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LOL...yup....more like Gayambert....hehe

Thanks for confirming it. I wasnt sure if that was a guy he was making out with on stage......LOL. And I did see the cut to audience during it. Ummm...and he didnt get a very big response by the audience after his performance...lol

I see they didnt invite the winner of Idol.....only Lambert...lol

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Adam was trying way too hard with that performance. His album is good, but that song is so flat. I don't know how it got picked for the lead single. I wish a good group like Scissor Sisters had his platform. They have some amazing songs that could be huge hits in the US. I wish he'd pulled a Fifthy/Gorgeous or I Don't Feel Like Dancing out tonight. Janet...is a total goddess! Awful outfit, but her dancing was on point as usual. Loved the mix of songs too. I've been waiting to hear Together Again since Michael's death and it was the perfect closer to her performance. And If, as usual, is killer!

Poor J Lo falling and all. She needs to retire. Her sound and look is five years old. Look at where music is now, loser! She needs less bronzer, a fresher look and should've done a modern dance song ala Waiting For Tonight. Her time as a Hip Pop princess is over, especially if thats the best she can do. I miss how fierce she was doing Jenny From the Block. What happened?


Oh yes and Rihanna sucked donkey balls. Her album is very mediocre.

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Apparently Adam also ground a man's face into his crotch, and flipped off the audience.

Such desperation for attention so early in his career. And this will probably be seen as brilliant PR or whatever but I think it's just way too much, and makes it even more difficult for gay artists in the industry.

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I thought the beginning and ending of the song were awful. The middle part of the song was pretty good. I am getting tired of Adam's yelling and screeching throught all of songs. I believe i saw the crotch in the man's face part too. The audience really didnt give him much of an applause.

LOL about Rihanna.....ummmm...I didnt like her song either. The album looks like it will be bad.

I still likeJlo but she lost her edge.

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For everyone who thought it was desperate, transparent gimmickry, others will see "edginess". In the long run this type of thing just gives risk-taking musicians a bad name, even if it might move a few more of his CDs.

It's all just tedious. Taylor Swift gets all the stick for being boring, but at least she does concentrate on her music.

I thought all the various artists who attempted to be edgy fell very flat. Those who worked on their vocals were the best. Like Kelly Clarkson, who is not exactly known for great live vocals.

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I liked him a lot...before that performance. It definitely came off desperate. Desperate for attention? Desperate to not look be seen as an AI/pop factory star? He just came off tacky.

ABC has gotten 1,500 complaints so far looking at Yahoo news.

Favorite performances: Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga (why she has to wear those crazy outfits IDK), Jay-Z/Alicia.

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I don't think it appeared desperate at all. I think people are just freaked out that he did the type of thing Madonna, Timberlake, etc. do... but DIDN'T SOFT PEDAL his gayness like a good little boy. If he was just a pop singer, I'd say he went to far, because it wouldn't have fit the genre. But he seems to be going for this Queen/T.Rex/Sex Pistols thing.... he's just unafraid to be a FAG on national TV. Thank GOD SOMEONE finally is. It's just made some surface liberals uncomfortable... it's the whole... "I love colored people, and support civil rights, but I don't want to live across the street from one" thing. It's ok if he's out of the closet for many people, as long as he doesn't take the same liberties a straight performer would. We can't have that, can we? But having said all this.... his song sucks DOODIE WATER. His entire album sounds over-produced (And this is coming from a queen who likes HUGE Bombastic arrangements)and the songs are just crap, except for a couple. Of course, his genre isn't my taste, either... this is MY idea of an AMA performance, that's why I haven't watched it in 15 years:


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This is the same guy who posed with a naked woman for a magazine and put his hand on a woman's crotch during the AMA performance. I think he will do anything for attention. He probably has decided that is what sells. He may be right. Either way, since he didn't clear it with ABC first, I can see why they were upset.

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I'm waiting to see how his cd does next week. I love that he is gay but he needs to leave that at home....lol. I want him to sing and perform but not have sex on stage with guys...lol. If I wanted that Id buy his porn movie if he made one...lol

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I thought the performance sucked and the song too. And what did this guy do to get the last performance of the awards? He hasn't done anything in the industry yet.

Loved Gaga's performance - smashing those bottles on the piana = awesome.

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