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ATWT: Jean Passanante's comments about Reid and his relationship with Luke

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I was as rabid as any other Nuke fanboi -- I sent kisses -- but it could not be more obvious to me that Reid is who Luke should end up with. They're interesting and dynamic together, whereas Noah has dragged Luke down with his closet-y, self-hating actions for years.

I think any Nuke fan can see that Noah was damaged goods way before he lost his sight. I had a boyfriend like Noah once. Three if you count two others I left behind when I realized how badly they were going to drag me down with their need to be "not gay." They're "SASAs" (straight-acting/straight-appearing), and I can't get straight-away from them fast enough. Luke deserves someone better, and that's Reid.

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It'd be nice, too, if ATWT, which used to excel at turgid, psychological drama, were to point up the fact that Noah is "damaged goods" (tm Jay) and how mutually self-destructive his and Luke's relationship has been. Instead, though, the message they're sending is that this somehow means they "complete each other," or some silly, rom-com b.s.

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Exactly. I can't even begin to think of a better way to say it because you're spot on.

If I allow myself to forget the ridiculous "build up" to Nuke, I'd still have a problem with how every story of theirs involves one treating the other like [!@#$%^&*]. I'm just glad they had the balls to break those two up this time, but is it really a break up? If they had the time, will, and talent to get deep in Luke and Noah and address every single thing that is wrong with that couple, then I'd be jumping up and down like a crazed baboon.

But they have not the time, nor the will, nor the talent, and it's sad.

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Say what you will about Doug Marland, but there's no doubt in my mind that he'd make Nuke one of the most complex and intriguing relationships on television.

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Even Marland could only do so much with horrific Jake Silbermann stinking up the joint. If Goutman gave a damn, he would have recast the role of Noah almost immediately after seeing JS on screen imitating a piece of wood.

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And the thing is, we're really not too "into" their story for them to address everything since the beginning. Yeah, the show's gonna be out in a few months (:(), but if it still had a long future ahead of itself, there'd still be a chance.

Can you imagine those scenes? If played by a good Hansis and a better actor? I just want one of them or both of them to just address the fact that Luke had no use for Noah at all until he helped him pick up a box of videotapes.

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Not watching ATWT right now so my interpretation may be off, but I saw JP's comments as the set up for dragging out a real relationship between Reid and Luke. GL writers did the same with Otalia as Nat had to 'find herself'. Reid and Luke will commit to one another just as ATWT's fades to black.

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