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Y&R Week of August 30th

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The only reason he changed was because of his current true love and not because of the time wasting epiphany he had on New Year's Eve.

Victor will end up buying the porn company and getting rid of Abby's tape like he did when Victoria had her nude spread.

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Chloe started with Cane and then moved on to his fake brother, Billy and then went for his newphew Chance and is now with his brother, Ronan. Seriously, can she move onto a new bloodline and I dont mean Kevin

Does anyone understand the Ronan/Heather/Chance storyline? It confuses the hell out of me, but then again Im not really trying to pay attention to it

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She has not had a lick of chemistry with any of them, IMO. I actually liked her best with Cane, even though the story was usually not tilted in their favor.

The scene with Ronan and Chloe was a mess -- yet again this show thinks sex or passion means some kind of unpleasant smashing.

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God, could this show be any more contrived and formulaic?! The second Victor and Nikki walked in the door, I knew Victoria would come down the stairs saying something about being pregnant, unaware Victor and Nikki were in the house.

Even Passions had more unpredictability than this stupid show. And that is TRULY saying something.

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Well, to be fair, this show has always been predictable, for the most part. but it was a good predicatable. Mark my words, Victor will kill this baby somehow... the FOURTH Abbott grandchild he will have murdered. Victor going on about Billy not being able to commit to a woman... you want this show to be unpredictable, Nikki should have turned to him and said, "This coming from a man who's been married 7 times?" But thye'd never give Nikki those kind of guts. I suppose when the time comes, the only thing that might make things good is if Victoria tells Grambo to truly go to hell, and tell him that Adam has been his punishment from the universe for being such cold heartless ass all his life. but Heinle couldn't pull that off, I don't think.

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I can't imagine that the writers would want to kill Billy and Victoria's since they seem so invested in this couple. Someone else pointed out that tptb may be more into a Victor/Billy feud so in a sense I can see them doing this. Plus, Victor killing off an unborn Abbott baby will be another redux of Jack's storylines and Billy is suppose to be the new Jack.

Victor needs to stop treating Billy as if he's the worst guy Victoria could have married. She married Brad after all. Billy at best is an annoyance. Is he still mad about that magazine article? If so than that's sad considering Leanna Love wrote a book about him and not some measly magazine article.

Will Braden allow Nikki to have guts against Victor?

Heinle can't pull off playing sober most of the time.

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