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January 2010 ATWT Thread

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I'd love to see Katie finally grow up, mature. All this 'lets run off to NYC' with a guy who could get arrested at any moment is just bad writing. She has a kid now, this isn't 2004, back when she was free to mess up her life.

As an aside...Text 90999 and the word Haiti and donate 10 bucks. Those people need help help: Port au Prince is no Oakdale.

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EXACTLY!!!!!!!! IMO, Hazen isn't that handsome, but that's just my personal opinion. Another personal opinion is: he can't act! Well....he can, but he shares scenes with such high-caliber acts like West and Park that his star doesn't shine as brightly as I feel that it needs to in order for people to buy those scenes. Parker's a character with a lot of potential. His father was the moral compass of Oakdale for years, his step-father is the self-righteous cop that'll do anything for his love and his family, and his mother is a scheming rule-breaker with the best of intentions. I just don't think Hazen has the acting chops that it takes to equal most of his co-stars. I might be in the minority here, but I think Hagner is a very talented actress, too. But her character's written so poorly that she doesn't have a chance to shine...which is ironic, because it's the polar opposite of Hazen's situation.

As for Monday's show:

I don't think Emma would give Katie the family Bible. I don't buy that. Unless Margo told her they needed to pass it off as a gift in order for Katie to stay. I can't see Emma giving such a precious heirloom to Katie, of all people.

Simon and Katie's goodbye at the Lakeview was soooo sad for me. I love this couple. They sparked my interest when they got together back in the early 00's and ever since then, I've always rooted for them. (Until Mike came along....that was another Katie pairing I liked). Still!!...that line from Simon: "I like who I am with you"...*tear* AAH!! I just wish they had more of a goodbye once they got to Tom & Margo's. However, now that I think about it, that wouldn't be true to their pairing. Simon's always been the one to go, leaving Katie behind--looking through the glass as he walks away. I think any form of closure between them would totally ruin the chance for a reconciliation down the road....which is what I'm hoping. LOL!! I guess I'm just upset that Katie didn't leave town. But I'm equally upset that Skatie didn't get their happy ending. There's always September, though, I guess... :(

I hated that Janet didn't tell Katie about Liberty's leukemia. Maybe she didn't want Katie to worry, since at the time, they all thought she was leaving. But still...she has a right to know, I think. So did Jack, but we see how quickly that pursuit lasted. Craig rubbed it in that her husband was off with Carly and she tucked her tail and went to Old Town to sulk. :rolleyes:

Liberty, you were just diagnosed with leukemia. I don't care who you are; even Barney, the cheer-filled purple dinosaur, couldn't rebound that quickly. Are we supposed to believe that Liberty throws a few rocks, slaps Dusty on the chest a few times, and is suddenly "over it"??!! Puh-leeze.

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I do like the manner in which Luke got Doc into Oakdale. Bluff blackmail was needed and Lilly acted like a bratty child. Doc was an ass and all she could say was 'this isn't the man I raised Luke to be!' Please, if he followed her example, Luke would have already screwed half the men in Oakdale.

What is the actor's name? The one playing the doc? He was actually good.

Did Hunter come off as gay today or is it just me? Maddie looked angry during the scenes. Looks like she has the magic touch when it comes to turning men gay...LOL If Hunter were to be gay, I'd love seeing Emily take the news. She could teach him all about dating headcases. Stenbecks love Stewart women so now they will need a gay Stenbeck man for Hunter ;-)

I am loving Meg right now. That moment where she waved bye to Holden and Molly was perfectly tragic and pathetic. I wish the director had left the cam on her a few seconds longer. I notice that TPTB speed through moments lie this, the scenes that really make a show. Just pausing, taking a moment, and showing a powerful moment actually saves money and makes for a better program. Goutman and other show runners are always talking about their lack of money. They could save some serious cash by just slowing down. Actors are not paid by the minute.

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Luke is either clingy like Mama...or queenie evil like Daddy...lol. Either way Luke is doomed...lol

Hunter and Noah seemed to have chemistry today. A nice pairing if you asked me. Noah had personalityhuh.gifblink.gif with Hunter.....lol. I thought they would make a nice cute gay couple. Let Luke get fucked by the doc.....lol The name is actor being the Doctor Oliver is Eric Sheffer Stevens.

