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Another good episode. 


And what really stood out was the real stories. The best housewives are authentic as well as over the top due to personality, not to spin storylines. And there was a lot of that on screen. The most stunging was Bob's storyline with her daughter and her babydaddy's family. I mean....wow as it did what Heather's storyline no longer does...shows Mormon life. And the blurred out faces hit. The pain in Bob's voice and her face resonated. So much so that Lisa actually had to step out of her 'me, me, me' mode (though I spied that wiping of the tears to not mess up her makeup) to be real. I get emotional just typing it. I really want to see more of the story going forward toward the finale. 


And then there was the more brief scene with Mary and her son. And I'm invested in that as well. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. Mary continues to show WHY she's a great housewife. Also...Her dragging Heather....YASSSS MARY!!! DO IT AGAIN!!! GET A LICK FOR ME!!!! CLOCK HER!!! 


Meanwhile...I'm over that FriendofHeather. That man (okay, he's foine) is just as thirsty as she is. And I broke down and went online to see what the deal is (like Lisa said). Okay, I see it. As for Little Girl finding out that Lisa, not Meredith is behind the rumors by a BLOGGER!!! I...AM...LIVID on THAT. Is that not the whooooooooooooooole reason Monica was excommunicated off the show??? Hypocritical of Lisa, Heather, and the majority of that show. So...a reason for her to come back since she got yet ANOTHER mention this week.

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LISA. How dare she get offended that Stoolpigeon...I mean Heather told her what Angie K said about her kids when she just brought up Angie's K's kid last week. She don't get to be offended. Moreso since SHE started it. And then SHE is the one behind Little Girl's current business trouble. If she is going to be the villain...she needs to be all here I am. (C) BH. She only had a few brief moment of humanity with Bob. And then she caught herself. No need to play to the camera. RME. 


HEATHER. I may not have liked Heather too much post S2, but if you had told me that I would dislike MORE than Little Girl, I would have said you were tripping. Oh, how the tables have turned. I can't stand her now. Watching her stirring the pot. And anyone talking around her about Lisa is exactly like anyone telling Ashley on RHOP their business. I was just shaking my head because I KNEW it would get back to Lisa by HER. And I was right. And then she wanted to be so quip about it in Confessional. 'well i would have never told Lisa...' GIRL, BYE!!! I loved every minute of Mary reading her a$$ down. From the black eye to the body positivity to Heather's other actions, Mary let her know she sees her. Fake a$$. 


LITTLE GIRL. And look at her. Just hanging with her family. But that tea from UpWithAdam...who now that I think about it has a podcast with MONICA hmmm...letting Little Girl know about Lisa being behind the rumors was quite the bit of tea. Especially given Season 4.


ANGIE K. I SEE YOU!!! DOING YOUR BEST KENYA MOORE. lol. I am still hollering about her and the 'Who has Lisa Got into It With' List. Meanwhile, her and Mary continue to be a ki-ki. I can't believe she took Mary to a dancing class. And I can't believe they ran into one of Heather's daughters. Another real moment. lol.


MEREDITH. Was she even in the episode actually?


MARY. Dancing classes, stringlining, scenes with her son. You cannot tell me Mary did not hear the complaints about her and listened. She's having a great season so far. And she is STILL being herself. And like I mentioned...she read Heather down for her two-faced lying self. And to think next week Heather is going to try to step to her. Again...GIRL, BYE. Mary will eat her up.


BOB. Some housewives talk about being transparent. And some housewives SHOW it. And Bob did that this week. But this year has seen a lot of new housewives show up and show ALL of their lives. And they are not boring housewives, either. They have interesting backstories. Jenn on OC from where I'm viewing. Keiarna and Baby Kenya on RHOP so far. And Bob now with her daughter. I tend to do other things sometimes when watching, but her scenes slowly but surely drew me in. And at one point, I just stopped and watched. I had looked and saw that pain and went wait. So I watched. Just...well-done. 


