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Celebrity Big Brother UK 2010


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Vinnie lost it when he took Sisqo's claim that he was going to "challenge" Vinnie seriously. I mean, really. Enter the dragon? :lol: People were already turning against Sisqo because he sounded like a drunken ass when he made the boast, but Vinnie made Sisqo's accusations of being a bully and top-dog look like truth when Vinnie took it to heart and started threatening Big Brother about it.

Personally, the Vinnie/Sisqo "feud" (snort) would have made for some fun David-and-Goliath TV. What made me dislike Vinnie, though, was not that. It was the nasty way he treated Ivana. Making faces behind her back, complaining about how she's driving him "round the bend." I fail to see how she is making him crazy. I'm not saying she's perfect and saintly or even the most gregarious of the housemates, but she's hardly the most demanding celeb and seems to keep pretty much to herself. He doesn't even look at her when she talks to him -- a real passive-aggressive, jerky way of showing dominance. She called him out on it a little when she jokingly said he didn't seem to like being chained to her.

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The way Vinnie has been with Ivana is very telling.

Ivana intimidates him. She is the only person in the house who openly doesn't give a sh*t about who he is and what he thinks of her.

It doesn't help Vinnie's ego that Ivana is the only person who could buy and sell his sorry ass. And oops, she's a woman.

Ivana has never dealt well with boorish pigs. That's what Donald loved her so much, she didn't put up with his crap, she's a fighter!

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The fake awards show was kinda cruel. I felt bad for Ivana, she handled herself really well, but still, what a nightmare for her.

I don't think Stephanie or Vinnie came off very well from that, they seemed thrilled with the ridicule against Ivana. Dane, Nicola, Jonas and Alex all seemed uncomfortable...but not Vinnie or Stephanie, they thought it was hilarious, I found that quite petty.

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I guess this is in keeping with Stephanie's persona in her acting work but I don't care that much for the generally snotty attitude she has, especially around loathsome Vinnie. Saying Ivana was boring, saying Jonas should not be in the final. And that awful Dane going on about how Jonas is the least famous of any of them. Jonas has had several hit singles over the past few years. What was Dane's last work? His sex tape with Katie Price? He's so unknown that I initially thought he was that lousy standup comedian, the American one.

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Jonas has risen in my esimation when he talked about battling Tourette's.

Did anybody else find the farmyard task when Davina snuck into the house wearing Nicola's chick costume somewhat disturbing? The way all the guys in their animal costumes advanced towards her was like a scene out of Animal Farm. Vinnie ordering them to "hold her down" so they could remove her mask? Even Stephanie was weirdly passive. Jonas was the only one who said "C'mon, guys, you're scaring her." Jonas was also the only one who went to sit with her when she escaped into the garden. Even though they figured out Nicola was gone, they could tell from Davina's "tweet-tweets" that it was a woman, so that's why I thought their mob-mentality behavior was slightly worrying! Davina seemed understanding about it, though, indicating that they were acting out of fear because they could sense a stranger was in their midst.

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I'm now really conflicted about Stephanie...

Her comments about Ivana were odd and seemed pretty calculated, it seemed really self serving to trash Ivana who said nothing but nice things about her. I really can't tell if Stephanie actually likes anyone on the show...

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The Awards task with Ivana was hilarious. She had a great sense of humor about it. I was upset to see her elimaited before the finale but it was only 2 days so we didnt miss out on too much without her.

I didnt care for Nicola this season but her Tree task was great! I still love how she called Ivana a big fat orange...lol. She practically assaulted Vinnie when she tried to get a kiss from him.

Anyone else disapointed by Davina going in the house? When she said she was finally going to be a housemate, I thought she was for the last 2 days. Instead all it amounted was to her running away from the men until BB told her she could take off her costume and she then left.

I was surprised Alex won bc I thought he was hated. Good for him that he turned it all around bc I thought he was unfairly judged. Why does the public hate Katie Price? She got nasty boos.

I was glad when Jonas was eliminated bc I didnt get him and didnt see the appeal. I was afraid he'd win. How wrong and mean was it of Davina to ask him about his status on Kat? I felt so bad for her bc he came across as a jerk but I think he was saving face bc he felt she might have made him look like a fool before

Did Stephanie not have the BEST exit ever? I loved that she got to exit as Dynasty royalty complete with the theme song, that hair, mink coat and jewelery. She looked like a diva!

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