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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 4

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I loved the two Johns once upon a time... I mean, people often have two or more people in their lives with the same name. I mean, really, I have 5 Jessicas in my life now laugh.gif... So it was nice to see that on Y&R. As long as its with moderation.

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Say does anyone know why Bell suddenly dropped the Dina/John/Audrey North triangle in 1996? I remember late '96/early '97 not being very good Sarah Aldrich casting and all but it seems to me some reckless mistakes Bell made like Josh and Nikki's insta-marriage are attributed to his Alzheimer's, yet for the most part the show remained generally good and consistent from 1996-1998, never-ending Ryan/Nina/Cole/Victoria quad notwithstanding.

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Was Audrey there for a triangle or just to get the story started? It seemed to me that they were thinking of a Dina/John reunion but then changed their mind. It all seemed abrupt, and also did Shari Shattuck's Ashley no favors because she was so bitter throughout.

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Eek just discovered that yrbbfanatic has been banned from youtube, was gonna post something of Dina from that period I found not too long ago. I tell ya the moment people start including commercials in their uploads is the same moment they get banned.

I always thought Audrey was suppose to be more than just the Dina/John reunion. Why else hire Constance Towers from Capitol for a throw-a-way role. I believe however this was the same year Marla Adams also played Beth Logan on B&B at the same time.

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Constance was on Sunset Beach a year later in a small role. At the time I thought she was jut being hired for smaller roles. I don't know. It seemed like John was done with her as soon as he learned the truth. She was wonderful in those few episodes though, in spite of that blatant retcon. I always sort of roll my eyes when we hear about the loyal longtime secretary out of nowhere.

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True, it's funny they didn't just use the long suffering Connie Wayne or bring back Carol for that.

They had a bunch 90s and early 00s clips up along with various openings. In addition, the user btm85bubs, who had tons of late 80s and early 90s Y&R stuff has been thankfully back now for several months now as 0814ma.

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Yeah I keep meaning to watch all of that and then I keep thinking, "Well it will stay around," which it doesn't, then you kick yourself. At least some of it comes back. I'm still annoyed that so many wonderful Eastenders clips, many of which were beautifully edited and put together with great love and care, were removed. I think that soap clips are something which attract an audience on Youtube. People start watching soaps based on what they see on Youtube, or sometimes even spend money to buy books or what have you about those shows.

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I'm sick of fanbois or people who write for this show condemning Y&R fans for their "negativity" when they're the last people who should talk about objectivity and having a "balanced" point of view. If they don't like it, then don't continue to read it.

Why should people have to back off from their points of view? I think everyone here states their problems with this show and explains it thoroughly, not our faults that people want to group us into a crazy fanbase or as stigmatized "always negative message board fans." When we have something good to say about the show, we'll say it, until then, we won't. We have nothing positive to say about a show that continues to disappoint us and continues to get worse with a writing team with such a horrific track record and past history that's definitely showing on Y&R itself these days.

I love how often times it was the same people who never had a problem with people kissing Y&R's ass in late '08 or early '09, but somehow, a widespread negative point of view is much less balanced and worse. Agenda much?

The only reason most of us continue to watch, who no longer enjoy Y&R and what it has become, is out of loyalty and the long-term love we used to have for this show until until it got so bad our faith in it was abused and killed. But we still watch in hopes that one day things will be consistent again, or if someone with a better vision can rescue it from what it has become. None of this might ever happen, but who the hell is anyone to tell us what our viewing habits should be? Do they understand the loyal viewing connection we developed for years with this show before it got so creatively horrific in recent years? I would say no...

It's sad, but I think the people who write for this show are so far up their asses or the ass of their boss that they like to belittle fans who don't accept their agenda of what Y&R should be. There's such contempt for fans who don't like the show, and they refuse to acknowledge that many who dislike the show have legitimate reasons, and aren't "negative" for the sake of being negative.

That ends my rant for the day...

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Where have you been hearing that lately Alvin? I agree it's ridiculous that fans should be condemned for having a negative view of the show. At least here the people who enjoyed the show generally were cordial to those who weren't. Then over time those people who were enjoying the show and continued posting became alienated from it. I've seen several boards become very alienated from the show. It's just an awful mess, and yes, the ratings are still OK, but that doesn't make the show any easier to get through. They keep burning through any potentially good storyline. Everything is made up as it goes along, everything is warped and made into a bad joke, and the most unpleasant characters are showcased day in and day out.

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