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AMC: Monday, June 21, 2010

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R., I did that all the time when Sabine was on, kept thinking she was Annie and MCE was the new Greenlee.

It's getting more and more awkward for me to watch David and Greenlee, like, "Dude, she's just not that into you." And his daughter just continues on her lame path to attain relevance, no doubt this latest scheme with the bee sting will go nowhere.

Oh Opal, threatening to send Greenlee to *Tuesdee* doesn't quite pack the same punch when today's Mondee. :P

Urrrka[/Ma] had on her Susan Lucci lingerie today. :D Why would Caleb rip up that check? Dummy. Well,

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I didnt get Marissa's cliffhanger today on te phone. Apparently AJ got a bee sting and she told the person that she will pick him up bc his father will want to see him. So what? BTW, her dress was ugly

So much for Greenlee's guilt. What a bitch. What happened to her being so distressed adn guilty over what she and David did last week? Now that Erica's alive, thats absolved her of her sins? I find how heartless and selfish she is being to be despicable. She really has some nerve proceeding with the launch party of her line, considering how she sabotaged Erica's "Oh she's invited too" What a biyatch

The real kicker though was when she was talking to David and said this. "It wasnt enough that Erica had to be rescued by him, but she had to turn my own father against me. He practically threw me out of my hospital and Bianca was right there cheering him own like a Kane clone"

Erica turned him against you? He wasnt already against you BEFORE he rescued Erica? Wasnt it YOUR actions, your secrets and your lies that got him to turn against you? I hate how phont she is. She doesnt give a damn about Erica or her family and she only showed up with flowers for damage control. Im glad Bianca threw her out and I hope she ruins Greenlee's launch party. I hope she finds a way to publicly humilate her and put a halt to her plans

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UGH to the Lakers Parade pre-empting the show in my area today. Have to watch later.

I remember Annie was put into a straitjacket at least once last year in Oak Haven. And she was also always getting lunged with syringes by the doctors to calm herself down.

I miss their close relationship

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RissRiss found out that JR wasn't at Chandler, then called Scott to find out where Annie was, which she wasn't with him, so now Marissa suspects that JR and Annie are still seeing each other behind her back. She's basically going to use AJ's bee sting as an excuse to blow up JR's phone then put an APB out on him to find out where he's at. In other words, she's just gonna look like an idiot. I love how everyone treats her like a nagging child. Even Scott seemed annoyed when she called. The weird thing is, though, how apathetic she was about the bee sting before she realized she could use it to her advantage. The kid that she sees as her son gets stung by a bee, and she's just "Oh, okay, whatever, let him get back in the pool if he wants to."

If Bianca had just slapped the flowers out of Greenlee's hands, I would have been sold on her for life. nuBinks looks like she'll surprise some people if she's pushed just enough over the edge.

I hated having Jake in Erica scenes. He just brings the whole show to a screeching hault whenever he's on.

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"RissRiss", that sounds like a soaked raincoat. How fitting. And crafting a scheme over a bee sting is just comical to me. That little gleam in her eye like WWAD? What Would Annie Do?, just so lame. And LOL at your point about everyone getting fed up with her without much provocation, she's like the Meg Griffin of the Chandler clan.

"If Bianca had just slapped the flowers out of Greenlee's hands..." I love that image, wish it would have happened! New Bianca and Colby both do that thing where they talk through their two front teeth

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It's pt.1 of her scheme, I'm guessing she's going to use AJ for alot more than just that. Sees this is just to get him home. The next time could be save him from drowning, save him from getting hit by a car, get him to the hospital and frame a sickness on Annie..see how that works?

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I liked Annie/Aiden. How did they write him out?

Haven't watched yet. That said, I would love if they did a whole Munchausens-by-proxy thing and had her making AJ sick to hold onto JR (even Annie never went that crazy) then have Natalia be the one to figure it out and kill Marissa in a whole Buffy/Faith style beatdown, thereby making JR, Scott and Annie worship her while David is torn between his love/hate/gratitude/desire for revenge.

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