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Y&R sweeps preview

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I'm sorry, Adam did go too far and did too much, he needs to be held accountable for all of his actions. After this all comes out, I seriously cannot see him as an integrated member of Genoa City society after all he's done. Half that town has very valid reasons for hating him for life.

And look at these spoilers, it looks like they're going to completely ignore Adam's criminal history. Yeah, because we really need that on this show with the Scobbies and the Fisher's still here. :rolleyes:

Eric Braeden was right to mention how neglected Adam's criminal activities have been written since his contract troubles...

The audience doesn't forget, we're not stupid, and we deserve better. There's only so much suspension of disbelief one can do...

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Ok but are we going to see or explore Adam's sleeping with Rafe? He could black mail Adam to be with him. Expose him as gay. So many angles of that story could be told.

All of Y&R's stories connected. ALWAYS, until MAB and team came. I just cant wait until they hear us and hear us now so we can get our beloved show back. I do belive they will. It may take some time like 6 months.

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I mean really, what was the point in Adam tea bagging Rafe, to only make Chris Engan leave the show over it and then never pick up on that storyline again. They wasted everyone's time. That's a huge risk. TO have one love session and then to drop it. For what? What did we gain? We lost so much out that.

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I hear you. I really do!

And the mistake was turning Adam bad this year. I wish it had never happened.

Our point of disagreement here relates to Adam's ability to survive all this. And again, I come back to the fact that Victor put a man in a dungeon and fed him rats. And then he chased his pregnant wife with a horse whip, causing her to fall down the stairs and lose the baby.

His "punishment"? His wife left him and left town with her lover. He was left "brutally alone" -- which was a fate worse than death for this man with abandonment issues ("oprphanage").

That was resolved when a few months later he saw Nikki @ The Bayou. I seem to recall that in the meantime, they occupied him with a business storyline (saving Chancellor Industries from Derek Thurstone's greedy hands while Kay was presumed dead).

I saw this done -- skillfully. In a matter of 2 years, TGVN was elevated to the romantic lead of the show.

So I'll never say never.

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What was the point in killing off Brad and then his as well as Traci Abbot's daughter a few months later?

What was the point of giving Heather epstein-barr disease (which was completely forgotten anyway)?

What was the point of having Patty cause brain-damage to Summer?

What is the point of this whole Terroni mess?

What was the point of having Devon sleep with Tyra?

What was the point of making Patty into a psycho and then introducing her lookalike? Why did Patty, the core character, have to be a psycho that committed so many crimes?

Likewise with Adam. Why did he have to burn Ashley's fetus? What was the point of him gaslighting Ashley anyway? Did he seriously not know that trying to make Ashley go crazy as she's standing on stairs during a story and blackout would lead to something dangerous? Really?

Why do both Sharon and Phyllis continue to blame each other and not Nick? Why doesn't that quad never end and why does it always go around in circles?

What was the point in bringing Phillip III back from the dead and ruining all that history just to do not followup and have the character one like once a month after that?

Why was the point of giving Katherine a husband if they were hardly ever going to be on together?

There's so much more I can go into, but Y&R sucks, and this writing regime just sucks. We soooo deserve better than this crap.

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But neither of those characters Victor harmed were on the show for that long. Adam has harmed half the town in some way, and I doubt any of these people are going anywhere. He will always serve as a constant reminder of the crimes he committed to them.

Nthing will make up for burning a fetus and giving an innocent woman's baby to another woman and making the baby's real mother beleive her baby is dead. When you go that far, you need prison and mental counseling. This cannot be whitewashed, and it will loom over his head forever, much like Gloria's skin cram fiasco did. People will not forget it.

With this writing regime? You seriously think they'll devote years into redemption with their pacing habits?

Again, Adam needs to get caught and he needs to pay in order for BOTH Ashley (especailly Ashley) and Sharon to get some of their piece of mind and integrity back.

I'm sick of the horrible writing for women on Y&R. Not every women needs to be a damn victim.

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I'm serious with what I ask next.

Let's say, 12 months from now, Ashley and Sharon piece it together.

Then, they BAND together to make Adam pay.

Now, I'm not sure how. They could go vigilante (since this is an ABC-style show now) and put him in Victor's basement dungeon. (Do two wrongs make a right?).

Regardless, maybe instead of making him see justice, they realize that he has genuine remorse. Like I said before, if he had to do it over again, he wouldn't. He's truly sorry, but he can't turn back the clock.

Maybe, then, they blackmail Adam into doing some good. I don't what that means...work at a woman's shelter or something.

Could you imagine scripting this in a way that empowers the women, makes Adam pay, shows that all of the characters have "moved on"? I could...but I know I'm weird that way....

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Adam can't be redeemed. He has gone to far. I think they are giving him this storyline with Nick to just keep him around longer until they reveal his evil deeds. They could have made Adam evil without ruining the character.

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Where in the real would would women who have been victimized mentally and physically know about their offender and forgive him just because he's shown "remorse?" Oh, I forgot, Genoa City is closer to Harmony these days...

What message is that sending out to the women and young women in particular that watch this show and have been victimized mentally, physically, or sexually?

I want evidence to build up against Adam and for Dr. Taylor eventually to spill all. Then they can do a grand trial in court, where Adam's tried for months to cover his tracks, and when it looks like he's going to get off, in a dramatic moment, he's slipped while cross-examined and admits to the crimes he's committed, kind of like when Annie on GL admitted that she lost the baby and Reva didn't push her down the stairs to cause it. This will all take MONTHS to unfold. He's then sentenced and spends a year and a half to three years in prison. He can then return with a younger and a better actor than the overly theatrical and cartoonish Michael Muhney after that.

Before Adam is hauled off to state prison, both Ashley and Sharon will visit Adam in lockup and tell him how he got exactly what he deserved and how his sentencing should have been much more severe. They'll remind him of the disarray he's caused to their lives and tell him that they can finally move on now, because justice has been somewhat served.

When Adam returns, he will be more of a gray character, and won't go as far as he has now. He will try to win everyone's approval, but they will all treat him like scum. It will take years for him to finally win most people over.

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Doesn't the complete lack of mention of Jill and Katherine, and Nina's reaction only being about Chloe, say it all?

Chance's injury will be all about Chloe. She will be overcome because a man who cares for her (notice they didn't say she cares for him) might die. We will get a lot of handwringing over this, all while knowing that her true love, the "man with balls", is Billy. So this will likely lead to Billy nailing her the night they divorce, or the night before her wedding to Chance.

I don't really care one way or the other about the Nick/Adam rivalry, they're both weak, nasty men who always have to be the biggest dick in the room. I can think of worse stories. What I don't care for is that Sharon is reduced to being their toy.

As for Billy, and this latest attempt to show us what a big man he is -- how pathetic is it that only a few months ago, he was close to the Newmans? That he treated Victor as a father figure? He only stopped liking them because they screwed him over. To declare war on them because his feelings are hurt makes him look truly pathetic. Like most of the men on the show.

This is another story that would have been fine at another point in time, but now seems very off to me.

At least this will lead to Billy/Mac breaking up, although I pity the next woman who is shackled to Billy.

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