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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It was odd seeing Mario be so playful with Ramona knowing whats gone down behind the scenes

George's fiancé Cody looks like Brandi


George is a dirty old man. Feeling up the women is molesting and should not be tolerated. He could be arrested for sexual misconduct with that type of behavior. I really wish Kristen should have made an issue out of George putting his hand on her breasts

Ramona was so wrong to confront Cody and ask her if she's marrying George for the money. What business is that of hers? However to say "I know you have no parents..." was DEAD wrong. Ramona you are a BITCH! I cant get down with that. What an awful decrepit bitch. She didn't even look like she had any remorse for that with the smiling and laughing at making the girl cry at her engagement party

You know from the previews, I was shocked and disgusted by what George had to say about her being f**ked by dogs but knowing the context now, it was completely justified


Someone needs to make a compilation of every time Kristen opens up her mouth wide like this from throughout this season

Oh boy, Sonja was a wasted hot mess

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Ramona was DEAD wrong for bringing up the parents Cody but that aside I honestly understood where she was coming from. And the convo she had with Aviva at her townhouse the next day really touched me. Especially when she linked Cody to Avery and being an only child. I don't know about yall but when she was talking to Harry and saying that if he truly loved Cody he'd let her go live her own life since she's so young I was nodding my head....

It's the truth. He's old and he's lived his life. Cody can say what she wants to say but I highly doubt the sex is that good and from what I've seen the guy is a total creep and not that intelligent. So I'm not really buying the "intellect and sex" as a reason for marrying a guy 50+ years older than yourself.

Anyways my two cents. Sonja and Lumann throwing shade at each other throughout the episode is hilarious. They might has well have given the lady an Apple. Shes earned it. There I said it...

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Even though I love Aviva's cooky ass, she needs to cease bringing her father on the show after watching last night. While I think it was admirable for him to read Ramona the riot act, he quickly went left when he took a serious situation and instantly became gutter butt.

I might be in the minority but I think that RHONY needs to be redone again. Bravo needs to seriously scrap a few ladies (preferably Kristen and Carole), bring back Jill, Alex, and (dare I say it) cooky Kelly. Shockingly, LuMan has somewhat won me over this season. Who knew that a lesser role would do her much justice. Maybe Nene needs to take a friend of HWs position next season to fix her image because Luann is coming off extremely well this season.


Shannon is a crazy bitch. Like crazy. Mental case. May this be her first and last season. Please bring back either Jeana or Gretchen next season.

I didn't think I would be team Pleather but she's won me over this season. Her and Lizzie are the OC for me this season, and it's actually refreshing to see women be able to go up against Vicki and eventually Trampra and not be scared or cower.

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Lol I read and I thought you were being sarcastic at first but I know you're not like that so forgive me for almost going into NayNay mode...

Cody seems like a nice girl and if not for her connection to old man I'd say she needs to be a Friend on RHONY.

Bring back Jill for sure but only if you bring back Bethenny IMO. I'd love to see Alex but it has to be written into her contract that Simon doesn't appear more than 5 times within the season...like for real.

NO to cra cra Kelly. I just can't with her. Get rid of Kristin and keep Carole...she's useful as a neutral one. Every show needs one.

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My thing is, it wasn't Ramona's place to say anything. She doesn't know Cody and clearly doesn't like George. Their relationship is none of her business so she should have kept it moving instead of chiming in. This was even worse than her getting involved in Sonja's relationship bc at least she has a close connection to her.

that's too bad bc its been better than the last seasons of NJ, Miami and BH to be honest

I feel Heather has been serving that role this season. Carole really doesn't have much to offer. She can be a friend

Ramona, Jill, Alex, Sonja, Aviva, Heather. LuAnn and Carole as friends. Now that could be an interesting cast

Edited by Cheap21
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Kelly and Jill were both too toxic for this show. I don't think it can handle both back. If one had to return, Id rather Jill. Kelly was just too much out there. Jill at least could argue rationally. Kelly would shut down, get uncomfortable and talk out her ass

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Yeah its one of the other. The thing with Heather is that while she's cool we know she's capable of going from zero to 100 in a flash. It takes a lot to get Carole riled up so that's why I consider her "neutral" even though she technically is on the other team as you pointed out.

I don't think Andy's gonna cancel NY esp if he's just gotten rid of/given up on Miami (sad face). But hey if he sends Joanna to BH and Adrianna and what's her face (the one married to Lenny) to another franchise I can deal with it.

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Ladies of London

I saw it this morning and enjoyed it. I wish there was more Brits though as its a bunch of American women and 2 of them. The Brits they do have though are so stuck up with a stick up their asses. I don't like the one with the dark hair and Im undecided about Caroline.

Caprice is my favorite followed by Noelle and/or Marissa. I cant tell the difference there yet but I did like both. Not feeling Juliet

I hate that when I try to look this up on Tumblr and all I get is Lady Gaga

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LOL! This is hilarious. Mama Joyce's Housewives taglines. http://www.bravotv.com/kandis-wedding/season-1/videos/momma-joyce-s-housewives-taglines

I especially loved these: "Check my background, I ain't got nothing to hide. I ain't never been on a pole. Nevah!" "I only tell the truth, nothing but the truth so help me God. Check me! Check me boo! Don't hesitate! Check me!" "You don't want none of this. Very few people do."

Poor Kandi.

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