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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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LOL That's what my mom says about Kim, well all the stuff you said about her and Big Poppa regarding her and the daughters. The day Kroy is sacked and no team signs him is kinda the day I look forward to so I can see just what she'd do next.

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WOW, I just found out that Phaedra will be Kandi's lawyer in the lawsuit against Kim. When I read that I thought them thirsty birds just wrote their own storyline for season 6! Andy cant get rid of them now. That's too juicy to drop. Well played bitches. Well played

Edited by Cheap21
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I'm falling deeper and deeper in love with Yolanda :wub:


LOL that's what I thought, even Kandi knew she was boring this season and she helped Phaedra out too. :lol:

I don't see any man wanting a washed up old wig with 4 kids, but then again like Phaedra said we needs a few dummies out there to make the world go 'round

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LOL...its so funny how most of us were saying that these two were the most expendable cast members (outside of Porsha) and now look at this mess.Im actually interested in seeing this play out onscreen. Heck I even hope Wig makes a few appearances to help round this storyline out Edited by Cheap21
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LMAO! Yes, yes we do. But say if they're both under the age of 3 or 5... I just can't see ANOTHER person coming in to play step daddy to all of that. She's used goods. But I have been wrong before.

Ha, so true -- I just noticed not a lot went on with Phaedra this season that was memorable -- I'm not even including this disaster of a booty off between her and kenya. AT least when she came on and how the girls threw shade her way regarding Apollo, her pregnancy and then that sip n see... that was entertaining but now... not so much.

Kandi just isn't memorable at all to me. No matter what she tries.

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There's a sucker born every minute! In episode 1 Kim let it be know that she's all about the money and she still managed to hook Troy. I can understand why Big Poppa went for her, but I don't understand Kroy. I actually like Kim, in the sense that I find her entertaining, but she is fake from head to toe. She also looks really weird to me, although I can't put my finger on it. At times she looks really good and then other times she just looks weird. She is close to being really pretty, but isn't actually.

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I'm mesmerized (or maybe just bewildered) about Wig's boobs. Actually, seeing Mariah Carey on American Idol, her boobs are similar to Wig's. They are just HUGE. And the way they're all bundled up and packaged in those dresses (and on a rare occasion, a bra) I can't decipher if they'd drop to the floor when naked or if they're big floatation devices that bob in the air regardless of the laws of gravity. They're just too much. Would they drop down to her belly button? And yes, sometimes she has a clown-like look to her (all that damn makeup), but I think underneath it all she's actually quite pretty.

OMG. So sorry. I didn't refer to her as Wig. I quickly edited smile.png

Edited by Gray Bunny
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No clue about Mimi's but Wig had them on display when she was painted with Kroy's jersey and they just sat there. I guess that's one good thing about implants is that they're just there and if they were natural then we'd see them probably fall all the way down there much like you'd see with Aretha Franklin when she wears a gown with no bra.

Damn this is making me flasback to some woman with Double N tatas on that lifetime reality show. nagl

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As a woman with naturally large breasts, I do not understand why anyone would do that to themselves on purpose, unless they are working a stripper pole and their earning potential depends on it. It's absolute hell on the back, never mind the clothing issues.

I think this show actually needs Phaedra even though she didn't have a lot going on this year. She's funny and she has a big personality. Even though I'd chose Kandi and Porsha as friends, they aren't that fun to watch. Kim is gone and Nene seems like she has one foot out the door, so they need Kenya and Phaedra to bring some drama and humor to this show.

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HAHAHAHAHA FINALLY! Something interesting will happen! See now THIS will make me tune in for three parts.

I love that basically ATL, BH & NJ always bring it for me in terms of WTF? and other crazy emotions and feels when it comes to reunion time.

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Wig shutting it down? tongue.png Plz. She might shut Kandi down but she better play her cards right when it comes to Goddess Linnethia or she'll get shut down once again at the reunion . . . which would be the 4th reunion for that to happen (2nd season reunion no one fought). All I have to say is that Andy better had brought that polygraph to the reunion.

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I just realized I never really posted in this thread. I always get caught up in reading everyone's posts that I forget to make mine.


I have no sympathy for Kandi. She sat back and seethed for years while Kim played her like a fiddle and ranked in the dough with Tardy For The Party. She should have made sure she got her cut back in season 3 when all she did the whole season was whine about Kim not paying her in her interview segments (but then went and made another song for her like an idiot).

I see I'm the only one here who likes Kim? Yes she is a gold digging user but at least with her you know what you're getting (unlike Fakedra's shady low life ass). I hope they bring her back for season six. She's been boring on Housewives the last two seasons but I blame that on the pregnancies. Love her or hate her she gets you talking, and Nene is boring without her or Sheree around to get her riled up. Plus her and Kenya (who along with Cynthia is the only one bringing it this year) would be GOLD.

Beverly Hills

This season has been so trashy and blah, and I blame it all on Brandi and Maloof Hoof (only way I'll refer to that vile creature is with the nickname Lisa blessed her with).

Brandi is to Beverly Hills what Tamra is to RHOC, low rent trash that the producers can make do their bidding because she's broke and needs the gig. Yes Maloof Hoof is a lying liar who lies but she didn't need to expose her like that. If Maloof Hoof were actually smart, and not just pretending to be while her brothers run their family business into the ground, she would have ignored Brandi's comment. Instead she made it a bigger deal by threatening a law suit then forcing production to edit it out. I'm glad Paul (who's a petty bitch but I still have a soft spot for him) left her and I hope they slay her cowardly lion looking ass at the reunion.

Kyle is definitely headed for the villain edit next season and its about damn time. She is absolutely vile, the way she has attacked Brandi, left Lisa hanging and used her alcoholic sister to look better on tv is disgusting. I still believe she made that comment about Camille back in season 1.

Next years cast should be Lisa (duh!), Brandi (like I said she's trash but she's more than earned her diamond), Yolanda (I love her despite her suspect views and comments), Kyle, The Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick (Kyle's going to need a sidekick), and a new lady. Someone uber rich and a little out there in the vein of season 3 Sonja from NYC.

Everyone else gotta go. Maloof Hoof is definitely out for good. Camille played herself by siding with her. Shana has been hilarious this season but she's still a grifting liar, and a broke one to boot. And Kim adds nothing to the show other than give Kyle someone to whine about, they can downgrade her to friend status. I would bring back Marisa too but she was kind of boring overall, I don't think Bravo has any use for her.

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