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The Golden Girls Appreciation Thread


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I was thinking about Kish and saw the Golden Girls quotes and I thought about this scene during the episode "Sisters of the Bride".

Clayton: I do anything for Doug. And he bend over backwards for me.

Cut to Dorothy covering Sophia's mouth.

Doug, Clayton, and Blanche stare at her

Dorothy: (Still covering Sopha's mouth) Sometimes I just love to hug my mommy.

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Blanche: He said he wants to put a pacemaker in me!

Sophia: Everybody's got a name for it these days!

Blanche: You know girls, we are going on vacation and we may need to bring... you know... protection!

Rose: What do you mean?

Dorothy: She means those. (She points to a counter.)

Rose: A Hershey bar?

Dorothy: Over one.

Rose: A pack of gum?

Dorothy: To the left.

Rose: Hair dye?


Blanche: You are nothing but a low down carpetbagging scallywag! And as God is my witness, I will never

shampoo your hair again!

Blanche: I’m simply questioning how ANY man could possibly choose you over me!

Dorothy: It isn't working, Blanche!

Blanche: I suppose there could be some exceptions: convicts who haven’t seen a woman in twenty-five years...

Dorothy: It's not working you bimbo!

Blanche: How childish to revert to name calling.

Blanche, I hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your rhinestone necklace.

No, that's fine, but I should point out that it was designed for a dainty neck.

Yes, Blanche, but I don't know Mike Tyson well enough to borrow his jewelry.

Blanche: What was your first impression of me?

Rose Nylund: That you wore too much make-up and were a slut. But I was wrong. You don't wear too much make-up.

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Caterer: This is more moving than Rita Hayworth's climatic speech in I Want To Live!

Blanche: You're ready to fly right out of here, aren't you?

Caterer: Well excuse me for living, Anita Bryant!

Blanche: [after looking at her face in the mirror] My God, Dorothy you're right!... I oughta start meeting men lying down...

Sophia: I thought you did!

Dorothy Petrillo-Zbornak: I will never forgive that airline as long as I live!

Blanche Devereaux: I cannot believe they lost all our luggage! Now I'm gonna have to go an entire weekend without underwear!

Sophia Petrillo: Yeah. You usually slip into a pair by Sunday afternoon.

[On an airplane flying to Rose's hometown of St. Olaf]

Rose: God, I hate fog!

Sophia: Why? You spent most of your life in one!

Rose: I meant, if it were clearer we could see Mount Losenbaden.

Blanche: What's Mount Losenbaden?

Rose: It's kinda like Mount Rushmore, except they sculpted four losers of Presidential elections in the mountainside. Let's see... there was Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, and Adlai Stevenson and Adlai Stevenson.

Blanche: Why are there two Adlai Stevensons?

Dorothy: Oh, Blanche, isn't it obvious? He lost twice...


Dorothy: Oh God, it's making SENSE!

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