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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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The opening she spent some big bucks on that the show could ill afford at that time was completely derivative, yes, but not just of ER, of two primetime shows, ER and NYPD Blue, both from the look as well as the distinctive percussion. At the same time spending even more money she stuck the show with this downtown block set with the hospital, the cop shop, the newspaper & Carlino's Restaurant, forcing most of the stories to be told in one or more of those 4 settings & her stated reason for foisting this set on the show was because she said she couldn't understand what was where in the previous traditional sets. ?????

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It is mind-boggling how many times Jill was hired, but of course the flip side is a blessing - that she is fired so many times as well & for the most part she wasn't long at any one show. 4 yrs each at SB, GL, OLTL & Y&R. Only 2 at AW. Then GH unfortunately had her for ... 11 years! 

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This goes back to my earlier point--why not try your (meaning JFP) hand at primetime and get immersed in those circles? She clearly had the fight in her to keep getting hired in daytime circles. She should've tried to penetrate the primetime circles. She might have landed something. But we desperately needed her out of daytime b/c her touch on all these shows are why they are all either dead or on life support (Y&R and GH). 

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True, but he wasn't around to see Blake's grief, as opposed to Chele's and he would have hindsight knowing what his "death" did to screw up Blake for good.  If they laid the groundwork of him knowing about Ed and Lillian beforehand and her devastation .."All I am to people is the person who can solve anything, someone that will listen to them, but who will do that for me..I sometimes wish I could disappear and start over again." then I can see it.

And yes, Mo woudl need to be in a coma, and then wake up with her brain still scrambled with amnesia...but please, not like Vanessa, whiling away in that Swiss Convent with the nuns singing in the background.



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I think it's the one where Michael Logan begins by saying what a dream interview Beverlee is & they discuss in detail the circumstances of her "escaping" from JFP's clutches after she told JFP she was unhappy with story they were writing for her, partly her interfering with Nick & Mindy, and also that she was exhausted from being overworked. If you do a search for TV Guide, Michael Logan, Beverlee McKinsey, you should find it easily, I think. If not, I will find it for you. 

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I found it! 


McKinsey: I tried to reach Jill that week to tell her first.  She was on vacation.  I tried for two days and they wouldn't give me the number where she could be reached and I got crazy.  I'm thinking, 'Oh, my God, my God, I'm gonna do my last scene and be standing there and then what do I do?'  Because the notice was going the next morning to the ad agency and then everybody would know.  Jill's assistants claimed they didn't have a number for her.  Well, that wasn't true -- but I understand not wanting to be bothered on your vacation.  So I said, 'If she calls in, come and find me wherever I am in the building.  It's very important that I talk to her.'  And on that last afternoon, at four o'clock when I got ready to go to the studio floor to work straight through till I finished, I still hadn't heard from her.  So I sat down and wrote her a letter.  I said, 'I'm really sorry you have to read this because I wanted you to hear it from me, but I cannot leave this studio without saying goodbye to the crew and the people who are here.'  And that's the way she found out -- in a letter.  And she has never responded to that letter.  And I'm sorry about that.  But I read the rules and I followed them.  If they're bent out of shape about anything, it's because for one of the few times in their lives, somebody left them instead of the other way around.   C'mon, grow up!  They fire actors there all the time.  It happens to us all the time without warning.  So if they're bent out of shape it's because, for once, somebody beat 'em at their own game.  If somebody wants to leave after they've been working 22 years, give 'em a break and let 'em go!  I didn't violate any clause.  I went exactly by what the contract said. 

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About JFP and goals & about taking responsibility. At AW Jill had a mandate from either the network or P&G to make the cast younger, cut the size of the cast overall, increase ratings, win Emmys. If I recall correctly she fired 11 people. At least 2 were fired strictly because they were over 50 - Bridget & Spencer Harrison. Getting rid of Bridget was amazingly stupid & short-sighted. Bridget was live-in nanny basically for the 2 boys. What was Vicky gonna do without her? In her first 3 days she fired 3 people. One of them was Christine Tucci, fiance of Paul Michael Valley. He was so pissed that he said he wanted to quit. Any decent EP would've known he was just mad & given him a day or two to cool off & say that of course he'd stay. NOT JILL, no, gleefully she said she'd be glad to kill off his character. And, that is now AW lost the most valuable romantic partner for Vicky. Later they had some lovely scenes [ahem] in heaven. At GL of course, she had invented the Emmy bloc vote. For years she insisted that it was NOT her fault, killing off Mo she meant. Finally she fessed up, said she'd been wrong & learned a valuable lesson. (How can you tell when Jill is lying? Her lips are moving.) At that very moment she boldly declared that Frankie Frame was not on her. The known soap world was amazed. She convened the focus group that decided to kill Frankie. She said another person was responsible but she was not going to  name names. I realized she meant MDP who had written that particular misogynistic slop. Just weeks later, on Locher room again, I heard her say, "It wasn't me. It was the writer." So much for not naming names, huh?

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I was hoping @Alanwould post that he knows a specific date. The closest I know is Jan. 1990. At some point after that her husband Stephen Demorest joined her as co-HW & then a year later, in Jan. 1991, they were notified that "Jimmy" would be joining them as another co-HW. (James. E. Reilly) They smelled a rat. Given how different their writing styles were, they were suspicious. So, they decided to turn the tables on the suits & aggressively work together to "show them". I thought it was hilarious, also wonderful. I can only imagine how much more wonderful Curlee material we'd have if she hadn't gotten pregnant & had a couple of little Curlee-Demorests. I have always regretted daytime effectively losing her at that point. Although I'm sure they have a lovely family. 

If you get the chance, see her sometime on one of the Locher rooms she did. She has this great Southern accent. (As do I.) One of the Locher Rooms is a watch party, a Beverlee scene, Kimberly Simms is in that zoom, too, as she's playing Mindy in the scene. Of course Alexandra comes out on top. And, as we know Alan has his weaknesses as an interviewer, but they don't come into play when he's hosting a watch party. The clips are the stars. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Well, she has the knack to jump ship once she mortally wounds a show and latches on to another one. 

I get GL snagging her b/c she was an EMMY machine on SB. And I somewhat understand them moving her to AW; however, after she wounded those shows, ABC was stupid to let her get her hands on OLTL and GH. And CBS was stupider for letting them get her grubby hands on Y&R in the social media era where fans stay openly expressing their disdain for TPTB in a central social media forum (typically Twitter). 

And I also don't care for JFP b/c she doesn't own her sh*t. Case in point--killing Frankie Frame. She unnerves me with how she changes history and says she doesn't say she was on the show when it occurred. Ma'am, your name is in the closing credits. You were there. Might've been when your time was winding down, but you were there and you signed off on it, which puts you at fault. 

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