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Days Casting News

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Guest dc cubs

I liked BD but Days wasn't using him. It's sad but the nature of the business. I hope he can find work somewhere else. Good luck to him!

That being said I could see him popping up once in awhile for special appearances like the holidays.

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Not too sad about this. Dena has never been able to write for Lucas. Since she took over, Lucas has done nothing but yell, bully and generally act like a douchebag. There's been no shred of maturity to the character; he's been dumb as a box of rocks. They missed a HUGE opportunity to reveal that Lucas was covering for Will shooting EJ. Instead, he's been in a dull-as-dishwater triangle with Chloe and Daniel. Boring!

Good luck, BD.

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Aw, I've always liked Bryan/Lucas even though Lucas was always the underdog, the character who always got beaten up the most. But I guess once Chloe was out of Lucas' life and put him in rehab, the writers didn't know what to do with him. I still think he could've been a part of Will, Maggie, Kate, Philip's life - so put him on recurring instead, just in case you want to use him.

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I'll miss Lucas, but I'm not surprised. They brought in Rafe and there wasn't any room for Lucas. I think that Lucas could be a confidant for Will going forward, but they don't appear to want to use him. I wish Bryan luck. Hope he has lots of money saved and finds more work.

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It does seem unfair, although Lucas has had years and years and years of bad writing, and there really isn't anywhere to take his relationship with Sami.

I always liked Lucas best as the young schemer. It helped that Bryan Datillo was so gorgeous back then, and was such a great counterpoint to Ausduh. I wish they'd never made him into the yelly moral authority or the alcoholic punching bag.

Bryan still looks good now and he's a fine actor when he gets the material. I can't say, "So and so soap should hire him," because most of the soaps already have a lot of young men they don't bother to write for, or they are poor at bringing in new characters, but I can see him on GH, or on B&B.

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I was hoping BT was getting a big story in 2010 having to do with the recast Will :, I guess not. I wonder how they will be writing Lucas off? I hope he doesn't die, especially if they are killing off Mickey Horton. TWO Hortons, and TWO deaths for Maggie to deal with? That doesn't sound right to me Just what have these writers done with Lucas?

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