Next week we have an event at Angie K's with her FOINE husband. Heather vs Mary. And Lisa vs Little Girl with the husbands involved.


You betta work, SLC! 



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I want somebody to beat Tamra's azz and I say that as someone that actually likes the hoe


Im with you on Karen. I hate to say it but Im no longer a fan. I still technically like her but i have to put her on timeout. I am disgusted with the way she is handling this story and the lack of accountability is disappointing. She needs to be humbled and bc of that I want her to be dragged by her cast and the fans. She needs to be more apologetic and take ownership of her actions. I do not like the woman i see onscreen

The fact that she has me siding and feeling more empathetic towards Gizelle is quite the accomplishment but that speaks volumes to where Karen stands with me this season

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I completely understand. I still have to go back and read all that drama she had in court the other day though I'm afraid to because I think we might just fall out. smh. 


I will see how I feel after Sunday's episode but right now just so deeply disappointed in how she is moving. Cuz you know it's wild when you are Team Gizelle and you know you don't like Gizelle. 

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Catching up on OC, and this season is one of the best I've seen across all franchises in some time. The cast is tight, it has history with each other, and little individual quirks that keep individual interactions percolating. Whether it's Shannon with Tamra and Heather, Heather's inability to form meaningful friendships with the ladies, Emily becoming mean  whenever she hangs with Tamra, the greatness of Jenn, and Katie is shaping up to be a really good addition with compelling backstory. I hope we get to see her meeting her Korean birth mom.

It's not just because they are in London that this trip feels kind of luxurious and special-- eagle-eyed longtime viewers may recognise the hotel from RHONY's cast trip in S6, hosted by Heather, or from old-school Made in Chelsea. The SLs are building to a crescendo, and Jenn confronting Tamra was Chef's Kiss. Finally Tamra called out on her underhand methods. Tamra is a necessary evil on the show IMO, bit that doesn't mean she should not be called to account. And she has been.

#fullmoon Haa given me the most difficult work month of my career. I totally understand not being to read people or comments. I'm sorry I wasn't clearer. I just wanted to defend Karen a bit, but this season may change all our perceptions, who knows.

My YouTube is giving me clips of 90210 during the freshman college season, and Shannen was incandescent in it. Harshly treated by the writers and audience at the time, in hindsight she was the lynchpin of the show and 90210 was never the same after she departed.

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Tell me about it. My last 3 days have been ROUGH. And I'm not trying to do anything today but decompress and release all the negative energy. Thankfully RHOP is tonight.

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 And no worries Re: Ms. Karen. As a defender of hers on her often, I understand. I just hope that she can right the ship before reunion time or she might wind up losing the general audience's goodwill.


Shannen really was. I didn't understand it due to us the audience not knowing the BTS drama then, but it was so pointed that everyone was hating Brenda. All I saw was this girl who had a group of friends. And for the most part...she kept finding herself standing alone. And she was FIERCE about it in a way Brenda was not during the high school years. From years of wanting to be in the in crowd and a follower to standing out for herself, becoming a force of nature in a way. Just something in how Shannen portraited that year (and the longing for Dylan, but she was determined to not break) always resonated with me...probably because I was going through similar but in high school myself. 


Yeah, love her or hate her, but EVERYONE has Brenda's name on their lips. Part of the struggle to accept Valerie the following season was the Brenda comparisons. 


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Ya'll Potomac is back. Tonight's episode was so good and next week seems even better. The drama is reminding me of th early seasons. I cant beleive I saying this but Gizelle is actually likeable. Im shocked that Im not hating her. Highlight o the episode was Ashley getting whacked by both Karen and Stacey, both of whom ate her ass up


Next week, Karen is gonna get dragged for her lack of accountability and Im here for it

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Oh so back!!! You betta bounce back, RHOP!!!


