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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Is it just me or is DC rather boring?

I like Lynda and the British one (is her name Cat?)...but the rest are just so dull. Michaele reminds me of Morgan Fairchild if she'd never been born with a sense of humor and on speed.

Looking forward to Atlanta, should be terrific.

And lest we forget, Beverly Hills is on its way. That one is going to be stupendous.

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It's not just you, it's boring sadly. Poorly cast. They didn't go for the most interesting folks in the city. They should have also tapped into D.C.'s large partying Eurotrash population who aren't in fact Euro at all but young new money Middle Easterners. They needed two or three black ladies instead of just one. Maybe a spinoff, The Real Housewives of Prince George's County, home of the largest concentration of affluent blacks in America.

Edited by SFK
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No I mentioned it a few days ago. It is very boring. I like Stacie and Mary, but if they get another season, they'd be the first to go. They are boring, too nice and avoid confrontation. I cant stand Cat, but she speaks her mind and at least causes some drama. Michaele and her husband are the Heidi and Spencer of DC. She is just too over the top and fake

I HATE all the political talk. Yes its DC, but I feel like Im watching a tamed down episode of the View. I dont need to hear about Obama and Palin every episode and the women offering their opinions on the government

I also think the women picked were wrong for this type of show. They are too classy. On Atlanta, they got some ghetto fabulous girls, NJ has trash, etc... but the DC women try to act too sophisticated and it doesnt work. Lynda was talking one episode about etiqutte and proper manners. No, I want to see some hair pulling, name cussing and sojme drama. So far the disputes have been rather lame. Mary's daughter posted a Facebook message about stealing a car, Lyndsa insinuated that Michaele was anorexic, Stacie was offended that Cat doesnt like Tyra banks.....BORING!

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That's what else I don't like, because so many people from D.C., especially those who actually have a family history there, not just transplants for work, do NOT have their heads so far up the ass of the Capitol. They are just regular people living ordinary/extraordinary lives, there's no need for the political angle. Thats one of the many things that makes D.C. seem stuffy and boring to outsiders. Like I said, they picked the wrong folks, they're coming at it the wrong way.

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Finally the REAL housewives have returned. I am talking about the fabulous Atlanta cast of course and I needed them bc the DC women are boring the heck out of me. How great was the premiere? It did NOT disapoint


Im surprised that Greg was still on the show. I heard about the problems in their marriage and thought it would open up with NeNe alone. I never liked Dwight so Im glad she is on the outs with him. I dont know why she's back to being friensd with Kim. Its the same story every season. They start off as friends but become bitter enemies by the end, only to patch things up over the break and back as friends next season


Bisexual? Okay. I think she's doing this for attention and puiblicity. From the previews, it looks like NeNe is ready to kill her again....not surprised. I cant beleive she is still going on about Tardy for the Party. Im sick of that song


Actress? LMAO when she said she sees herself winning an Oscar someday. I hope she brings some drama this season as she's toned down quite a bit


Im not a fan of her new red hair. I preferred the color last season. Im glad to see her doing well and picking herself up from the tragedy she suffered last season. I dont like the new guy she's dating and dont think he's a good match for her.


LOVE her. Excellent casting. I think she has an interesting story and I love how ladylike and proper she is and how she looks down on NeNe and her ghettoness. I couldnt beleive NeNe was trashing her when she showedup at the party. She really had some ugly words to say to her. Plus Phaedra is cool with Dwight so thats another oppurtunity for some drama which it looks like we will get later in the season. Her husband is FINE and the other women commenting on his legal issues is gonna be another source of drama

New girl

I dont even remember her name as she didnt appear. She is beautiful and I hope she has as much potential as Phaedra does

I loved Lisa and upset that she's gone. I hate how she's just cut and there was no transition. I hope she makes a guest appearance later in the season showing up to an event or something

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I am loving that the Atlanta housewives are back, they are my FAVE.

Nene was just so damn hilarious in the first episode. When she was all up in Dwight's face about the $10,000 I was rolling. Dwight needs to sit his ass down talking about he is a tiger, he knows he was scared of Nene. I would be too, if a woman that tall and intimidating was in my face.

Kim is not bi-sexual, this seems like another publicity stunt.

Her daughter is disgusting, did you see how she was eating that ice cream?! I hated watching those scenes.

Sheree really wasn't too entertaining today. Nothing can top her argument with the party planner.

Phaedra is already my fave, I can't wait to see if some [!@#$%^&*] goes down between her and Nene. I loved when she said Sheree had no money. LMAO. Her husband is sexy as hell, but I think he is using her. Just because he signed a prenup doesn't mean he can't spend your money WHILE he is married to you.

I wonder why the other new chick was on, I think they will try to portray as the "sweetheart" this season, and let Kandi's true colors come out. I heard she was a major [!@#$%^&*]-starter last season, but alot of the editing cut that out.

Speaking of Kandi, I barely realized she was in the episode, I didn't like the guy she was with though.

Don't miss Lisa at all, glad she's gone.

Is Victoria Rowell still supposed to be appearing?

I TOTALLY called this with my friends a few weeks ago, I knew Miami was obviously the next place to go to. Can't wait. ^_^

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Yay another Phaedra fan! I loved that comment about her talking to Dwight about not suing Sheree bc she aint got no money....lol. I love the energy she brings to the show and it looks like she will get into it later on with NeNe. I think NeNe is jealous and does not like new people stepping on her territory. Its how she was with Kandi last year.

Cynthia, the new girl, looked a bit whiny in the previews and I think she will be the good girl. I like Kandi, so Im not sure how Im gonna like her being potrayed as a biyatch if true.

Victoria hinted that she could appear as a recurring housewife. Im not sure if that will actually happen though. I hope she makes at least one appearance. Her type of crazy is needed on this show...lol

just bc someone has a nice house doesnt mean they arent broke. She's been struggling with her ex husband to pay her child support and she doesnt have a steady job. Her fashion line didnt do all that well. Plus alot of these people on these reality shows put on a show to make themselves look more luxurious and wealthier than they actually are.

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