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Degrassi: The Next Generation


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Just watched. Wow. I have to say this is all happening so fast. Cam literally snapped! I'll be really interested in seeing how this all plays out....I too would like to see Degrassi go through with it but at the same time I don't want to see the show lose such a promising Actor.

SFK I hope you definitely just jump back in cool.png

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I've been itching to get back into Degrassi for months now, and I'm tardily realizing that The-N still posts the new episodes on their site. I skimmed through a few this morning, and I do have to say that the show looks and feels a lot like the glory years again. I can NOT deal, however, with Alli being smart/bookish. The Tristan heart attack story was sad and awkward but so true to life. Fab wasn't even that cute.

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I've been watching. I'm really worried for Cam, I do think he is suicidal. At the same time, I also saw Zig and Dallas's POV. "She'll see what I see ... a psycho," was deserved after what Cam had done. I really don't want the show to go through with it, it's too depressing, but this is good writing all the same to tackle the subject, and I will still think it is good writing no matter the outcome.

My favorite character is Eli, and I think Munro Chambers is easily the best actor Degrassi has had. I like that Eli seems to be on the right track again in his life, but I'm disappointed in his flipping out over Clare's diary.

Most boring useless character right now is Jake Martin (lol at name too). He might have looked good on paper, but the actor has no charisma or presence, and the character does not seem to have much of a life of his own. He is there mainly as an appendage for Katie or Clare. Even when he is given story though, like the whole thing about whether he wanted to go to college, the actor does not do it justice or generate interest.

All My Shadows, I agree with you about Tristan's dieting/heart attack story being realistic. Glad you are getting back into the show! Alli was established as being part of the gifted program along with Clare, KC, and Connor way back when she was first introduced, so it's not jarring to me. Agree with SFK that Prospect Park trying to emulate the Degrassi feel would be a great idea.

Degrassi has been on a creative high ever since the first summer telenovela season a couple years ago, and I'm glad it has continued. The new characters they have been introducing these past few years are much more three-d than when they were trying to show college stuff. I still liked the show then too, though.

Edited by jfung79
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I can't stand Katie's character. Did you see the Las Vegas episode? Man, I was not feeling her story and I wanted her to sleep with that man so she could FINALLY do something interesting, but Degrassi backed out and had her realize she couldn't do it. Thankfully, her class is supposed to graduating at the end of the season and she goes away forever.

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Also, I wish they would have written for Tristan's older brother Owen. ( I think he is hot, so he's nice to look at lol) He has been severly underdeveloped has he ever even had a subplot? He is supposed to be graduating also, so maybe he'll stick around via Tristan or he gets held back :lol:

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LOL. That story really was awkward but yeah very relatable. DYING at you saying Fab wasn't that cute laugh.png

I have to agree with Jfung about Alli (she started out as a gifted student), but I actually wouldn't have minded if they continued her character down the troublemaking/rebellious route and maybe even explored her relationship with Drew (which I LOVED) again. They never got a real chance!

I could not disagree more about Eli. Can barely stand his character and I find Munro Chambers very overrated as an actor. Apparently Eli/Claire are incredibly popular among fans but I've just never gotten into them.

LMAO at your comment about Jake. It's so true. They tried to make him more interesting by having him become a pothead but I'm still like mellow.png No.

LMFAO. I couldn't agree more. I can't stand Katie either. Perhaps the worst new character on the show, right next to her home wrecking best friend Marisol who I will NEVER, EVER, [@#$%]ing EVER like or accept on this show after how she was originally written. Girl should've been written out SEVERAL semesters ago.

I agree overall the show has been on an upswing creatively but I have to say the recent Las Vegas episode was awful. Drew/Bianca's relationship is just...embarrasing. Bianca is another character I just can't get behind.

Edited by AllMyDaysatGH
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I did see the Vegas episode. I agree, it was underwhelming. The whole creepy Mark Zuckerberg-type guy thing with Katie was too weird. I'm glad Katie left before they had sex, but I know what you mean about Katie not having done very much.

I wish Bianca and Drew had gotten married instead of waiting another few months. I'm ambivalent about both their characters but I do like how we've seen Bianca change over the seasons. I also agree with AllMyDaysatGh though it might have been interesting to see Alli and Drew explored again.

I agree they could have done more with Owen, especially around his relationship with his brother, but I don't really care tor the character or how he looks. Too beefy and macho for me.

The reason I like Eli is he is kind of a archetypal "trickster" eccentric character, and with layers underneath that too. I guess I should take that back about Munro Chambers's acting; there are a lot of good actors on the show. I should just stick to saying that Eli is the most interesting, charismatic character to me. I am kind of an Eclare fan, although I've been exasperated with Clare's exaggerated drama at times lately. I did think the sexual harassment story she had with Asher was a good one to do though. and I could understand where Clare was coming from even though she should have gone to someone earlier.

Edited by jfung79
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Never could stand Owen. His character has mainly been portrayed as a homophobic, gay bashing jock. He made fun of Zane for being gay and Adam for being transgender too at one point I think. Then they started to go somewhere with him & Anya but it never stuck. He seemed to be embarrassed over his brother Tristan being gay but it was nice when they had him show concern over Tristan's dieting/excercise habits.

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The "special" episodes always come off underwhelming & just really bad for me! Like the Halloween one where they randomly went camping and the episode was supposed to come off "scary" and like a horror movie...I LOL'd.

Bianca & Drew LOOK great together but the writing is just all over the place for them and their relationship has always left a bad taste in my mouth after how Bianca sabotaged Drew/Alli's relationship!

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Drew's whole MMA fighting story was so over the top for me, I really don't like Bianca and she can leave next year as well. I am assuming Drew will be held back a year since he dropped out? And forgot to mention I am a Becky/Adam fan also.

Yeah, I wish we could get more insight to his character but they just kept him as the one-dimensional jock. Oh well sad.png

And I am obsessed with keeping up with what grades the kids are in.... so is this right?

Seniors: Eli, Bianca, Jake, Katie, Marisol, Mo, Fiona, Imogen, Drew (?)

Juniors: Clare, Alli, Dave, Jenna, Becky, Luke, Adam

Sophomores: Cam

Freshmen: Maya, Tori, Tristan, Zig...

am I forgetting anyone?

Edited by Eric83
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I like Becky/Adam too, Eric83, but I think they should show more of Becky's brother Luke's reaction. He has been MIA for awhile. The last we knew last season, Becky ran away from home to go with Adam to Fiona's party, and then we saw her smiling during the Vegas episode. What's going on with how her famiily is taking it?

I agree the special epsiodes usually aren't that great, AllMyDaysatGH. I think the first time they did it when they went to a college over spring break was the most well written and unforced. The time they went to L.A. wasn't bad either.

Eric83, the only one I think you forgot is Connor, and I guess he is a junior.

Edited by jfung79
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