After some hard if still entertaining seasons to get through, I do feel RHOP is definitely back to the early and fun vibe of the first 5 and half seasons. Wise chess moves (and some OGs getting a BTS talk-to) and the injection of new blood is really making this season bloom for me. Cuz those newbies are on ready...HWs AND FOHs. It is giving me RHOM!!! Especially this episode that had a lot of people...old and new...and also a LOT going on as we head into the first cast trip. 


The only thing that I can think of that might wreck it will be how this La Dame vs Messy Mia feud goes. While there IS a minor battle going on with La Dame and Gizelle for who gets to mentor the newbies (with La Dame winning so far), that is a battle that has been, for the most part, light-hearted with no chances of it getting toxic. But the battle with Messy Mia...


It's clear that Production is behind Mia. She's messy. She's giving. She will put it all out there. However, La Dame in all her over-the-top glory...IS the show, too. And when activated...KUUUUUREN...DON'T...PLAY. Just look at her giving an old school dragging of Ashley in this episode that would not be out of place in Season 3/4. La Dame still got it. And Production loves that. However, both ladies have no problem getting waaaay down. And they both have mess going on. With La Dame, it's the DUI case that has the potential for the season to go dark if she doesn't take accountability. For Mia, it's her Tale of Two Dads which is a very touchy subject that also has potential to take the season dark. Given that BOTH ladies have no problem going there, but want to keep the show light...it will be interesting to see if they can keep that balance as they feud with each other.


Cuz that last scene with them alone in the car. I couldn't help, but think of RuPaul and the final lip sync. RHOP only has room for one Queen on a Throne. And that's been La Dame for 8 seasons while Mia's debatably popularity has grown in the last couple of years. Mia was clearly testing La Dame's defenses in that car. And La Dame clearly knew she was going to do so since they were the only ones in that car. 


So...may the best diva win. And please don't f@#$ up the rebirth of this show doing so. 


GIZELLE. While this is all going on...Gizelle is going to Gizelle. lol. She was no dummy this episode and I was just like Wendy watching her apologize to all the ladies. Smart move. She already saw that the newbies were already joining La Dame's circle over her circle, so she needs to play nice. At least until La Dame trips herself up. A smart move in a season where Gizelle has been coming off great so far. And this episode was another highlight. We got to see her kids...who we got to watch grow up right before our eyes...AND KAL!!! who has always humanized Gizelle even more than Robyn. I could have done without Pastor Holy Whore. And the audience was ON Gizelle's side over the fundraiser. So she needed the ladies to be on her side. So she handled that VERY well.


ASHLEY. Every which way, but loose, hunni!!!!!!!!!!!!! To think that the newbies and La Dame are giving Ashley the Robyn Dixon Special. And by that, I meant that they were not stopping with coming for her, dragging her, calling her out for her mess. For too long, Ashley would come in and start mess, but get away with it. NOT THIS TIME!!! Her mess at the fundraiser by not letting the ladies know that they were disinvited. Her chasing after the ladies for a donation. Her spilling Stacey's tea. As if we didn't see that coming. She even held her own with La Dame BUT STILL...GOT DRAGGED. The idea of that 3 vs 1 dragging (that Stacey set up...hehe...getting her lickback I see) is going to live in my head rent free for a few more days. Lol. She might not have story, but Stacey (and especially FOH Jassi) seem determined to keep their heels on her neck. 


WENDY. Talk about a blast from the past!!! While I'm still not sure if that YT channel is to be believed anymore, I do remember the stories from Season 5 about the tension between Eddie's parents and Wendy. So it was nice to see it brought back up again. And it would appear her mother is up to no-good. Hopefully, we get some clarity on that this time around. Outside of that, Wendy's expression at Gizelle's apologies and Stacey dragging Ashley were perfection.


