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OC this season is excellent. As you say, not a single filler episode and the season flew by.

Emily is really skilled at managing her relationships on the show. Katie has clearly gotten under Heather's skin and I love it. Heather is mean and I doubt anyone on the cast, hell, any waiter in Los Angeles, would disagree.  

I feel the same way for Sonja. May she have many happy, healthy years in her West Palm Beach abode. 

Perfect description. I just want to add that Ashley is trash for making the comment to K about her scar when she is indirectly responsible for it. Jassi has her number and is not afraid to tangle. 

Potomac IS so back. I am loving this season. 

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Last season gave me no hope they could have this type of come back but I have been so happy to see it. The newbies all work for me. Jacqueline is pathetic. She’s gonna learn to leave Karen alone. And picking the Mia horse when yall can barely stand each other is dumb. They’ve truly overestimated Mia’s popularity.

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From start to finish, this episode was EVERYTHING!!! And like the rest of you, YEEEESSS WE ARE BACK!!!! Never should have counted the flutes out. I guess it was Eric's fault. lol. 


After last week's cliffhanger of a 'bombshell' that failed horribly, La Dame struck back and got those heffas together. And the fact that Mia was still trying to convent members use the newbies to try to get to Karen. Yeah...it's clear that this La Dame vs Messy Mia for the throne is far from over regardless of how many times La Dame keeps handing them their asses. Regardless of how well she does it. Regardless of how technically La Dame is the one in the wrong and there is so much to be used against her. Her Confessional with the fake darts said it all...she's Teflon.


Meanwhile, the newbies continued to impress. Up until now, I would say Stacey and (especially) Jassi have been doing all the heavy lifting. Especially Stacy with her subtle shade and authentic confusion, but BAY-BEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keiarna came in swinging AND with the subtle shade cuz 'The Face. Glass.' is still stuck in my head. And the fact so many people did not get it given all the times online people pick on Mia's skin. But I got it. Slick as heck. But her vs Mia AND gathering Jacqueline was one for the ages. And I have already rewinded that too many times lmao. And you all know I love Mia, but they went toe to toe with each other. Stacey stayed on Ashley's neck, too. And Wendy did an alley oops. It was crazy.


And we got a real moment with Gizelle and her kids. And outside of Pastor Holy Whore, it was such a great awww moment. Say what you will about Gizelle, but she is a great mother. And we watched them kids grow up on the show. 


Just such a great episode.


LA DAME. Stacey said it best...they kept coming for La Dame every five minutes. If it wasn't the ambush at the table, they were coming for her at breakfast. And then even AFTER being handed their butts, they were still trying to come at La Dame. DIDN'T...FIND...HER. lol. The word maneuvering that La Dame was doing at that ambush dinner was something else. And the fact that the tea was from THREE years ago??? All that did was show that Mia ain't nobody's friend. Jacqueline, take note.

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 Because if Mia can try to out La Dame after she was the one who had her back and brought her into the group in Season 6, then she really can't be trusted. I did like that Mia WAS right though. Cuz La Dame was already ready at the breakfast. And while Keiarna did the most fighting...La Dame got Jacqueline good with her 25 counts man!! Jacqueline couldn't handle it. lmao. That La Dame let her hang herself first was delicious. And now we have a real cliffhanger moment at the end with La Dame, Stacey, and Jassi...and given how well they have all gotten along...it will be interesting to see what move La Dame makes next. Honorable mention: La Dame's Confessional with the boxing gloves. lol.


GIZELLE. Awwww the little babies.  I can't believe that we literally watched them grow up on this show. And they gave us so many moments of them reading their mama. lol. But it was good. Also good...was Gizelle reaching out to Wendy. Who would have thought?


ASHLEY. Why is she here again? I still can't believe that the Housewife who used to be so cunning and messy...has taken over Robyn's spot of being the punching bag who gets consistently dragged. Because Stacey stayed with her heel on her neck. And meanwhile, even Wendy told her to STFU. And no matter how she tried, no one was letting her really butt into any of the conversations. Or worse, ignoring her. Could this be Ash's last season cuz she is giving nothing?


WENDY. HEY, HEY, 4OTH!!!! lol. While I am side-eying Mia for having nothing planned (a doctor's trip? Really?), I do like that the ladies at least came together for her at midnight. I think my favorite part was 'is the pool heated?' lol. All Wendy cared about was her birthday. As someone who also celebrate milestone (I went to San Fran for the first time for my 40th), I understand. Meanwhile, she had La Dame's back like a real sister and I enjoyed every moment of it. And LOVE Drunk Wendy done. Cuz her and Stacey with 'now everybody has a past.' LOL!!!


