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Tribute to Brenda Benet

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from Josh Taylor (ex-Chris Koshiteck), "Days of Our Lives"

Brenda was...she and I were very close friends. I guess - about all I can say is that she was the kind of lady who just gave a great deal. There was no guile, no jealousy in her. She just cared a great deal...no envy. Those people are very few and far between. And I feel, I guess, angry - because I feel like she took something away, and the only reason she took that something away was because she gave so much. I - simply miss her a lot. I wish she hadn't, because life is moment to moment, and it can change a great deal very quickly. But it was her choice, and it was our loss. I just miss her - and that's not going to go away no matter what I say. It's not going to change anything. But she was one of the people that, whenever I thought of her, or talked to her, she immediately brought a smile to my face. Now when I think of her, it is a sad smile - I miss her. It's something I've had to deal with before, and my anger towards her is something I'll have to deal with because it's not fair to her. All I can say is, I hope the reasons she did it for were realized by her. I hope she is with Christopher. I hope - but it won't bring her back. She was just very, very special, beautiful. God, I just miss her. It was a friendship that was only just beginning. She was something. I just haven't been affected by someone's death as much as I've been affected by Brenda's..."

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The outpouring of grief and love as expressed by her fans has been tremendous. As part of our tribute to this fine actress, we share with you just a few of the many eloquent statements of loss we have received.

I propose that the network establish an acting scholarship in her name at UCLA as a tribute to her professional competence and unforgettable characterization of Lee Dumonde. One tuition per year at her alma mater to honor a gorgeous, courageous, and possibly hypersensitive woman of great talent. Brenda Benet gave all she had until she had to move on.


Troubled, aching, there was no hope

For the suffering mother when day was done

Then, finally, no longer could she cope

And she left this world to join her son.


She will be missed and rightfully so. I only hope she is at peace now. Goodbye Brenda - I will never forget you.


The memories of this wonderful lady will always linger on, but how about a reminder of her? Since Brenda Benet urged people to plant trees in remembrance of her son, why don't we, her fans and friends, do the same for her? For every tree planted in memory of Chris, let's have one for Brenda! Nothing could be better than two strong trees standing side by side, growing together forever and ever.


The love and light that shone from you in your time on earth, still shines and brightens the darkness. We can no longer grow with you in the physical sense, but you taught me well, and I know that your warm, gentle spirit is still with all of us that love you.


I know that no replacement for Brenda on the show could ever fill her shoes, as she performed such a very believable characterization in her role of Lee Dumonde. She was a very gifted, talented and brilliant actress who will be sorely missed by all "Days" fans.


Although this lovely lady has departed this life, and she is somewhere beyond the shining stars, her memory will linger on.

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Hollywood Happenings

by Garrett North

In Memory: I recently wrote about all the nice things that were happening for BRENDA BENET (Lee, "Days"). It hardly seems possible that in such a short time, the life of this young woman has come to such a painful conclusion. Painful for everyone who cared about her, and that included all of us. I spoke with Brenda several times after the death of her son Christopher and I saw someone in great pain, trying very hard to take an intelligent cerebral approach to a crushing loss. Perhaps she went too far in that direction. Now she has gone too far in the other. But I think both attempts to ease her pain were honest, duly considered, and what she felt she must do, and that she did nothing carelessly, or without caring. Her death was, of course, a horrendous blow to her friends on the closely-knit "Days" set. They gathered at the home of LANNA SANDERS (Marie, "Days"), each speaking a few words about Brenda, those of whom were able to speak. I can only stand to think about what has happened if I tell myself she and Christopher are finally together again, for keeps. Rest peacefully.

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Yes. It was all very sad and one of those things which seemed sudden but probably wasn't. Supposedly the last straw was the story where Renee was in a coma.

You can see some of the raw emotion in the comments, especially from Josh Taylor. SOD probably wouldn't have that today, all the magazines are a bit more generic.

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Sad tale. It's interesting that Susan Seaforth Hayes said she didn't much care for Benet, but blamed it on the intense story between Julie/Doug/Lee at the time. I guess SSH saw Benet as a threat to her character and to the Hayes' real life marriage, in spite of Benet's alleged bisexuality.

Michael David Morrison, the original Caleb Snyder on ATWT committed suicide as well. So did Edge of Night actor Dennis Parker a.k.a Wade Nichols.

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Yes, and his son was his spitting image. Bill Bixby was always one of my favorite tv actors. Incidentally, she was married to Paul Peterson (The Donna Reed Show) and left him for Bixby.

Gerald Anthony's (OLTL's Marco Dane) death was reported as a suicide but the family disputed that.

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