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Suds Report Tweets about "Bad News"

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To think AMC would get either one of those two over Broderick permanently at the helm? It's just ridiculous.

Frons should really take a good, hard look at the fan response to just the mention of Broderick. It's the first time in a VERY LONG time that the overall response to such news mostly ranged from "the show is in BAD shape, but this could help" to "Hallelujah!"

Almost NO negative reaction. If he wasn't really considering Lorraine for anything more than an associate position, and was thinking of putting one of the predictable "usual suspects" in the seat, the fan response alone should make him think again.

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That could be it since Branco loves OLTL. Its either that or ATWT has been cancelled. AMC getting Passanante as a writer wouldnt be bad news to Branco. Remember he wants AMC to fail so that OLTL can survive. He'd be happy for a Passanante move.

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I really wouldn't be worried about OLTL getting the axe just yet. Yes, ABC is pouring money into AMC & GH over OLTL, but I doubt they would cancel right now, just as the cast is poised to move into a new studio and Gina Tognoni is set to return. Plus, the Mitch Lawrence stuff has always been good for their ratings, and that's just getting started. Nah, it's safe for a while. Also, I don't think we'll hear any more about the AMC HW issue for a while now. It seems that Lorraine is there temporarily to guide things along until they find someone else. If it's anything, the thing that makes the most sense is the cancellation of ATWT. They pulled out all the stops for November sweeps, but the numbers totally tanked. The timing seems right.

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