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Very. It's what is making these last set of episodes (Schedule and my system/shady landlord being funny is making me take so long to watch) pop knowing we were getting to the rivalry between La Dame and Mia morphing into La Dame vs Wendy. So ugh.


Fingers crossed that I get to get to the finale tomorrow at least. 


Same. I was thinking at midseason that we STILL had not gotten to it. Was there time? I guess not. smh. 



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Heather MacDonald divides opinions among our group of RH observers, but she interviewed Carole Radziwill a few days ago, and harked back to OG RHONY, among many other subjects. Which reminds me that the old RHONY ladies really have lived Lives, regardless of whether a camera is present or not. It's been a while since I listened to an RH podcast, and this is a fun listen .

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Well, I made it to the finale. Honestly, I liked it. I felt the whole season was about the fight between La Dame and Messy Mia for that Potomac throne. It gave drive to the first half of the season as they tried to one up each other with both of them having stories (for La Dame-her DUI, for Mia-the paternity mess). Once La Dame had to 'play nice,' it was no wonder that the middle of the season dragged. So it was better to see that battle for the throne emerge back up. And those cliffhangers in the last few episodes helped. And just when I thought I knew the outcome of a La Dame vs Messy Mia fight...Enter: Stacey.


Well...I guess that tagline makes sense now. Lol. For this whole season, Stacey has been giving authentic newbie. Right up until last episode where Gizelle clocked her at Vivian's. But then again, she had moments of slick shade which might have been foreshadowing. Because she was coming across this finale like the NEW Grande Dame herself. Not to mention not a good friend. I was not expecting a La Dame vs Stacey fight where they were evenly matched, but that was good, too. Also good was the fact that Gizelle showing herself and using their drama to not only continue the little rivalry she has going on with Stacey, but a chance to knock La Dame down for the count. I wasn't surprised. Ashley as back-up made it into a whole gang-up on La Dame...which I also was not expecting. It's been seasons since La Dame has been in a corner by the WHOLE group so I did feel invested in the mess because Stacey had worked on (and apparently off) screen to set up her fall. 


Mia sadly came out smelling (pun unintended to the dog poo) like roses in comparison.


But I really thought it was a good finale. I didn't like the cut-out scene talk between Wendy and La Dame, but I did like I at least got the real time reactions thanks to Gizelle and Ashley of Wendy hearing of La Dame badmouthing her. And the side-stories (in this case, Gizelle's healing, Ashley & the divorce, Keiarna and her man) all came to a nice turn/finish for the season. And then the coda of La Dame going into court. Good stuff.


LA DAME. Honestly I enjoyed her in the finale. Perhaps it was more of the fact that it was twilight on the Grande Dame. You got the goofy moments of her with Ray and her excitement with Wendy at the White House. You also knew a storm was coming due to how the last episode ended. That said...I did not expect that confrontation with Stacey nor did I expect Etiquette Karen all the way from Season 1 to pop out. And that Stacey did not back down really had La Dame off her game. Not helped by the gradual gang-up that followed. It was a trainwreck for her, but like a trainwreck, I could not look away.


GIZELLE. It was nice to get a little closure on her feelings about her father with her daughters. Just in time for her to revert to Old Gizelle. Because she moved quickly to be sure Wendy knew La Dame was talking crap about her behind her back. And the fact that it was Stacey that was running around telling all the girls meant that she would not be the target of La Dame's wrath. Bonus that since it did not come from her (not that she didn't spread more things in her Confessional), but from Stacey...her hands were clean. It couldn't have worked out better for her. Also...KAL!!!!!!!!!!! Since she seems to have Stacey's number, I do look forward to a rivalry between her and Stacey next season. 


ASHLEY. I liked she got closure on that looooooooong divorce. And it sounded like she (off-screen) threatened Michael Darby to get it. Hehe. I liked we got a little bit of messy Ashley back as well. Cuz her revealing that Stacey came to her to spread what she had just told Mia last episode and told Gizelle on camera (with Production giving a rollback). It was Ashley finally getting her lick back for Stacey having her heel on Ashley's neck all season long. 


WENDY. I hate to say it, but I agree with Wendy. What Stacey said was what sounded verbatim like something Karen WOULD say. And lest we forget...Wendy vs La Dame was a rivalry when Wendy came on in Season 5. So it's not far-fetched. I just think it's a shame because Wendy has done nothing, but had La Dame's back this season. She just took her to the White House in this one. And they talk in the off-season. And knowing what's coming up in the Reunion, I would like to have seen the cut scene of them talking one on one conversation that was in the trailer. I cannot help but feel like my POV will be manipulated without said scene.


