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Important but forgotten soap relatives

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Were there any occasions when you were watching or learning about a soap and suddenly you hear about this very important member of a soap family who is somehow all but forgotten?

I watched GL for many years without ever knowing of a Trish Lewis. They may have mentioned her in passing and I just didn't pick up on it, but it wasn't until I started reading the GL history books and some websites in 96-97 that I learned of her, and that she was the first Lewis ever on the show. Then they brought Rebecca Hollen back briefly for HB's funeral, and I was even more disappointed about her being MIA for so long, because I thought Trish had a very strong dignity and presence about her. She fit in even better when they brought her back one last time in 2002 for Josh and Reva's last wedding. I guess she would have been in the same character slot as Vanessa fit in during her years in the Lewis family. Looking at the clips from the early 80s I guess I can see why they wrote her out, as, even with the somewhat hilarious move where she suddenly has big hair and huge fur coats, she is much more subdued than the hooting and hollering women brought in when the Lewises arrived en masse in 1983, but in the long run I still think it was a loss to shut her out of the family for so many years.

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When I found out that Victor had a brother in Matt Miller on Y&R, I was completely surprised and wondered why he wasn't on.

It's always been odd to me about Betsy Stewart being a big thing in the 80s on ATWT yet was MIA and completely forgotten in the 90s and 00s, even though half-sister Emily has had a huge role on the show during these years. Of course the big ATWT one was the character of John Hughes, who was played by the same guy who played Mike Karr on Edge of Night in the 1960s.

GL had all those missing Bauers and Reardons too. Roger Thorpe and Amanada Spaulding weren't mentioned for over five years. On Days, Max Brady had been gone without mention for 13 years.

Jill never mentions anyone from the Foster family on Y&R either.

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Yeah, they only brought Betsy back very briefly in 1994 to introduce Dani. It's a shame the character never returned, especially since the Stewarts could have helped refurbish the show when it ran into so many rough patches. Allison did not cut it.

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One comes to mind years ago on Ryan's Hope. Johnny and Maeve welcome their granddaughter Katie Thompson to NYC. Turns out she was the daughter of their never mentioned (at least to me) daughter and son-in-law Kathleen and Art Thompson. Didn't even know there was a third daughter besides Mary and Siobahn until that point.

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Kathleen was an infrequently seen recurring character in the first five years of the show. She appeared when Mary and Jack got married, when Frank was elected to the Senate, and when she comforted Maeve after Mary's death. Art appeared with her for the wedding -- Johnny loved him, as he was boring and a normal guy, unlike Jack. She was a good actress and she looked a lot like Kate Mulgrew and Sarah Felder. I'm not sure why they didn't bring her back when they brought Katie in.

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Angie mentioned to Tad the other day that she had a brother named Teddy Baxter, and Tad replied that he remembers meeting him with Jenny. I was like whoa, hold it a minute. That's the first I've ever heard of this. Without giving any spoilers away, is any of this supposed to play into Jesse and Angie's big storyline that S&K talked about?

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I wish they had brought Trudy back. There were rumors 12 or 13 years ago that Helen Gallagher was joining as Trudy.

I looked on Soapcentral and they didn't list any brother named Teddy. I wonder if that's a retcon.

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Umm....Meredith Lord is dead-hoping you're not suggesting a back from the dead.


Scott Eldridge-Lisa's son

Frannie Hughes,Andy Dixon and Kristina Hughes(Don's daughter)


Jeanie and Andrew Donovan to boost the teen set with characters who are part of core families.

Jonah Carver.

I always thought it would be cool if Noelle Curtis turned up in Salem as a late teen back in the 90's.


Matt Miller-that character never lived up to story potential.

Jennifer Foster-back in early 90's to stay with Aunt Jill.

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