MIA. GIRL, STOP. THREE YEARS AGO stale tea??? REALLY??? smh. I called it when she was alone in the car with La Dame, but she has been coming for La Dame all this trip. And the sad thing was she was so sloppy if the approach is supposed to be throw the rock and hide the hand. Or was it to send in the sidekick. None of her stuff was landing. It was giving Wiley Coyote. Will next week's plan work, or will La Dame speed away? That said...there were only two moments that were good from Mia this week. Her vs Keiarna were excellent, because they both got licks. Snitches was nasty, but K got her lick back with the 'The Face. Glass' comment. And neither of them were flabbergasted, just back and forth. And the other moment was her talking to Jacqueline about her storyline the guys. Was it a set-up talk? For sure. But it was still the most authentic thing from her because that's what happens with your BFF...they spill truth. And while Jacqueline has disappointed me a lot this season...for a moment, the Mia/Jacqueline dynamic that I wished was being explored that was in the last few seasons came back. And I could tell there was so much there to mine. Not Mia and her representative silliness.


STACEY. 'Who knows what's true...well...it is true Mia was a stripper, right? Mia was a stripper.' That Confessional took me all the way out. She is so darn authentic and funny. She also gave this episode. Whether it was her having La Dame's back, keeping that heel on Ashley's neck, or being a bone collector for Messy Mia, she stayed giving. We even saw TJ for a moment. And I had an awww moment seeing that Stacey felt comfortable showing him to Wendy. Which made them shading Ashley ('now everybody has a past!) that more fun. 


KEIARNA. MVP for me!!! She got tired of all the Wiley Coyote antics and let people know what time it was. I don't know what I like more...the subtle shade of 'The face. Glass' or 'are you okay?' when she checked Jacqueline or 'you ARE the street' to Mia's crater face? She was gathering. I just wished she did not allow Ashley to distract her by reminding her of her fight with Sesame Street. I thought she won that verbal fight with Mia...moreso because she winded up with a flute simply by being herself.


Did I mention the episode has such rewatchable value? Could we say that about POTOMAC last season? Any episode? 


Yeah...totally back. 

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I would slightly disagree with your statement that RHONY sucks (although I am worried about Eric Fuller's deepening malign influence), but nevertheless, your post was . And agree with @Antoyne -- Potomac is back! I didn't expect the three newbies to give as much as they have, but I'm literally like Robyn who? Candiace who? This time last season, we had to suffer through three long, painfully dull, Austin TX episodes. This year, we've got Ashley and Jacqueline getting their asses deservedly handed to them. Ashley has always ducked any accountability for her underhanded actions (the fight at GnA, for example) -- Keiarna hasn't forgotten, though, and I hope she keeps bringing it up.

Meanwhile, Mia's Mouthpiece thought she could make a bid for relevancy by bringing down Karen, but Karen barely broke a sweat and effectively backed that fool into a corner with her own words.

Wendy always feels forced and cringe to me, pretending this is the best birthday ever when we know this celebration is, at best, for the cameras. Those smirks when Mia came for Karen also weren't particularly nice for someone who is supposedly her close friend. And her sneering reaction to Stacey's beau in the VTs confirms my view that Wendy is a snob, always putting down the people she thinks are less than her while trying to kiss up to the Gizelles of this world.

I will admit, the footage of tiny Adore, Angel and Grace was so cute. I can't believe Potomac has been on the airwaves that long. Pastor HW gave a speech about Gizelle's dad which made it sound like her dad was pretty much the main father figure for those three girls, and not the trifling Pastor. Which does not surprise me in the least. Gizelle's father seems like he was a truly stand-up, honorable man.

People are acting like Budget Kim Kardashian, aka Mia, is the villain this season, but she's always been like this! An untrustworthy fairweather friend and wife. I'm not even going to touch on the manipulative 'I love you' said to G on the phone.

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You touched on something that’s so crazy to me, I don’t even think about or notice Candiace and Robyn are gone. Usually losing two long term vets would be felt a lot harder but the newbies are working so well.

Karen effortlessly destroying Jacqueline multiple days in a row should be studied by newbies the next time they come on a show and target a vet like Karen. This woman is literally Teflon

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BH: The only thing I liked about Terri DeMarco was her husband. Now, you got nada. 

PHOP: I co-sign the love on Potomac's resurgence. 

Watching the latest episode, I feel they are nicely building up the next era/generation of Potomac, and soon it'll just be the 2 elders (Grande Dame and Gizelle) hanging out with youngsters. I'm beginning to wonder if this'll be Ashley's final season. 

That said, I'm glad a lot of the newbies aren't on the Mia train(wreck) because she's messy at playing the Housewives game, not to mention her overall ick factor with bringing her children into her fkked up love life. 

(Keeping my response short, as SON is kinda jenky for me these days, with the pop-ups slowing down my computer) 

Edited by Gray Bunny
Get it together Toups, lol J/K
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