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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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This is the kind of show I would have totally watched back then. Too bad it wasn't picked up.



Not pissing on this, because I'm giving any show about NYC in all its multiplicity a fighting chance. However, was I the only one who misses original RHONY? It was barely mentioned at BravoCon. No Luann or Sonja even! And BravoCon is held in NYC. I wish they had given a shout-out to the show because it has its loyal fans -- even after one lousy season.

As for the new RHONYettes -- well, at least they aren't all 20-year old influencers. Not to pit generation against generation (which everybody in media loves to do these days), but IMO the RHs that work best are a multigenerational mix of boomer-to-millennial (Potomac), baby-boomers only (OG RHONY), and Gen Xers only (BH, NJ, SLC, ATL). These are the sufficiently effed-up generations who have lived a bit and accumulated some significant life experience outside of constant Instagram surveillance or reality TV. Once we hit a Bravo show featuring millennials only or Gen Zers only (Winter House, Real Girlfriends in Paris), the ratings are often lower, and that may be for a multitude of reasons.

As for this cast itself, I've only heard of Jenna Lyons who was HUGE in fashion circles in the 2000s. She was creative director of J Crew when J Crew was in, and basically the brand became indivisible from Lyons' much-mediatized personal style. J Crew took a hit after the 2008 financial crisis (IMO they expanded too rapidly), its quality and popularity waned, and she was eventually cut loose in 2017. She's been pushing some reality shows with fashion as their concept since then. It will be interesting if she has the OTT, pot-stirring mentality of a RH, but my gut says that she is much more composed than that.

P.S.: Was Potomac on last night?

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Day 2 in Arizona and what was supposed to be about getting Jen to forget about the fact that she is heading might be going to jail. Instead the trip became Meredith vs Lisa. And while fun was had and it appeared Meredith and Lisa might slooooowly come to some kind of resolution...it was long in getting to that moment.


And that was all because of Bad Weather. Fabulous Ice called them out about their ability to pot stir waaaay back at the Season 1 Reunion. And Mary called Whitney out as the little girl who likes to start mess last season. So with Mary gone, someone was going to be a target.  As much as it SHOULD be Jen, Heather (part of Bad Weather) ain't going to let that happen since her as Jen's BFF IS her storyline. However, the trip CAN'T be tooo boring so here Heather was talking some sense into Meredith about Lisa...or just gassing her up? Hmmm. And we can always count on Heather to bring the comic relief which she of course did through all the drama.


And this is where Mary's words come back to haunt them. Whitney LOVES drama. Just like a little girl, she was always wanting to see it all burn. Heather kinda likes it too as she Greek Choruses with us. But Heather HAS limits. Whitney, like a little girl, does not. And like a little girl, Whitney will use any little excuse for why she does it. Which now makes me side-eye her confession from last week to this week. Because of that, she pot stirred between Meredith and Lisa...and threw Heather under the bus. Heather. Her cousin. Her ally. Her fellow pot-stirrer. 


Wrong move...LITTLE GIRL. 


While Heather is not perfect, she is a fan favorite. Little Girl...not so much.


JEN. Exactly when did she become the voice of reason? The only thing I took away from her this episode was how silent she was. A meek Jen? She interestingly enough continue to play her her situation a lot better than that hag over in BH. 


LISA. Not that I don't like her explosions here and there. But I am tired of Lisa whining and just taking Meredith's dig. I don't like Lisa aka the tv screen victim.  I want to see FABULOUS ICE. And there was not nearly enough there for me. I did like her when they were riding the horses. I also like that Meredith and her are finally getting to a place where they might move past it.


MEREDITH. IDC...Girl is engaged. I'm sorry but she was verbally slaughtering Lisa and Lisa could not take it. At the time I did not like Heather getting in her face and telling her off. But it was coming across as very tough love and it was clear that Meredith thought about her words, resulting in an apology. A truce...? I guess we will see. But I liked that she did it so calmly and yet as sincere as she could be. I don't think there's any hope for the friendship, but at least it appeared that they can civil.


HEATHER. hahahahaaha. She ain't wrong about the ho-ing for no reason at all. #gamerecognizesgame That said...Ooooo...at her and Little Girl. See? Mary tried to warn you. It appeared clear to me since Episode 1 that Little Girl was trying to steal her spotlight. From Mormon storyline to pot stirring and this episode she threw Heather under the bus. Her own cousin. SMH. And it was messing with Heather's storyline of being the fan favorite supporting Jen. She was hurt. 


LITTLE GIRL. She's coming across as horribly as Lisa did last season. And that's not a good thing. I predict she will be in the hot seat come reunion time. All she does is spin and lie. And it's not even in a love to hate way. If I keep watching, I'll be reading her for days (c) Miss Quad of M2M. Without Mary to check her, she's largely being unchecked and it's just rme. In fact, it's taking away from her revealing she was molested...which was the thing that was humanizing her. 


Overall...I was mostly entertained. It was more in a noise in the background kinda way though. And is that enough to keep me watching. I guess we will see. I am at least interested in Danna's introduction, the breakup of Bad Weather (which seems ongoing if you saw the ALL STARS 3 trailer), and of course Jen's drama. But...what else is there? 

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Gizelle has officially put me on Team Candiace. I dont like either of them but im rooting for Candiace to eviscerate her. Its too bad Gizelle was successful in driving a wedge between her and Monique bc those two should have teamed up to take her down when they had the chance

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Carlos King's podcast got a big scoop this week -- an interview with Ramona Singer. I cannot believe I am saying this, but Ramona acquits herself well this interview (I've only just started listening to bits of it). Spills the tea with minimum fuss and answers all the questions about WTH went down over at RHONY. I don't doubt that she's often a terrible person, but I'm not sure she's a complete liar. A lot of what she says about Bravo's decision-making sound plausible. Although the fact that Eboni reported her for racism to Bravo HR also sounds highly probable.

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