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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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Claire Claire, I didn't know that they even made girls who looked like that anymore. She totally reminded me of the mousey girl in 3rd grade circa 1988 who got her big girl 4th grade haircut before school started ("OMG y'all, look at Lila! Go 'head Lila! lls") I think she's iffy as any sort of quasi-heroine/go-to girl. She's no Emma.

Speaking of hair, I agree that Riley (I promise I will try to remember his name now and not refer to him as Gay Greek :lol:) needs to cut that mop. There was a scene where he wasn't wearing a shirt with his hair and chest pubes all wet and frizzed, BARF. I'm surprised they cut Sav's Steven Cojocaru 'do, thought that would be his signature look.

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And the thing is, Riley's hair was short all through S9, and he looked MUCH better. No clue why they let him grow it out again. IMO, Sav has always looked fine with both short and long hair.

:lol: at Lila! Claire is just...I don't know the word for it. It's suicide to go to some boards and say that you think Claire is boring. Because she's the only teenager on the show who acts like she's 35, she's automatically the best character in the history of Degrassi...ever. I've never known a Claire.

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Wow, are you serious?? People not just like but LOVE Claire?? Hmm, well I guess she does represent a certain group of fans who aren't the 90210-type teen girls on the show. But she is so... yeah.

And I see that she's not with Bieber-haired dude anymore. He always reminded me of Marty from Joy Junction:

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I love Holly J and Sav together, though don't understand how Holly J can make Sav believe he got a girl knocked up in one ep and then a few weeks later about to have sex with him in the music/dance room. Doesn't make sense. Riley needs to cut the mop, otherwise I like Zane. Drew totally could have been gay, but I do like him with Allie. Allie is my favorite character as I always side with the town bitch. Claire is a bore and Jenna is boring. I'll take a story with Drew/Allie/KC, thank you. Bianca is a cold hearted bitch, yes, but I don't like her that much, lol.

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I love the Actor who plays Drew. The Actor playing Zane is alright, and I just think they need to get rid of the guy playing Riley and hire someone else!


ITA...I also like Alli because she's a biotch, but she's also smart and has brains. A little on the trashy side sometimes, but she can also be vulnerable and sweet. She's my fave character right now.

When I watch Claire all I do is yawn so I'm surprised also that people like her! She became a little bit better once Eli came into the mix with her, but I still find her to be so bland. There is no edge to her at all for me.

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I don't know if I should post the board name, but one board I post at semi-regularly is severely pro-Claire. I can sorta see why because everyone there sorta lets everyone's negative actions define them as characters, and of course, the worse thing Claire's done is let KC cheat off her math test. Ugh. I love Jenna simply because she got fuglyKC out from under Claire in the bitchiest way possible. It's unfortunate they made her boring in a quest to make her likable.

I'm not an Alli fan simply because she's dumb as rocks and annoying as hell.

Out of the current crop, I don't think I even have a favorite. I like the football guys, but they've been given little to do.

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There's a new promo out, anyone see it?? Can't wait!!

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BTW, watching some re-runs right now from Fall 2009. Peter's drug storyline...wow IMO the actor did horribly with all of it!! I know Degrassi isn't know for it's stellar acting, LOL, but dang... And it seemed like such a rip-off from Craig's drug story from I think Season 6.

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I loved the premiere and loved how all of the things Alli has done was brought up again, I thought all that stuff would be buried forever.

In case you guys didn't know Melinda Shankar (Alli) is leaving to film a show, the name escapes me right now, but she is coming back.

The Jenna story was kind of boring in this episode, hope it will get better.

This was better than anything from The Boiling Point.

As far as the little promo for the other episodes, all I can say is that I am shocked looks like a triangle with Drew/Fiona/Adam is on the horizon. Can't wait for that and Declan's return.

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OMG! Is Melinda Shankar (Alli) off the show for good? sad.gif I hope not! I love her....I was shocked when Alli transferred schools! I hope this isn't the end of her story.

Great premiere...loving Jenna's story. LOL @ the Next Teen Idol stuff! So cheesy! But I like how it was handled. I'm glad they brough back K.C's mom, I thought we'd never see her again so I was pleasantly surprised. I think for sure Jenna will give the baby up for adoption, but who knows.

Claire...omg can someone shoot her?!

Right now I just saw the Fall promo....have to say I am not that excited. Lot's of WTF stuff in there that has me confused and angry. Maybe it will be different. Guess we'll see.

We posted at the same time...thanks for the info, I had no idea. I'm glad she's coming back!

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