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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Winding up to my birth month, it's been a busy social life week (tonight...dancing...hehe, tomorrow...a date sssh) so I actually forgot last night was RHOM.


And...well...they all can't be winner. 


Don't get me wrong. I overall liked it. I liked that the ladies do not get hung up on the same conversation. However since I did expect more drama at the dinner out when Guerdy arrived...and got nothing...it just fell...kinda flat. And then I had to eat my words seeing the promo for next week as Marysol continued to gun for Nicole. So...le sigh.


I continue to like seeing Larsa in Mom Mode. Being surprised by her daughter was a joy to watch. And watching the ladies seeing her in that mode since they ususally don't get to see that. And just when you think she's a human being...she had to get off mike to talk the Scottie Pippen divorce. She stays a mystery.


Meanwhile, there was still fun. Ooooooooooo JUUUUULIA!!!! I hollered at her saying that Mexicans have the market cornered on tequila, but Russians? Vodka. lol. She, Nicole, and Kiki were a KIKI. And Kiki is soooo beautfiul when she runway walked up the stairs in her swimsuit. I was just

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 And they were just having so much. And then Julia, Adriana and the ring...shades of Nene/Cynthia and the friend contract. But yeah, the ladies' reactions...same.


So many nice little moments for me. But nothing like the fun of the last few episodes. 

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This has been the most mature and nuanced I have ever seen Kenya. And her reaction when the bondage people delivered Kandi's sorry, TODD's invitation -- LOL, I felt that on a deep level.

Kenya has a knack for spotting property worth and adding value. She may even be better than Bethenny. B buys an already-fancy place for $6 million, redecorates it like a Marriott, then sells it for $6.5 million. Which is fine but it is basically moving the deckchairs around.

Feels like a definite shift among the cast regarding Kandi. Not targeting her per se, but talking more openly about her. I like that Kandi shows us her legit marriage troubles (as opposed to Drew & Ralph which, I think, is a package-deal acting job). However, people pointing out the discrepancy of Kandi not wanting a mention of sexytime shenanigans... but then sending the bondage couple with sex toys to everybody's home. Also the great unspoken, raised by Sheree, of Kandi & Todd's open marriage. Porsha's words in S9 got lost in the dungeon-and-drugging allegations, but the Marvin story still has a ring of truth to it.

I understand Todd wanting to accomplish something for himself and be acknowledged. OTOH, as Marlo said, he would not be accomplishing much without Kandi's money. Overall, Todd has a great life -- should he be biting the hand?

I feel like Kandi and RALPH have chemistry and he is lowkey flirting with her.

Forget Dr. Ken, aka Gizelle's onscreen therapist (didn't he also counsel Quad & Greg on M2M? Yikes!) --- Dr. Kenya held a mirror up to Drew & Ralph's marriage and threw in some common-sense advice.

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That therapist was the WORST. “You break the rule and you have to have sex with Ralph five times a day?” What?!?! He’s doing a major disservice to his profession on national television. Bad therapists can be so damaging to a person’s well-being.

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On Potomac, I thought he did well with Candiace and her mother during their sessions back in S4. Maybe because that mother-daughter conflict was real?

But here, he was awful. Ignoring the red flags of Ralph's outrageous responses. Gaslighting Drew with the sex 5 times stuff? That's when I wondered if the Drew and Ralph scene was legit and maybe this guy wasn't even trying because he knows? Or maybe he really is a terrible therapist who only cares about his TV profile.

Bad therapists can be very damaging to your psyche/self-worth. The right therapist is trained to handle you professionally and with consideration.

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Fck Kyle! There was no outcome of her telling Dorit what Sutton said other than to hurt Dorit. What exactly did she think was accomplishing in that scene.

