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AMC: Tuesday May 18, 2010

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The Krystal/Tad/Liza triangle. WTH do they keep trying to make this happen? I love Tad/Krystal but either do it or drop it. I loved where they were going with Liza and that they showed that she still has feelings for the loser. She needs to wiipe her hands clean of him

Im sick of Colby's whining and she and Damon both get on my nerves.

Hate what Greenlee and David are doing to Erica. Greenlee even acknowledged that Erica went to prison for a financial crime, yet she proceeds to frame her for embezzling from a charity, . She knows full well se could end Erica to jail for this, yet she doesnt care at all. Also think she should leave the Miranda line alone and if she needs to sabotage Erica, then do it some other way. What a b-tch.

Loved Annie and Scott today. I think Id prefer for them to get together, especially with the direction they seem to be going with JR. He can be boring with Marissa if thats his choice. Too bad bc being with Annie was the most intersting he's been in a long while

Erica and Jack sex...gross. At least we didnt get to see it.


Annie is such a fun bitch! I loved her little showdown with Marissa in the end. Look at Marissa looking like she wants to kill her

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Well, at least they acknowledged it. I was afraid that they wouldn't.

It might seem ludicrous to say this, but I think it's time to get Erica out of the cosmetics industry and have her become a "hotel mogul," like the late Leona Helmsley (only nicer).

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I loved Jerica and wanted to see more :wub: Their chemistry is off the charts.

Greenlee and David need to get busted big time. I can't wait until Jack finds out what they did, especially low-life David who needs his ass kicked.

God, who wants Marissa on this show? PLEASE GET RID OF HER. What a boring waste of airtime we could have for others :blink:

They should hook up KWAK with that ugly, wrinkled Caleb that's coming. He is more her type..Old and probably with money. :D


I agree. She is an intelligent, savy businesswoman, and now slimebag David and his idiot wife are trying to make her look like an embezzler. Didn't we do this stupid story already? <_<

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UGh to Marissa wanting to "Fight for her marriage". Double UGh to her moving back to the mansion, and getting a room next to Little A. And can someone tell me what the heck kind of drink that was, that JR was trying to give her for her hangover???!

Scott and Annie are a little bit adorable together, I actually enjoyed their scenes ;-) and I love how she calls him "Scotty" LOL. Still rooting for Jannie, though!

I just love her! She is my fav character. Perfect way to describe her, fun bitch. She is a total bitch, but she still maintains her likability and she is never dull to watch! Love Annie! I hope she runs that bore Marissa into the ground, she so doesn't stand a chance against Annie. The ending to today's episode was great btw.

I love Tad and Krystal to, but I have pretty much just given up. I think it's clear that AMC is heading for Tad\Liza. Krystal should just move on now. I wish there were someone else on the show for her. I'm really liking her with Jackson, but that pairing doesn't really seem to be liked by many fans from what i've seen so far, LOL.

I hate Tad/Liza together.

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I loved the Jack & Erica scenes. Finally, we got to see them in bed together!

I also love Greenlee & David working together to take down Erica. Greenlee had a great line about how she doesn't mind him scheming as long as she's in on it, which to me encapsulates their relationship.

I never liked Tad & Krystal so I'm hoping he gets back with Liza if Hillary isn't coming back.

Damon & Colby were sweet and adorable.

Marissa brings JR down and makes him as dull as she usually is. I was hoping for a major change in her character when she found out about him and Annie. Otherwise, they should just write her off.

I so hope Scott doesn't get involved with Annie. I see no chemistry there at all.

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I like Scott and Annie but I like them as friends. A woman who is wild and impetuous with a man who is logical and always keeping her from doing something too crazy. Yeah, there is an underlying attraction they have, but they both begrudgingly admit that it would never work out. I think that's what Annie needs. A man who is going to be in her corner and, even though he may get exasperated and annoyed and even fed up with her antics at times, he'll still somehow save her from herself. Not that Annie isn't capable of taking care of herself. We've seen how resourceful she is when she goes into survival mode. But I just think she'd like that safety net -- which is what she was searching for and didn't find in Ryan, Adam and even JR.

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If anything Erica needs to get her bony old ass out of Fusion. What's her excuse? Greenlee's alive AND Kendall knows Greenlee's alive and I'm sure Kendall has no problem with Greenlee running her own company... so Erica, clearly, isn't doing this for "her daughter, Kendall."

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I guess I'm in the minority that I thought it was a really solid episode--I really liked a lot of the discussion (even if it wasn't written exactly by my fave script writer), and even oddly liked the Marissa stuff though I have a feeling that won't last. Don't get the hate for Colby/Damon--they're the best teen pairing on AMC in ages (again, not saying much, but...)

Really? Damon should be the only one you might not recognize...... *confused*

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ITA. I love them. I find this pairing to be refreshing.

Yes, exactly! I think they are better as friends, to. I mean come on...it can't work out in the long run, lol Annie would get so bored with him. It is best that they stay friends, good friends. Scott is the one she can go to whenever she needs to, because he's always there for her. As a married couple, 'together forever', it would just not work out..

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