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AMC: "Grossly over-budget"

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Oh good Lord when did the soap audience become such a bunch of whiny, provincial bitches?

Forgive me for not clutching my pearls everytime somebody mentions cancellation but soaps are dying for a reason. Part of that reason is just the reality of the business and part of it is failings on the part of the people in the genre. I watch AMC because I like it but when it goes I'll say goodbye with gratitude and look forward to what these actors do next. If you want to pretend that these shows will last until the sun supernovas, have at it. Your pitchforks and midnight sacrifices didn't save Passions, GL or ATWT so why don't you direct some of that righteous indignation at the people who are really killing soaps instead of getting the vapors over the fact that some of us can actually handle change or even embrace it.

I don't need to climb into the coffin with the dessicated corpses of what were once great shows. I'll leave that to the Save Our Soaps necrophiliacs with their rallies and campaigns. I look forward to what soaps are going to become because I have faith in the genre and like it or not, the genre needs to be about more than these shows.

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Jamey Giddens is :lol: Seriously he HATES AMC. Him sounding all happy about it getting canceled makes me SICK. If you are a soap blogger, and you DON'T watch AMC then don't state ANY opinion on it.

Jamey sometimes starts things for NO REASON. I udnerstand he did break the L.A. move but really thats it. He needs to stop hating on AMC.

I don't think AMC is WAY overbudget as Jamey says. I do believe that AMC is somewhat over budget but not to the point where ABC is losing money. I agree with what many of you were saying. JHC may be the EP but if she is spending to much money then Brian Frons is the one who has to say NO to them.

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How is saying the show is over budget stating an opinion on it?

I bet you didn't think he was hating when Jamey was saying OLTL was in trouble.

Jamey has proved many times to have legit sources at ABCD, but now that he is saying your show is in trouble you want to discredit him. :lol:

If you are spending more money than you are making, then that is losing money.

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Isn't that funny and true?? Much of it must be residual backlash for the soap being SOO praised from the 80s to mid 90s, but for all the reports about AMC being given too much credit, etc, online it certainly doesn't seem to be (despite the fact that currently I think it obviously is the much better soap).

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Do you just read a few scattered words and decide what the poster means??? Marceline is one of our smartest posters here, IMHO, and the post said nothing of the sort.

He has a very mixed track record--maybe 50/50. And did he say OLTL was in trouble "gleefully"? Did he when he talked about AMC's future? exactly.

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I have plenty of opinions about Jamey Giddens.

Anyway, AMC being over budget wouldn't be surprising. It's not as if they'd suddenly break even or produce a surplus after only 8 months. If it was that simple that only a short 8 months and BINGO!, All My Children's budget problems were solved, I doubt the move would've happened in the first place. The blood letting of AMC's budget clearly has been happening for years. All of the unnecessary remotes and second unit photography JHC has been allowing to happen under her watch did NOT help matters. I mean, did we really need to go on location to watch Kendall and Greenlee see Fusion lipstick being made? :rolleyes:

Cut and paste posting, darling. Cut and past posting.

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The only thing that has ever bothered me about Jamey or any other soap fan-come-soap journalist ( <_< ) is the "♫I know something youuu don't♫" crap that only further emphasizes the fact that they are just a little bandwidth (don't go there) and hustle away from your typical online soap fanatic.

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I don't get how he was sounding gleeful. The other guy was saying that AMC would never get cancelled because of Susan Lucci, and Jamey just said not to be so sure about that. The tone wasn't gleeful, but more of "don't be so sure about that". I really don't get why people are acting as if Jamey is screaming I HATE AMC from the rooftops. Jamey has said numerous times that OLTL was in trouble, and many of you agreed. But when it is AMC in the hot seat all of a sudden he has an "iffy track record" and he is "out to get AMC". :rolleyes: I want OLTL to last longer, but I am not going to bitch if it doesn't, and I am certainly not going to gloat if it does.

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You must not log onto DC all of the time or listen to those webcasts. Jamey trashed the hell out of OLTL when KISH was dropped and he said he didn't give a sh*t about the show anymore. He's didn't say anything bad about AMC except them being over budget. And his comments probably had way more to do with Frons and his decisions than the show itself.


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