STACEY. You continued to give Baby Kenya to me. Cuz her overdramatics at the fundraiser at getting kicked out was a hoot. And then her getting her lickback on Ashley with the triple tag-team between her, Jassi, and La Dame was great. She has a subtlety to her shade ('Beautiful from top to ankle' took me out) which is great to watch. Meanwhile, she also continued the recent trend of housewives with interesting backstory/individual drama going on because her and her man at the gym raised questions online. I don't want to start another 'is that man gay?' narrative, either, from TJ's (who I do find attractive, too, and a niiice bubble) actions at the gym. What I found interesting was her wording as she described their relationship. Most people would have said other women. Stacey did not. She said 'other partners.' And I raised an eyebrow. But the whole situation was interesting, so I am giving the benefit of the doubt. 


KEIARNA. And not to be outdone...Keiarna also continued the trend of housewives with interesting backstory/individual drama again this week. Did you see her mother? They could be SISTERS!!! WOW. Her relationship with Greg appears interesting, and it does not appear to be any 'man vs girl's mother' drama. I also respect that he runs his own business (mental health for teens at that) while Keiarna runs her own. Keiarna continued to be a great vibe.


MESSY MIA. MMmm...I can't believe that I might say this aloud....but as a Ride-Or-Die for Messy Mia since Season 6...uh...this isn't a good look to me. And she's done some bad stuff that I still barely might go to bat for. I just don't like anything having to do with messing with kids. Perhaps it's triggering some things for me from my time of living with my sister and my nieces/nephews, but I don't like seeing her all over Inc with the kids around. Though I am happy she's happy. But in the same vein, she seems a little too quip to G...who even though it is HIS fault/choice to be with her...he is just coming across more sympathetic than she is. It's clear he cared about those kids. It feels like Mia is treating it all too much like a joke...rather than a relevant/resonating story. Which is making her appear as classless as tasteless as she claimed not to be as as she has a tendency to be. And that little comment from Jacqueline about Inc...oh, dear. But I've always said Mia's friendship with Jacqueline was ripe with potential for messy drama so not surprised. Meanwhile, Mia continued to come slowly, but surely for La Dame's throne. I can only assume she learned her lesson last season to not do a frontal assault because La Dame's stays on ready so this season (and from next week's preview), she is going to try to be more subtle about it. Sad because I love both, but intrigued at where it will go since they both have Production's backing. 


LA DAME. You know it says something when I saved her for last. She's usually FIRST when I talk about RHOP. She came off well this episode in spite of my worries. But again, her and Gizelle have not sat down yet to talk about the fundraiser...something Gizelle IS planning on bringing up on this cast trip. And with Messy Mia also coming for her...will someone(s) finally FIND Karen Huger? Time will tell. Until then, it was interesting to see that all the new girls are currently bowing to her throne. And she STILL got it as shown by her and Ashley tussling like the good ole days. And like I said above, La Dame was quick...and it showed on her face...to notice that her and Mia were alone in that car. Is she craftier than the gatekeeper though? Hmmm




JACQUELINE. Let me go ahead and get this off my chest. You all know I wanted Jacqueline back...but if she's just going to be Mia's lapdog...NO. That said she brought a little bit more to the mix this episode. From her teasing some of the old messiness in her friendship with Mia to the reveal that she has a man. AND SHE HAS KIDS? Now that I think about it they might have been mentioned, but it's been a minute. And seems like La Dame's about to get her together, too. So I hope to see more of the potential I saw in her to be around more than Mia's lapdog...a label that comes into play next week, too.


JASSI. YES, YES, YES!!!! COME THRU WITH THAT CANDIACE ENERGY!!! LOL!!! She gave so many great one liners. I can't decide on 'Good night, Ashley. Bye, Ashley. Go to Bed. You Got Bags.' to 'Gangstas and Alcohol' to her 'But he was never in a serious relationship.' She's a great FOH so far and she really is not here for Ashley's antics and I'm loving it. Note the tea for her...it seems like she was going to have the flute, not Keiarna...but she got physical TWICE during filming of this season. So the question is...with who AND are we seeing it? 


VIVIEN. We know I will always be here for seeing Viv. So this episode was no different. She gives that classy high DMV society I feel that Cha Cha be trying and failing to convey on screen.



