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The Mary Tyler Moore Show


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I haven't really watched Newhart in yeeeeeeeeears. Like, it was on WGN for a while, and I'd tune in every now and then, but it was really my thang circa 2003 on TNN every morning. I love it, but TBNS is just so ridiculously 70s and legitimately hilarious to me. Like...I'm obsessed with Bob's office and want to replicate it as much as possible in my own home.

I'll never understand why they never went full-on Hooterville and did a big huge crossover between MTM, Bob, Rhoda, and Phyllis.

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I recreated - the best i could - Marys living room in my own. Its not exact by any means, that just wouldnt be remotely possible, but its similar and def has that MTM vibe, people have commented on it without me telling them thats what I was going for.

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basically when they originally taped the pilot people didn't like Rhoda with her threatening to take the apartment away from Mary.

they found Lou too humorless and bullying and Phyllis too abrasive

Someone told the writers then that if the kid(Phyllis' daughter) liked Rhoda, people would like her, they did that by adding the line about "Aunt Rhoda's really alot of fun"

They retaped the pilot reworked alot of stuff, had EA back off on Lou being too angry and it worked, they got the laughs with the new studio audience they were looking for

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I loved the EW excerpt of the upcoming book! Even though I've never seen the series, I definitely want to now and then buy the book! Some very great info on the first two rehearsals/tapings of the show.

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MTM cast on Katie preview


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Yup. I watched that exact lineup too but MTM was always my favorite, and one of my fave sitcoms of all-time. LOVED everyone in it and agree with you Carl- it's tough to think of an episode I didn't enjoy. My mom always liked Rhoda, but I LOVED Phyllis!

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