Im so sick of all of Erika's little sly comments and cosigning

Diana shut up! You just got in this group and dont know the dynamics

Yay Crystal! I love that she has joined the winning team. I like that she had the courage to stand up to the coven

I don't like Rinna but IA with her that it makes no sense that they are talking about anything else but Dorit's state of mind. Grilling Sutton over her empathy, Crystal's feelings about last year or Erika being fake exonarated is stupid and doesnt matter

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Definitely. My husband is a psychotherapist and he was eyerolling SO hard at that scene. It paints his profession in a bad light, especially in the black community where there's already a negative stigma. 


I need one of them (preferably someone from the inner coven, dare to dream) to ask Erika, "Exactly HOW are you exonerated?" 

I thought Sutton handled her apology well, and until it was brought up a second time in front of the whole group (not your best idea, Queen Garcelle), she explained her viewpoint to Dorit rather well (her previous trauma with home invasions and guns). Kyle can go eat a thousand dicks, starting with Erika's bumpy log. 

Look at Terri DeMarco's thirsty ass trying to get in some camera time. 

Next week looks rough as they target Sutton yet again and try to paint her as a racist. 


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@Gray Bunny LOL...I forgot about Teddi. They didnt even give her a speaking line. You'd have never known she was a former housewife. i expected someone to mention in their confessional that she now looks like Kyle complete with a side by side but production paid her dust

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Erika being her usual, empathetic, non-narcissist self


And a sneak peek at RHODubai which... I was a little underwhelmed by. They all look stunningly gorgeous, of course, but I didn't quite get what they were beefing about.


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Same, ladies, same.


For me, it was how noticable the shift was.


Did you notice the shift as well?


When one Supreme fades, another one rises. There's a lovely Twitter thread that I read last night that I'll be linked because it's sooooo good. And that Supreme...is Garcelle.


Three years ago, she joined this group. And her first season, she did her own thing and sat back and observed. Year Two found her having to deal with the jealousy the ladies felt at her for becoming popular, but still forming natural connections. She got in some drama, but for the most she made moves. She studied. THIS YEAR, she has slowly been revealing...she not only appears to have been playing chess between than Kyle does, but she's been playing it WELL. 

One thing she's been called out for last year was that she did not have Sutton as often as Sutton had her. Lesson learned. Because she's had Sutton's back every chance she's gotten. It is very clear that the target this season is Sutton. And Garcelle...has protected her 'Queen.' I honestly felt she told Sutton to bring receipts off camera to Harry's party. She stepped in when Sutton might have backed down, with her authenticity weaponized to prove the receipts are real. She also subtly checked EricFake at the same dinner. This week, she not only would not play a game of talking behind Sutton's back...but she pulled a Kyle and BROUGHT BACK UP they talked behind her back. And it was flawlessly done. And Kyle was PIIIIII$$$EEED. A player who is better at 'producing' than Producer Kyle? Uh oh...


Producer Kyle has definitely been out. Targeting Sutton and using Dorit's drama to do. That Garcelle (and Sutton) clock her every chance they get. What will Kyle's next move be? Because after years of hiding her hand to get drama done, a new player is taking from her playback, doing it better, and OUT in the open. In order to best her, will Kyle FINALLY have to reveal her hand? Oh, the possibilities.


Also interesting...Garcelle said last year...this group was becoming like a tale of two groups. And we are finally starting to see the cracks on that with what happened with Crystal. Yes, this group does make people feel lesser than. And while I was not on her side with the whole Sutton, yes, Crystal does have a right to her opinion and it should not be dismissed just because she's not a 'Core Four.' Especially when she's good friends with Teddi another Core member. And I love Crystal is not down for saying her opinion and clear English and they want to act like they don't understand her. Note...Garcelle got her to stay to keep the scene going...hmmmm.


I cannot believe that I'm saying this...but I was really interested in all the chess moves this week. 


KYLE. Garcelle is making her work for that diamond, ain't she?

