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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I am so looking forward to getting caught up enough that I can enjoy it. 


From what I've seen on Twitter, everyone lost their &*(. Teresa ain't perfect, but Marge ain't no saint...regardless of what she thinks. Just like I mentioned about Candiace and Gizelle falling out, this fallout was also a long time coming so I will be enjoying as well as what tea has already been spilled over Teresa vs Marge at the reunion. 




HAHAHAHAHAHHA at the mess.







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So cool that you remain intrigued each week! I was hooked week after week, waiting impatiently for Friday to come and Peacock to upload. Peacock had me acting like it was 1990s Appointment TV!

Listen, Guerdy's fashion is EXQUISITE. It is not the Bling Clown Circus like with Erika, Dorit and Rinna on BH. It is just simply the most beautiful couture and all of it suits Guerdy to a T. She knows how to showcase herself at her best. It all looks gloriously luxurious and fresh. Kiki is the same way. And Garcelle can do gorgeous fashions too, so there must be something in the water in Haiti. They are literally fashion inspo.

Alexia said, we have this one chance so I'm going to throw 10 years worth of personal drama into this one season! And that's exactly what she did!

Nicole and Larsa, I agree, are not major players in these early episodes, but, oh, just you wait because it is a slow burn with them. By the end of the season, my appreciation of both had changed.

Julia is intriguing, and I cannot wait for you to watch the Martina episodes which should be coming very soon, if Martina hasn't popped up already for her gallery show.


I am hearing and seeing things about RHONJ, and my knee-jerk reaction is to defend Tre always, even though I haven't watched the episode yet. I will be watching tonight, but I'm a little scared LOL.


What I am re-watching lately (as I wait for ATL, BH and Potomac to grace my life) is RHONY Season 10. THE Top Tier season from beginning to end. But watching it in hindsight, you can also see the seeds of RHONY's premature destruction (well, I hope it isn't completely destroyed -- I am hankering for RHONY Legacy to return with a Dream Team of beloved HWs). Those seeds were:

-Building the show around Bethenny. While she did make the show's narrative cohesive, when she pulled out, the show shook like a building about to sink.

-The breakup of Bethenny and Carole was authentic, but also painful and toxic.

-S10 was when Bethenny knew the cast were against her and would no longer put up with her lording it over them anymore. While she won her toxic battle against Carole, it was at this moment that B started looking for the exit. In S9, the cast came together and it was a cohesive friendship group, but the S10 fallout between her and Carole fractured everybody, and Bethenny felt she couldn't trust anyone on the cast.

-Carole got mouthier and meaner, but she was the only one to call Bethenny on her BS. She should not have been fired. Indeed, I've long advocated for her, Heather and Aviva to return. They offset the OG crazies nicely -- both groups balanced each other out.

-Tinsley was so charming and her SLs were light and fluffy and necessary.

-Ramona started to go into cruise control.

-Dorinda came off very mean at this reunion (for the first time, really) and stayed mean through the next two reunions and her eventual exit. In S10, the question was asked whether Dorinda was drinking (and drugging) too much. The answer was clearly yes. However, Dorinda couldn't deal with this being said about her, because she was using the same smear to hit Sonja and Luann. To sneer at Luann (who wasn't even at reunion) about going to rehab a second time while she never had to go to rehab was insane hubris. In later seasons, she started going after Tinsley for no real reason, except that maybe Tinsley got to see a side of Dorinda the audience didn't, and she got scared.

Nevertheless, after all that, I loved the season and it has made me miss the show all the more. 

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I'm still getting used to it being on Tuesday. I almost missed it due to being busy with work, taxes, and working on a new novel. lol. But yes, it's been the highlight of my Tuesday. 


I've behind on NJ still, but from what I got from Twitter, it wasn't so much just Teresa as it's the fact that the Producers tried to do a Denise Richards Special on her when 1) you know and I know and mention often how much Marge talks crap about Teresa...to the point Teresa finally brought it up at last season's reunion...but Production wanted to forget about that and 2) the fans remember the wine toss, the husband toss, and the water drop that Marge did so no need to paint her as a saint. And since the fanbase from what I can tell is split pretty even between Team Marge and Team Teresa, they were tearing up Twitter over Round 1. I guess I will see how I feel once I'm caught up, but I'm not currently liking Marge, but I still feel there have been enough clues on air to see she is behind so much of the BTS stuff.


