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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Rinna's obvious hatred of Garcelle and overwhelming need to steal the spotlight got her into this mess. She couldn't leave well enough alone -- this was Diana's mess, not her's, but I guess seeing Garcelle on WWHL set her off. She knows Garcelle is popular with fans, Andy, and Bravo, and it clearly drives her nuts. Confronting Garcelle is what she is dying to do. She referenced it in her IG post. Then decided to take a shot at Dubai, the lower-performing franchise which features black and brown women. She's too cowardly to cite Atlanta or Potomac, of course. But I think we can all surmise why she mentioned that show in the context of Garcelle. Rinna is really trash.

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It boggles the mind that this is the hill Rinna wants to die on -- supposedly defending Diana's shitty post, a woman she has little personal warmth or loyalty towards. But Diana has money, so she says, so that absolves her of her behavior in Rinna's mind. Rinna and Erika are as vacuous and as morally spent as that lip-licking  fool. I'm not even a Sutton fan, but they are leaving me exhausted with their nasty little agendas. I hope this is the final straw for them.

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I feel like a lot of the hatred for Garcelle in the cast is because she has been so popular out of the gate and doesn't really have to force moments to makep eople like her. It seems to come easy for her and she's very carefree on social media and whenever they try to stir up drama for her she just blows them off. It's obvious Lisa hates her and she probably wouldn't gone harder at the reunion, had Garcelle not revealed what she said. I strongly believe Kyle is the one who told her that. You could tell on Kyle's face that she was ready for Garcelle to reveal her. She looked incredibly nervous.

Do yall think Rinna will get another season? I feel like she's in Dorinda/Kelly Dodd territory right now.

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I have this strong feeling that Beverly Hills is about to experience a mass overhaul after this season.


Let's all be honest, this reunion is gonna be a bloodbath. Especially, with the upcoming arc of Erotika/Lips v. Kathy over some scandalous comment. 


I foresee Bravo firing Erika, Rinna, Crystal, and Diana when it is all said and done. Then the show will be desperate and have no choice but to bring back the Queen...


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@Chris B @NothinButAttitude I also think that Rinna has finally crossed into liability territory for Bravo. I cannot see the network being excited about yet another drama occurring offscreen involving Rinna's poisonous targeting of Garcelle, whom the network promotes as one of its most popular RH stars.

My worry is that we are not even halfway through the season and the main event is still to come. Kathy has yet to appear! Rinna loves a distraction and this will be it. Will we forget the attacks on Garcelle as we get absorbed into sister drama and a new accusation of bigotry?

I think Kathy will refuse to attend Reunion. Consequently -- and given that Diana and Rinna have been working overtime to bring Garcelle into the Sutton-Crystal-Diana mess -- IA with @NothinButAttitude. Reunion will be a shitshow. Garcelle and Sutton have been strong and tough this season, but I'm worried about the toxicity coming their way. Especially Garcelle! I don't know if I want to watch that.

What's interesting is that Kyle is the wild card. @Chris B you touched on this: Kyle & Garcelle's relationship. @Chris B pointed out the likelihood that Kyle told Garcelle about Rinna's comment last season. Now, Kyle likes being on good terms with the entire cast so she can glean their secrets and use them as ammo, but between G and Kyle, there seems to be a silent pact. The number of times this season they have come together to quietly pot-stir in the same conversation, or mediate a fight together, makes me wonder what is going on. Kyle is trying to work Sutton, but came out much more strongly against Crystal than even Garcelle. And she may have briefed Garcelle about Rinna. What does THAT mean for the Coven? Where does Kyle stand regarding Rinna trying to sink Kathy (Kathy, for whom Garcelle has shown support) ? Is she turning against Rinna? Or playing all sides against each other?

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You can never tell with Kyle! I like to hope she's secretly turning against Rinna due to the Kathy spat and also because she see's the writing on the wall, but it's hard to tell until Kyle chooses to play her cards. If Kathy manages to survive this scandal, I feel like Kyle will side with her. It all will depend on how the audience reacts to the scandal.

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@Cat, Kathy has said that she is going to attend to the reunion and I believe her. Plus, I feel like Kathy has silently been playing puppeteer from behind the curtain. Rinna getting covered on major tabloids for her microagressions toward Garcelle and the Dubai women has Kathy written all over it. If anyone has relationships with the tabloids, it is Kathy. I don't think Kathy is gonna run from this fight. I'm getting vibes she is being strategic and placing the right pieces before demolishing Rinna/Erika. 