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 I don't think she's been this engaged since the days of LVP. This episode she was really trying to weaponize Dorit's robbery and aim it at Sutton. And that was just in poor taste I felt whether she had Dorit's permission or not. And Diana wants to talk about classless. Smh. I did love how she was checked at every turn. Bring it up to the group. Having it at her opening with Teddi her doppleganger. Sutton calling it out at Kyle's opening. And then the sit-down. You know she's mad when she yells...and fails. And here she goes again trying to drive a wedge between Crystal, Sutton, and Garcelle. I cannot wait for Garcelle's counter move. Make that 'Queen' WERK.


DORIT. I continue to have such mixed feelings about her. So I feel given how she's acting (and the timing of when it happened) that it might have been staged, but her feelings are real. Simply because she did not know. *side-eyes PK* Just...convenient. I feel Dorit is giving real traumatized woman. And even Garcelle made that observation that Old Dorit would be taking forever to get ready and give outfit, outfit, outfit. I liked how dressed down she was...but not at all the Dorit we know. Not to say she was not there. Look at her yelling at Crystal. She could get a pass. This time cuz...trauma. But STILL she was proving Crystal's point. 


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. I will give her this much. She was not wrong about how this should be about Dorit's pain and how she's feeling. Now she needs to tell her Coven members to stop making it a storyline.



Search for a moment just like Teddi someone else I know.

Like an apology, you ain't getting one.  




SUTTON. Continues to be the target star of the show. I loved how she handled herself. I loved her growing friendship with Crystal. A long, long way from Ugly Leather Pants. And she showed total class in giving a sincere apology to Dorit (in front of Kyle) as well in how she was able to articulate how she was feeling. And I stay loving her giving EricFake dust. 


CRYSTAL. Well...she wasn't wrong. This Coven has always been this way. And it was about time someone said so. Using last season might not have been the right move, but it definitely got the point across. And it was nice to see her unleash on that Coven. 


GARCELLE. Hmmm...from 'boring' to fascinating once you see how moving like chess. Perhaps her and Kyle are more alike than one would think...bringing up the time Kathy got them mixed up.   But that said, I feel Garcelle comes from a good place with how she does her pot stirring and how she will at least keep her friends accountable as well. I am now curious to see how Sheree will factor into this to get a full picture if Producer Garcelle is more cunning than Producer Kyle. She's always held my interest, but it's been fascinating seeing Garcelle beat the Coven at their own game...and giving so much great fashion while she does it. I believe I said during the first part of the reunion that I wouldn't be surprised if Garcelle came in this season with an agenda and it might be the takedown I've been hoping for. Right now...I can't help, but think...What will she do next? 


Actually looking forward to next week to see how Teddi chess pieces get moved.


And the thread I was talking about...




I say...SHIFT.  

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OMG @Taoboi. Get out. I was just coming on here to post that very same Third King thread. It was a great analysis and really clarified so many things about Garcelle and Kyle's respective approaches. And the fact that they both represented Bravo at Upfronts a few weeks ago (alongside Karen, Gizelle, Teresa, Alexia and Kenya) says SO much. It's not just who is 'queen' of their show -- it is who is most valued and representative of the RH brand. This group is. And BH is top of the heap.

Also, Terri's podcast is most interesting in that you can tell the Coven dislike Garcelle. But they also fear her. So they pull their punches and won't talk about the issue they have with her.

As for this latest episode...

The Kyle Backlash begins here, it seems. 13 long years it has been building. I have a theory: Kyle hits her low blows early in a season, because by mid-point, another crazier or more toxic storyline has pulled focus. And consequently, when reunion comes around, Kyle's petty BS is relegated to part 1 and she can duck accountability. When she brought in Brandi late in S10 to destroy Denise, I thought FOR SURE she would get savaged at reunion. But Covid and a virtual reunion meant that Teddi carried the can for the Brandi reveal. This year? We still have the Kathy stuff left to play out, and I'm not sure Kyle will be covering herself with glory there either. She's made some noises about leaving after this season -- do you believe it?