The ending with Meg and Holden/Molly was nice. I liked it. It had a chilling feel to it. Nice acting by Marie Wilson.

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The writing on the show keeps getting better and better. This isn't the ATWT of my dreams, but far better than any of the other CBS soaps. Saw B&B today, it was painful. DK and the new writing team isn't bad. I see why ABC might want him. This is better than GL? Is Pissy still really writing or is this all DK? How much of a role does Lucky Gold have?

I notice a trend on World Turns: Eash story arc is modeled after a film. We have seen the films Ghost, One Flew Over the Cockow's Nest, Diliverance. Also, Dr. Oliver is based on House--the attitude, him having secrets to hide

that would cost his medical licence. It is a cute idea to take tips from flicks but this could get old, fast.

I'm wondering if World Turns can hold that 2.0 hh rating. This wil be a hard week for all shows due to Haiti coverage on cable.

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I thought Meg was an unncecessarily blubbery mess today. We get it; Damian's after you. I would think Meg would be pissed at the situation...maybe (perhaps) even a tiny bit ticked at Molly and Holden for not investigating sooner since Meg had asked Molly to dig for info three or four weeks ago. The character of Meg is a fighter, but today she came across as some blubbering, psycho, Gothika-esque baby, crying and wailing like she was. It was extremely unattractive.

I do agree that Jake S. finally had some "life" about him today. But I'm not so sure it was Hunter. I saw that very same spark in Jake's eyes when he was originally with Maddie. I was also turned off by the fact that Maddie gushed about how close her and Noah are as friends; they haven't shared scenes together since that crappola slasher storyline.

Lily's way too worried about Damian teaching Luke his ways. And yes, Damian's ruthless "end justify means" ways have been a sticking point for them in the past. But she's not nearly as suspicious as she should be. I realize Lily's not the brightest crayon in the box, but even she should be able to tell that something is off with Damian by now. She's so worried about him fostering Luke into the Grimaldi ways of getting things, that she's not seeing the facts: that Damian's way of getting things is the EXACT thing Molly, Meg, and Holden have all been warning her about him (in re: the whole Meg drama).

I'm not seeing ANY film references in ATWT's storytelling, but that's just my personal opinion.

Eric Stevens plays Reid pretty well, but I already don't like the character. He's way too stubborn, cocky, vindictive, and annoying. ATWT has waaaaaay too many male love-to-hate and hate-to-hate characters, as it already is.

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The doctor is way too hot to waste on that whiny queen. It is bad enough that they wasted hot daddy Lau on that queen(who happened to be my teen dream back in the AMC days...who didnt want to mess up Greg's hair and take him for a walk on the wild side??? Which made me hate the goof even more..."Uh, my boring wood post of a boyfriend or this hot daddy," okay so Lucinda married him..slight problem for sure but she didnt make too much of a fuss after it happened...)

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The running theme for the past few weeks has been 'don't take the meds'! Meg was hiding her anti-phychotic red pills under her pillow. Yesterday, we were supposed to see Meg as really drugged. I worked for a short spell at a mental hospital when i was 18 and so many of the inmates really did look like Meg. She moved so slow, confused. In One Flew Over the Nest,' they took a totally sane character and ruined him much in the same manner as the docs have ruined Meg. That was why I was comparing the two stories. Both involve sane people who get destroyed by the system.

Today, I tuned in at 2:30 and missed half the show. Allison is really buggin' out. I'm guessing they are writing this as her falling in love with him? I don't see her getting a treatment.

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Don Hastings is totally in his element when playing Bob as the head doctor in charge. Some of his best scenes are when he's arguing with fellow doctors.

I hope they straighten out this Carly/Jack/Dusty/Janet/Craig mess before September. Really. I'd hate to think that the show ends with that as the main attraction. Just put Carly and Jack together, put Janet and Dusty together, kill off Craig in a tragic car accident, and let that be the end with them. Let Carly and Jack share a month of happiness before the end.

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