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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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I'm by no means a soap historian, but the only example I know of is Mike Bauer going from GL to AW and back again. And Bell taking Sheila and Lauren over to B&B is the only modern era example I can think of that was an unqualified success. Not just some kind of extended stunt like the Linda Dano experience across the ABC shows.

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Perhaps Carl was referring to when Irna had characters from all her radio soaps cross-over with one another on (I think) "The General Mills Hour"?  At least, I seem to recall reading about in one of the soap history books.

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From a December 1992 soap magazine


Catherine O'Hara, starring again as Macaulay Culkin's mom in the newly released Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, had just finished taping a segment for CBS This Morning when she wandered down to the ATWT set. Catherine, a serious ATWT fan, was watching a scene being taped when several of the cast members approached. Lisa Brown (IVA), whose two children have the first Home Alone on video, told the actress, "My kids watch you at least twice a week!" Susan Marie Snyder (JULIE) has been one of Catherine's fans since her Second City TV days, and Judson Mills (HUTCH) and Heather Rattray (LILY) dropped by to offer more professional kudos.


I never knew she watched soaps. She had good taste - how lucky she was to be there in one of the last good eras of ATWT, and how lucky they were to meet her. Wow.

Edited by DRW50
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Great anecdote @DRW50 and yes she does have great taste as this was definitely one of the very last good eras that the show had. The nice thing is that a lot of the cast recognized her too. It still grates at how underappreciated ATWT was compared to a number of its peers. Kathryn Hays should already have a Lifetime Emmy to make up for all the times she was overlooked and Colleen Zenk in her heyday could go toe to toe with Erica Kane in the badass department, especially in the mid 80s-early 90s. Not to mentioned Elizabeth Hubbard never winning for her role as Lucinda Walsh.

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Apparently Chris Noth was on one or two episodes of As The World Turns where he played some character name named Lucky? It's around the time of the "Hello Barbara" episode but the actual episode featuring Noth does not appear to be on YT. The only reason why I found out is that his name is listed in the credits for the November 7, 1986 (the Stenbeck reveal) episode though I don't see him on the actual episode, so I assume it was probably before the previous episode. Does anyone remember this? I'm kind of curious...it sounds like he was playing a low-level criminal or something.


Also, just randomly came across a picture of Don Billet from Playbill's website. I always wondered why they never tried to maybe have his character Bailey from the Crime Commission, retire and court Lisa at the show's finale. Billet and Eileen Fulton seemed to have really good chemistry. It would've been better than the ending that Lisa got at the end.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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As long as Elizabeth Hubbard portrayed Lucinda with those weird acting choices (like, for instance, the stuttering) she was never going to win.  And I say that as someone who places her second after Beverlee McKinsey on the list of all-time best soap actresses.  Her work on THE DOCTORS, IMO, is a much better, more cleaner representation of her skills without the idiosyncrasies, for lack of a better word.

So that makes THREE NYC-based soaps Chris Noth worked on, with AW and OLTL being the other two.  Does anyone know whether he appeared on any other soaps?

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Unfortunately, Hubbard was up against the juggernauts of Kim Zimmer and Erika Slezak. Unless they'd given Hubbard a slutty twin, she wasn't going to win. I do think Hubbard fought against making Lucinda appear vulnerable, and that's why blue ribbon panels want to see.

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I meant to post this some time ago but I randomly came across this article with Tiffani Caesar (Nella Franklin #1) and marveled at how great she looks. The article talks about her relationship with her father Adolph Caesar and what it felt like to lose him so suddenly.







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I know Elizabeth Hubbard won the Lead Actress Daytime Emmy the only time she was nominated for The Doctors (1974). She had 7 consecutive nominations (1986-1992) in the Lead Actress category for As the World Turns; that's more consecutive nominations in the lead actress category than anyone not named Susan Lucci. After the 7 consecutive nominations, Elizabeth Hubbard was nominated a final time in 1999, oddly enough losing to Susan Lucci.

A look back at the 1986-1992 Lead Actress races:

1986 - Elizabeth Hubbard, Susan Lucci, Peggy McCay, Erika Slezak (winner), Kim Zimmer

1987 - Elizabeth Hubbard, Susan Lucci, Frances Reid, Marcy Walker, Kim Zimmer (winner)

1988 - Helen Gallagher (winner), Elizabeth Hubbard, Susan Lucci, Erika Slezak, Marcy Walker

1989 - Jeanne Cooper, Elizabeth Hubbard, Susan Lucci, Marcy Walker (winner)

1990 - Jeanne Cooper, Elizabeth Hubbard, Finola Hughes, Susan Lucci, Kim Zimmer (winner)

1991 - Julia Barr, Jeanne Cooper, Elizabeth Hubbard, Finola Hughes (winner), Susan Lucci

1992 - Jeanne Cooper, Elizabeth Hubbard, Susan Lucci, Erika Slezak (winner), Jessica Tuck

Do you think Elizabeth Hubbard should've gotten the win in either 1988,1989, or 1991?

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"Should've"? I dunno---other than the CBS' actresses, I didn't see the competition.

I know she gave emmy worthy performances every year. And she didn't need a twin, an over-the-top death or jumpin' around in her skivvies to deliver.

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I think voters/judges 'slept on' ATWT in general a LOT. Maybe it's just my bias. But you also have to remember that the nomination and voting practices were different then as well. It would have been very unusual for a show to get two Lead emmy nods.

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