One thing I will give Kyle -- her dogs are the cutest. Bambi eating Rinna's steak! And going for seconds on the kitchen counter! I was dying!

Kyle's Doppelganger was at the store opening, and the producers barely gave her a line!

Erika keeps trying to start something with Sutton, and Sutton keeps ignoring her. It's actually kind of amazing. I'm still not sure whether this is because Sutton has gotten good at handling the Coven, or if she's gotten lucky. What is clear is that she, Garcelle and possibly Crystal have compared notes about presenting a united front on how to deal with the Coven. Crystal really surprised me with her outburst because it felt like it came from an authentic place, and wasn't just an excuse to needle Kyle. Especially when Crystal talked about how she did not expect the evening to unfold as it had. For a second, I thought she was going to say she was leaving the group permanently.

That car ride between Crystal and Diana. Yikes. Talk about awkward silences. These two have zero in common. There is something so icy cold about Diana. I know Yolanda was ruthless, too, but there were times when Yolanda displayed some heart and emotional life which I warmed to. This lady is giving me nothing. And neither is her glam squad. An entire team stick her hair in a messy bun and dressed her in a black tent? Damn. That is true wealth when you dress like you just don't care!

Erika leaching onto Diana is creepy. It was like watching a gold-digger's mating call.

Is Mikey and Erika's glam squad working pro bono?

Rinna walking into Kyle's store and saying she loved.... the ceiling... made me LOL.

Looks like Crystal next week is going to throw Sutton under a bus. Yikes.

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I finally finished watching the Reunion. IA that Teresa was like a dog with a bone, and she could not let go of the Margaret thing. She definitely believes that Margaret has been briefing against her and Luis, that Margaret is out to get her (and get her off the show), and that Melissa & Joe are aligned with Margaret in order to do just that.

My question is this: Is it not somewhat plausible that Margaret might have been digging dirt on Luis to get at Teresa and poke the bear? 

Is it not somewhat plausible that she might have built relationships with the tabloid press and fed them stuff? And is it not somewhat plausible that Melissa Gorga would be invested in having Marge lead the charge on this?

You know me, I'm biased for Teresa a lot of the time, and that colors my perception of the show. I can def see Marge wanting to give Luis an out during filming to explain himself -- that whole explanation felt truthful to me. The problem is, that did not come across clearly in the episodes that actually aired. What did come across was Marge gossiping about Teresa's new guy, knowing that it would drive Teresa absolutely bananas.

Teresa is not a nuanced individual, nor is she book-smart. She detests Margaret, views her as a threat to her position on the show and wants her gone. Just before reunion filmed, rumors on social media abounded that Teresa was isolated on RHONJ, that Bravo was going to fire Teresa and revamp the show around Marge, Melissa (!!), Jackie (!) and Jennifer. I believe that this lit a fire inside Teresa and she was like "HELL NO." And she went into Reunion guns blazing. Witness how often she reminded Andy of her top-dog position on the show. Andy very much acquiesced to Teresa, much to Marge's seething disgust.

Luis was very understanding and forgiving of Margaret. Either he is a wonderfully self-realised individual. Or he is killing Margaret with kindness, and only pretending to forgive her. When he said that he had lost his job because of the rumors, I felt that this was a subtle guilt trip imposed on Margaret -- even though he said he didn't blame the cast. Luis plays his cards close to his chest and it is hard to get a read on him. His new job is 'managing' Teresa these days. 

In other news, the fact that Frank hates Dolores's new beau (and we heard New Beau on the phone with Andy) says to me that Dolores will be back next season. I wish Caroline and Dina would come back, too -- the original Unfinished Business of RHONJ. Given Dolores and Teresa's involvement with both sisters, it would be fascinating to see that dynamic again.

As for Jennifer Aydin, Andy clearly cannot stand her. But her popularity is such that he views her as necessary for the show. For now. 

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