But yes...RHOP feels like it's back. And I'm here for it as long as it stays in this vibe. Because the previews from next week looks good. And the clips already released are giving even more than the previews. 




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There was a fanzine called I Hate Brenda! which captured and encouraged the mood at the time. The organization did emphasize that it was not anti-Shannen Doherty, but rather anti-the character, and apparently they did meet Shannen at the time and ended up kind of loving her! Nevertheless, this was a time when people (including writers and producers) couldn't tell the difference between Hate and Love to Hate. Brenda was definitely in the latter group. I remember watching 90210 with groups of friends, and Brenda would be jeered, but the energy would increase the moment she entered a scene. Once she left the show, I literally had no desire to watch, and numbers across the board dwindles for those later seasons (even another OG Brenda, Vanessa Marcil, couldn't turn it around, though she tried hard and was the most watchable part of the latter years). No shade to Dylan & Kelly fans, but that couple just didn't have the longevity. The season after Shannen left, TPTB had Dylan marrying somebody else and doing his Godfather moment when his father-in-law accidentally killed Dylan's wife and his own daughter -- shades of Click Boom!

Moreover, the season you talk about, that freshman-college season, was when I felt most supportive of Brenda. Everything that happened to her, the pain, the loneliness as her friends abandoned her and told her to 'just get over it!', the growth, the pulling away from old friendships, I could relate to it all. The fact that Brenda had the strength to leave and go it alone to discover her own path was a wonderfully fitting epitaph for the character. She will always be The One That Got Away, not just for Dylan but for the show itself.

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I know this is off-topic, but I gotta throw in my +1 to being a Brenda fan on 90210. I watched that show from the beginning (way too young to be watching, mind you) and I was Team Brenda all the way and I hated how Dylan chose Kelly during senior year. 

I'm one of those who preferred the early days when it was still Walsh family focused, so once they hit their college years and it became an ensemble, I started losing interest, especially after the curiosity of SBTB's Tiffani Amber Thiessen started waning. 

Luckily, when my love of 90210 started to fade, that's when Melrose Place kicked into high gear and became my new obsession (again, way too young to be watching such adult themed shows, but whatevs, lol) 

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So much YES to all those. Early years 90210 was so exciting to watch! That whole summer season at the country club was GOLD. When the Walshes were busted out of their Beverly Hills home during the college years, 90210 lost a lynchpin and its moorings.

And yes, while my parents were strict and would probably ban me from a cellphone were I a teenager today, when it came to Melrose and other shows, my parents kind of shrugged and my mom said "Billy is such a nice looking young fellow. He should really cut his hair, though!"

Good episode. I've said it before, but Gizelle's dorters and Kal really humanise her and do a lot to burnish her image.

La Dame is playing her cards close to her chest, and does not trust either Gizelle or Jacqueline or Mia. I'm looking forward to next week but I'm not sure if everyone going after her is going to necessarily win ne over to their side. Jacqueline, as you said, is basically Mia's proxy and mouthpiece now. Anything to stay on the show.

Mia is giving us content galore, but I don't like how she's using Jeremiah as a pawn to keep Inc engaged and Gordon on a string.

Stacey is giving me Kenya vibes, but in a good way. I think her relationship with JT (unlike Kenya's hired hand that first season) is real. Keiarna's man, meanwhile, does not seem like he's into her.

Wendy feels displaced from the group, though the idea of Eddie's family coming back to the fold is interesting. Meanwhile, Ashley getting dragged by Karen and the newbies is overdue and welcome.

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Great RHONY episode in the Hamptons. Raquel talking about her father showed why she was given a HW spot. And Brynn remains the MVP of the group. As messy as she is, as much as I understand what Ubah was trying to say about English not being her first language and Brynn running circles around her verbally and cutting her right to speak, I love Messy Aquarian Brynn. And I love the friendships being formed by this group. Even Sai was fun this episode. 

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