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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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At this point, they should just get rid of Kim. IMO, she should've gotten the boot when SheHe aka SheMan aka SheLies aka SheBroke was given the boot. I can see this as another season of Kim setting back, smoking her cigarettes and being the "puppet master/commentator" as dumb Kandi and Phaedra do her bidding like last season. But I did read a few months ago that Kim & Nene did film scenes together (with the other ladies) and actually got along. But I am ready for ATL, MIAMI, and BH b/c NYC and NJ are starting to bore me.

NJ is like beating a dead horse and I think that there are about 8 episode left before the reunion. At this point, just end it. Everyone hates Teresa, and she despises them all. Wrap it up. This is the main reason why I feel that the Housewives seasons should be no more than 15 episodes. Stuff seriously gets dragged on too long. This cast IMO needs a serious shakeup. H*ll, boot all of them and start from scratch. NJ is just not as enjoyable as it was when Danielle was on the show.

Same feeling I have with NYC. While it's starting to get better, I still feel that they should've kept Alex & Jill and had a strong cast of 8 housewives. Jill irked my nerves but she knew how to stir the pot, and Alex was finally coming into her own, and her v. LuAnn was hilarious. I use to love Ramona but she is getting my nerves this season. I am seriously thinking that the cast shakeup has her feeling threatened as she's up against THREE successful women with just as much mouth as she does. And I didn't think I'd care for Heather, but she is growing me. Even though I don't care for Countless and her "man," I did find what Ramona and her husband to say to be very ugly. Oh and Aviva is getting on my last nerve with 1) Bringing her foul, nasty, perverted old daddy on camera. He's not funny. 2) Feeling she can't go anywhere w/o Reid, her husband. Aviva, get it together ASAP!

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Teresa is the sole reason i have quit NJ. I can not with her. Give me a manzo spin off please!

I am loving NYC! I can not wait for the rest of the season.

edited to expand now that I have the time..

So, NJ returned this week and I had zero desire to watch it. That series is just atrocious. I enjoy 3/5ths of the wives and still can not seem to care. This hyper-reality feeling season with the tabloids and ignoring bigger issues is just not working and nothing can be done to make it work. i loved the family dynamic but it simply no longer works. Teresa is just... shes so hard to watch. Im not sure if she is living a lie or believes her lies are real or if shes a idiot or what. But she contradicts herself all the time, she plays an innocent victim, and she wants to act like everything is ok and be pressed when people mention her husband going to jail, yeah is aid jail not away deal with it, or question her on what she sells to the tabloids. I cant. Shes an awful person and her husband is damn disgusting and comes off abusive. this isnt entertaining, its sad and pathetic. and it consumes the show because how the hell is anyone on this show supposed to film with her and not talk about it, really? its sad seeing that she has lost a real friend in jaqui because she has no awareness of reality and how her behavior does impact her friends, family, and costars.

Jaqui is a disaster. Caroline clearly doesnt want to be here. Melissa wants to be here too much. Teresa is... who is she? and Kathy is a bore. Give them all the boot. End New Jersey.

Of course, the editing and dragging out of episodes is really what hurts this series. This entire season should have been about 3 episodes so far. So much damn filler and wasted time. Move it along, people.

Onto NY now, Heather did cross a line when she called Ramona crazy to her husband, but she wasnt telling any lies. Ramona is awful and Heather has her number, she calls her on all her little tricks like shouting louder, repeating herself, her attacking people then leaving. This is what she does to prove that she is right because she damn well cant stand there and argue with anybody and win.

Carole hosting a lunch party = me hosting a lunch party. LOL! I loved it.

This was the most likeable Luann has ever been, this episode.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Well, I know I'm in the minority here, but I'm pretty happy that Alexis has been asked back to OC S8:


I think we have another season worth of Alexis vs. Heather :D

Also --- I see Bravo is airing a "Manzo-athon" this weekend --- not sure if they are splicing episodes together or what, but they sure do love them some Manzos apparently!

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Ugh. Why is Alexis being asked back?! I think after this upcoming season of RHOOC, Bravo needs to retool this show (too) giving all the ladies on there the boot -- including the OG from the OC, Vicki. I know she is "polarizing" but Vicki just needs to go. The show at this point is doing her no justice. Leave on a high note -- well probably low note for her unless she fixes her relationships with the other ladies and daughter. I'd probably keep Heather (seeing as she's still new and cost less than the other) but the rest need to exit stage left.

Out of all the HWs shows, ATL & BH are the only ones I don't feel need a major shakeup, and I'll have the see with the remainder of NYC (still feel they should bring back Jill & Alex with this current cast) and the upcoming Miami.

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Caught up with the week... I'm loving NYC more than NJ. NJ is way too repetitive sometimes, and Lauren is really immature. Next week's finally looks good though.

NYC --- Am I the only one that thinks Heather is totally sane and 100% justified? Everything she does and says I agree with. While it may be humorous to watch Sonja be that way, Heather is totally right and Ramona has ZERO business being involved. I still love Ramona though - her reaction next week to Aviva being upset had me rolling! Speaking of, Aviva is totally the new Alex McCord. Can't do anything without her husband, a little quiet, a little nosy, a little timid when she tries to speak her mind... this last episode she totally reminded me of Alex!

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