Regarding Kyle, I (too) believe that she was the one that told Garcelle that Rinna didn't want her on the show anymore last year. Overall, Kyle is playing all angles. She was doing it last episode where she plays doting friend to Sutton YET schmoozing up to Diana. I don't see her getting away unscathed. Personally, I see Kyle being one of the many ones getting exposed at the reunion. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle does walk after this season. I think she is gonna be in a sh*tty position at the reunion where has has one decision to make--Kathy or Rinna. The burned party is then going to proceed to open Pandora's box on Kyle, as they both have secrets on her. Don't forget either that Crystal is coming for Kyle at the reunion too. 


Dorit is literally the safest cast member at this reunion. Her job is now secured (too) after she kissed Andy's a** last week in Cannes. All she has to do is literally shed a few tears about her "robbery" and then sit back and watch the show. 

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@Chris B Like you, I think Kyle is waiting to see how the Kathy allegations are received and if Kathy can defend herself adequately in the court of public opinion. Then she will decide if she sides with one over the other. My guess is she is kind of over the Coven and Rinna, and if there were no scandal and she had to choose, it would be Kathy, Garcelle and Sutton. Kyle can see where the popularity winds are blowing currently, and Kathy's addition last year really cemented Kyle's position on the show and brought some goodwill her way.

@NothinButAttitude Your news that Kathy will be attending was a complete surprise! It suggests that she wants to fight the allegations. I was so sure she would fold in order to try to make the scandal disappear. Also the leaking to the press about Rinna. I never considered it might be Kathy, but to see this Rinna mess written about on major media sites, outside of the usual RH blogs, is pretty significant. This scandal is attempting to go mainstream and Rinna may find that not all publicity is good publicity.

Kyle mentioned something about 2 months ago how this might be her last season, so she could go if the backlash gets too hot. From the POV of the show, I think Kyle leaving would be a major loss. I also think that she would miss it. I have always viewed her as chief villain, but she and her sisters' stories have completely shaped the show since Day One, and I have to acknowledge that. BH would be bereft of that Old Hollywood secrets/New Reality Stardom glamour. Kyle still has the best house and connections out of all the cast. She is practically the narrator of the show. Who can fill that splits-shaped hole? Not Dorit, Erika or Rinna, that's for sure.

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Sounds like they finally wrapped filming.






Given how all news outlet have grabbed onto Ex Soap Opera Star was dogged walked by the Dubai ladies...though it appears that someone of the articles are NOT mentioning the catalyst re: Diane vs Garcelle though a LOT of people are calling those false articles out...I think Ex Soap Opera Star's days might FINALLY be numbered. At least right now. 


If she does make it through to the reunion and come back, I predict takedown season for her. Special Guest...KIM RICHARDS.

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ETA: @NothinButAttitude @Cat and @Chris B I love how your minds think. It reminds me of when Cat and I was discussing The Third King's tweet about Kyle and Garcelle and whether they will share the crown or will the show shift all the way to Garcelle. Because the show has really and truly turned into a game of chess and it's been fasincating to watch. 


Like you all when I watched (before I bowed out) the reunion last year, I saw the scene in question and knew Garcelle had gotten that info from Kyle. It was written all over Kyle's face. 


This is not the first time that Ex Soap Opera Star's hatred for a cast member has almost been her undoing. I just hope THIS TIME it STICKS.


Wait, @Cat!!! I thought you knew that Kathy would be the reunion!!!! My apologies. Oh, yeah. 


From what blind items are running around and what has been going on in RL, I feel we are going to see the Kathy we have all been waiting to see. And she is not Hunky Dory. She's someone not to be messed with. And the fact that EricFake and Ex Soap Opera Star tried it will have consequences. And I too believe she is part of the reason the dragging of Ex Soap Opera Star (which was tainted any more DAYS appearances I heard) by RHoDubai has made it to major media outlets as well. She has been crossed and by someone with NONE of the money she has. Sutton has constantly reminded us how that city really works. This accusation could be VERY damaging. So I see Kathy coming for her pound of flesh


And like @Chris B I do feel Kyle is trying to see where the wind will blow. This year is just going to be tricky. And I bet she does get exposed. 

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Filming has also wrapped. 


Looks like the theme for ALL STARS 3 will be BESTIES!!!! 




Aren't Bad Weather falling out this year on SLC?


And Candiace (who I would be surprisingly rooting for if this is true) and Gizelle NOT that close? 



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