MIA. How funny that she got to sit pretty this episode while everyone came for La Dame. Surprisingly gave nothing, but one funny moment.


KEIARNA. I did like that no matter what she has still stayed on La Dame's side and even got between La Dame and Stacey during the gang-up. That said...I really am not liking her Greg at all. He could not even come with her to the finale event. While being on a show can have its disadvantages, for a businesswoman like Keiarna, it can give a platform to grow her business. Not to mention HIS. I really don't like him. And that End Note at the end about what happened when they moved in together was telling. 


STACEY. Stacey, Stacey, Stacey. One of my favorite additions gave a full shift this episode. But before she did that, I did like her giving a little of the Stacey we got this whole season with her gay friend who DID NOT get TJ's name wrong. From there though, she turned into Lady of the Manor (with TJ being extra extra Lord of the Manor) with her event...and I found that a little bit suspect. And once Ashley revealed that Stacey had talked to her about La Dame just like she did with Mia last episode, I think the mask fell off for me. I thought it was weird when I started to play catch-up this past week that Stacey was finally being nice to Ashley even though they had the common thread of both going through divorces. But Gizelle really got me going hmmm when she pointed out they were all at Vivian's last episode except for La Dame. All the people who Stacey would need to be on her side (OGs and GOOD vets) were PRESENT. On her side for what? It seem like to me that Stacey has been playing some chess of her own the whole time. More importantly, she played it well. Using the mama excuse to get on Mia's good side. Having a nice nasty rivalry with Gizelle (who is willing to play to stay relevant). Pulling Ashley in closer a la friends close, enemies closer. However, flaws and all La Dame IS Potomac with a strong ally in Wendy. So it was simple for her to sit back and get to know the others by playing dumb. But when she (as Gizelle said) felt comfortable, she made a move with the perfect smokescreen in the battle going on between La Dame and Mia to take the Queen off the board AND cause a rift with her biggest ally. Why? Well, I do believe she want that throne for herself. And La Dame would be the hardest opponent to get rid of. But this has not been a great year for La Dame and sadly she gave Stacey the smoking gun with those comments about Wendy. And watching those pieces come together at the event makes me want to watch the reunion to see how Stacey moves going forward. I might not like it, but I cannot say that she did not play it masterfully well. 


All and all, a good finale and overall a good (outside of the middle) season. 

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I generally enjoy Heather's HW content...some other stuff, less so. This interview with Carole and Heather is both of them at their best because each is talking to a girlfriend. I still laugh at the fact it was Michael Cohen, yes that Michael Cohen, who took the photos of Tom at the Regency.

Simon has been such a petulant bastard that I love this for Porscha.


The prosecutor in Karen's DUI case, which goes to sentencing this week, has pointed out Karen has had 3 prior DUI convictions between 2006 - 2011.

The prosecutor is seeking 6 months in jail. Karen's new lawyers are seeking no jail, focusing on rehabilitation and says Karen's recent stay in rehab focused on alcohol, anti-depressant use, and her sexual assault from 42 years ago when she was in college. The prosecutor's office says Karen's rehabilitation program was too luxurious (not a great argument...).

I do think Karen is going to see some jail time. I doubt 6 months. But 60 days? I could see it.

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They tore Mia's azz up! All the girls took turns pingponging her with Gizelle leading the pack

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Karen sipping her vodka coffee from the rehab community room watching Mia get the lashing she escaped


Mia: "I did concieve via IVF, but I could have already been pregnant

Wendy: "BISH, thats not scientifically possible. I would know. I have 4 degrees"


So we had a scene of Mia getting in Gizelle's face and they cut that? They are leaving out the good material.


Jaqueline's pregnant and we the audience dont know who the father is. I cant believe she is coming tot us with her own Maury storyline and no I dont want to see her back next season to find out


Overall good reunion and Andy was tllig the truth in that this was one of the best. I can tell he is actually enjoying himself which seems to be rare these days


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Yeah, that was another great reunion episode; they've really ended this season strong and are setting themselves up nicely for next season. 

Jeezus, Karen has had FOUR DUI's? Chilllld... does she secretly live in the DUI capitol of the world (i.e. Wisconsin) where multiple DUI's run rampant? 

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