huge bucks to keep MM.

I have a feeling Carl might die - the "Walt effect" from Lost. LOL

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Just when you think that Shane cannot get any lower. What a piece of [!@#$%^&*]! If he was going to sacrifice Otis, Shane could have at least killed him and not left him to be torn to bits and eaten. Goes to show that some people are who they are and nothing will change them. This is same Shane was going to shoot RIck in the back and attempted to rape Lori.

Thank goodness for Daryl, Glenn, and soppy Rick. They give me hope for humanity.

The Carl and missing kid stories have been going on for far too long. Time to wrap them up and move on.

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Shane really is a jackass. I think he wanted to leave live meat for the walkers, since it would get more of their attention with the thrashing and screaming. I was actually thinking (and hoping) that he had been bitten or scratched tonight when he was looking at the marks on his body. No such luck, of course!

I think that little band of survivors is very lucky Rick came along. I think Shane is the type of person to take every advantage of being a leader. His attempted rape of Lori cemented that idea for me. Sure, part of me was rooting for him when he gave that wife beater a beat down, but I could still tell it was a bad sign. He enjoyed it a little too much.

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