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The Suds Report 8/6/10

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I didn't understand his guesses at all because he makes it sound like Brody would be marrying both Nat and Jess which... :blink: I know he's got it going on like that but not even Brody can simultaneously marry the twin bimbos he knocked up, in a double ceremony. That's too Jerry Springer even for OLTL.

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He shoots...and he fails. Epically, epically fails. (I took off the spoiler tags because we're on the spoiler board LOL)

But you know what's sad, though? I didn't know who the participants in the wedding were going to be, but instead of thinking Nelson got it wrong with Brody marrying both sisters, my first thought was "Wow, OLTL just keeps getting dumber and dumber."

:lol: :lol:

I'm surprised Frank and Ronald haven't thought about adding some ex-sitcom stars to their cast (besides the sublime Ms. Hubert). Knowing them, though, they'd add an ex-sitcom star, have her play a hatchet job version of her most famous character, and name the new character with a "quirky" spin on the original character's name.

Beverly Archer IN as Lola Boyd!

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I have an old SOD from around 1989 where one of the execs of Generations had that mentality, but it was "based on research" that there's only a certain amount of viewers out there who are interested in watching soaps, and therefore it's more realistic to try to lure viewers away from timeslot competitor, Y&R, than to try to be enticing to non-soap fans at all. That makes sense for the most part, even in 1989, but nowadays (and for over 10 years now) a longtime soap fan who's frustrated with their show will give up on the medium altogether.

It is certainly scary seeing other daytime alternatives, though. From endless courtroom shows where the judges are total jokes to crappy talk shows. I know I would hear the buzz when Springer goes off the air, but really, he's still on? And his old bodyguard dude has a show of his own? Oy.... I'll watch a rerun of Desperate Housewives on Lifetime, or I Love Lucy. Or local news. Network syndicated daytime shows are awful.

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