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Pat Falken Smith created the Bradys (and the DiMeras) to contrast with the Hortons and Andersons.  Roman and Marlena were paired in order to create a spoiler for a potential Don/Marlena reunion (which, obviously, never happened).  Just as Tony DiMera was introduced as Liz's ex-husband (er, still-husband, I guess?), and Vanessa DiMera was supposed to be a new love interest for David Banning.  It all helped the new families become better established in Salem, but it's not the same as saying they were created FOR other characters.

Edited by Khan
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Roman was brought in as a love interest for Marlena. Had Marlena not been created, Roman would not have been created. The Bradys owe their existence to Deidre’s popularity. 

Every supercouple owes their existence to Marlena.

Bo would not exist without Marlena. Kim would not exist without Marlena. Kayla would not exist without Marlena. Jack would not exist without Marlena (he was brought in for Kayla). 

Marlena is the most important character in Days history because of all the characters, couples, and children that sprang from her. 

Austin and Carrie, Susan, EJ, Sister Mary Moira, Lucas, Nicole, etc. can all be traced back to Marlena and that’s testimony to Deidre’s enduring popularity and that is why she is the Queen of Days of Our Lives.

Edited by EdibleFlowers
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ITA, Richard Cates was also created as a love interest for Marlena, but we don't celebrate the Cates Family July 4th BBQ because some characters are cherished by the audience and others prove less popular. 

It would behoove some newer members of the community to proverbially 'read the room' and try to add to the discourse with creative and independent opinions.  Rather than trying to be provocative in order to incite arguments.  Rehashing time-worn opinions and constantly taking an opposing stance does not make for interesting posts and is often disrespectful.

Getting replies can be thrilling, but demonstrating a desperate need to be noticed typically results in being ignored.

Edited by j swift
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They all owe their existence to Julie, since Don was brought on as a spoiler for her and Doug.

No, wait!  Actually, they owe their existence to Ted Corday, Irna Phillips and Allan Chase, because it was they who created Julie.  Like sands through the hourglass, bitches!

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And if you believe in God, then you probably also believe that God created the creators of DAYS via the generations of ancestors who came before them.  So, when you take a step back and look at the entire picture, you'll see that it was God who was ultimately responsible for the Bradys.  (Whether He deserves praise for that, I'll leave up to y'all.)

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Now I KNOW you're trolling.

Who the hell brought the show to #1 in the ratings?  Who is the only daytime actor (aside from her real-life husband) ever to make the cover of TIME magazine?  Because, it sure as [!@#$%^&*] wasn't Deidre Hall.

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Nope. Go back and look at the 80s. Check Deidre’s Q ratings. Doug and Julie were popular for a bit but easily lifted out of the show during the vast exodus of 1983/84.

Not sure how someone as hammy and ridiculous as Susan Seaforth-Hayes could ever be popular. 

Deidre has appeared in more episodes than any other actor. Marlena *is* Days.

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Doug and Julie weren't "lifted out," because they weren't popular anymore.  They were marginalized and then written out by a writing and production team who thought that youth was where it was at.

And before you start talking about SSH being "hammy" and "ridiculous," let me remind you and everyone else of Dee's performance as Marlena running away from the disembodied head of Tom Horton.

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That’s one of my favorite Days scenes of all time. JER was a genius and I’m so glad he had the balls to kill Alice. Stupid Kenny ruined everything though. 

At least I got you to admit you don’t like Deidre. 

You *could* talk *to* me instead of acting like I’m not here.

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