I agree. RE: NY Season 10. I remember liking it the first time around. Especially Lu in Boss Bitca mode with Bethanny in those power suits pre-wedding. And I thought how the cast felt about her Lu said it best at the start of Season 11...the show must go on...WITHOUT YOU. *giggles* 


And yeah, there was a lot going on, but Bethanny vs Carole was so LC vs Heidi 2.0 in how real it was when they feel out. And good friendships falling apart has always been good, resonating trainwreck drama that one couldn't help, but watch. But with them, yes, it got toxic reeeeeeeal quick. 




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Sometimes when I go around on Housewives Twitter, I see someone whose Twitter handle is named after Vicki's ex-husband, Donn. I believe they even have in their info that they are a parody. It cracks me up when people reply, incensed, assuming he is the real Donn. 

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'Donn' also does the Lee Radziwill Twitter parody which foe a long while I thought was actually LR.

But yeah I believe both Vicki and Bethenny went off on him thinking it was the real Donn. It is never not funny.

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I'm partially believing it is true; however, Monique would NEVER provide Gizelle access to her binder. The only way she'd know anything about the contents of the binder were if Karen and Ashley (Monique's only good friends left on the show) were to provide her info. 


I am just glad that it's gonna be Gizelle v. Candaice. I hope they tear each other apart. 

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I have now caught up with NJ. ITA with you -- production is trying to pull a Denise Richards, or maybe even a Nene Leakes Special? Teresa is being islanded. Louie is her only life raft. She's clearly most comfortable filming with her family. The connection with the other women is rapidly deteriorating. Dolores is Switzerland and, as Marge let slip, Marge talks with her about 5 times a day, they are that close. Jennifer-Tre is an alliance, and Team Marge targeted her expertly this season, to the point where Jennifer begged Marge to back off and told her Teresa was the one digging dirt on Evan. Of course MeHo isn't backing Teresa up, even if she makes a half-hearted show of going back to the house with her.

After hearing about a particularly toxic reunion, I feel like Bravo's end-game is to transition Teresa out of RHONJ and reorient the show around much of the remaining cast. The only problem is, I think Teresa is still popular among many the viewers. She and her life are still a ratings draw. Marge and co., just are not. And the dumbest of the dumb, Joe & Melissa, are especially blinkered. They think Tre leaving might give them more screen time on the show, but if the 5-second flashback of Antonia's sweet 16 is any indication, Bravo won't hesitate to drop them from any RHONJ revamp as well.

The Giudice girls leaving the McMansion was moving -- the end of an era. That insanely constructed house was not just another character on the show -- it was a linchpin for a decade of SLs! This was the house that Joe and Teresa built with defrauded money. They built it to get on the show in the first place. They spent crazy cash furnishing it. They both went to jail for it, and fractured their families. It is crazy how much drama and trauma this house spawned.

Gizelle who dismissed Monique as "I'm glad you've been doing some bindering." Gizelle is so bad at coming up with on-the-spot reads at reunions! She can only do rehearsed ones.

Of course she knows Monique's binder holds the real tea on everybody! And while she would love to get her hands on that book, I also don’t believe Monique would ever give it to her. Because Monique hates Gizelle more than she does Candiace. Good call on Ashley perhaps passing her the dirty details.

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Well, isn't that interesting. I don't know how legit the Twitter source is, but just from watching NJ i feel like production and Tre are kind of over each other. It's not as bad as it was with Nene, when bridges were burned big-time. And seeing Gia with her own VT, I wonder if Bravo is holding out for her and her sisters to be the future of NJ. But it also feels like production is less desperate to keep her.

Not sure reorienting the show around Jennifer's Turkish SIL and Jackie's estranged sister is the way to go, though. And no mention in the Blind Item of Melissa, Marge, Dolores. Or the Husbands. Hmmm.

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How can they do RHONJ without Teresa when all the wives spent most of their airtime talking about Teresa? Unlike Nene with RHOA, Teresa is too crucial to NJ's success in a way that no other housewife is for any franchise. Its her show. None of the remaining women can carry it and the dynamics between Jackie, Melissa, Jennifer, Dolores and Margeret just isnt that interesting. If Teresa is out so am I like I did when they booted Vickie and Tamra from OC

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I feel the same way, i don't know how the other women can hold it together without Teresa. She IS their entire SL. What are they going to talk about without her? Marge's knockoff plastic handbags? Tiki's Mistress?

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