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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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No. It wasn't his eyes. I think it was just that I loved the pairing despite their sh-tty stories. Had they been in a capable writer's hands and under a company that wasn't so damn conservative, they could've been even larger than what they were. What frustrated me was how much they kept trying to make Noah straight. Either Maddie or Ameera, it was frustrating. I didn't mind Col. Mayer as he was the perfect obstacle for them but the stories were stupid. 


I would've preferred for Kevin to realize he had feelings for Luke post him getting out of jail. 


All this reminiscing of ATWT in its last years pisses me off. I hate how they wrote many of the younger characters towards the end. Whether it was Luke, Noah, Maddie, Will, Allison, Casey.... I still hate how they turned Adam into a rapist. That sh-t bothered me to no end.

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Well we've got Jean Passanante and Chris Goutman to blame for all the mess. When Goutman fired Martha and Scott Bryce there was no doubt Chris ever cared about ATWT or its core audience it had for many years. When you have CG telling SB he doesn't like the way he is playing Craig so he is letting him go?? Then something is truly wrong here. SB originated the role…who else would know whats going through Craig's heart and mind?

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I've never cared for Goutman, and wasn't surprised that he didn't care about character. He showed that all throughout Sheffer's reign on the show as they stayed ignoring various characters' histories even though I didn't hate that era of the show as many. 


Only thing that came out of all of this is that was good is that he hasn't been hired at a soap since. 

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If Silberman weren't comfortable portraying a gay man, then why take the job in the first place?  That's always what I've wondered on that subject.  Was Noah originally intended to be straight?  Did TPTB not inform Silberman of their plans for his character and Luke's?

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*waves hand ecstatically in the air*  Ooooh---ooooh---Mr Kotter!!!  PREACH. The SECOND Scotty B walked back in, I was on Craig's side. Paul and Meg were lying skanks, and short of that child dying, they earned their pain Craig and Ro put them through. And ironically, I was practically begging Carly to have scenes with him---and of course, they barely had any. How long was Scotty back? A year? Maura was probably on maternity leave at some point.


Hansis had no right to throw shade at anyone. I guess I understand "checking out" in stories you dislike (and you can see most actors do it at some point), but so much of early Nuke made Luke look like this jealous, controlling little bitch. Specifically what I remember is that Luke basically told people Noah was gay, instead of y'know, letting the guy accept it in his own time, 'cause Luke had a raging hard on for the guy. UGH---if they had portrayed a hetero couple that way, people would have been outraged.


Honestly, if all Luke was ever going to get to do is jump on beds and get ice cream afterward, they shouldn't have bothered recasting the role. I thought Jake Weary was a better Luke by far anyway.

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It was a breath of fresh of air when Scott Bryce returned. Fans started pulling for Craig instead of what Goutman wanted. Then Goutman blamed Scott for that. He was playing Craig wrong. That was laughable!  I am surprised he didn't pair Scott's Craig with Carly considering how badly he kept Carly and Jack apart.

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Yeah, I just read a piece Silberman wrote in 2013 for the Huffington Post. According to him, he knew Noah was going to have feelings for Luke. I know part of it was that daytime is (and has always been) a crank-it-out factory, and some actors just can't do it. But by that time, there also wasn't the rehearsal time or dedicated guidance for new actors either.


Goutman, for all his faults, at least cared about his directing. One only has to watch the [!@#$%^&*]-astic direction on GH to realize Goutman has a gift for that at least.

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Jake Weary would have been great playing coming out and post coming out. I don't know how much truth if all was him leaving because Luke was going to come out. That KZ didn't want him playing that kind of role. 

All of these characters were vets and written so horribly. They were totally rewritten to suit the storyline. Thats what really frustrated me about the last years of ATWT plus all the newbies that hogged up the screen.

I loved his direction on AMC and also on ATWT when he wasn't EP….I think FMB was EP at the time. I don't remember if he had directed ATWT before he joined full time.

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