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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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During that time with the revolution (which was "bad" and prompted by Edmund...not that any of the citizens of SanCrud were tired of being ruled by white quasi-British people) I wish they had made it a real revolution led by the people and have a sexy actor play the leader of the rebellion (which I would have Eddie tap into for his own selfish reasons) and him and Cassie form a common bond/attraction..I don't like LW as an actress but she knew ho to generate chemistry with a table to generate story..so it would have been interesting to have her in triangle with dull Prince and a sexy new comer while the show could subversively comment on how the whole island storyline/princess fantasy crap was outdated and elitist. I love how the Spaulding are always looked down on for there money and power but island royalty were never questioned so the hausfraus could get off imaging they were Cassie being sexed up by the bland Ken doll. 

Regarding Zaz, I would put the blame on MADD/Rach..Moonvees disdained soaps and a particular actor was beneath his attention. The writers were coming up with a story but were stopped by Rauch who said, "We all know how that story was going to end"

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I read an interview, and I believe it was Zimmer, slightly defending Rauch (cause he was handing the show over to her) talking about that they had big plans that they had to scrap with Zaz gone, something about the black Spauldings and I think she might have mentioned an Ellen Parker return? If that was true and not something I dreamt up (and it might not have been Zimmer) God only knows if they were planning on having Mo be alive hidden by Roger or the story E & B wanted to do was to have a down on her luck woman getting her heart and then having her face redone to look like Mo. As dumb as it sound it would be interesting to see Parker play a tougher character and intereact with Zaz.

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Mitch, I also remember that story about Rauch planning to bring back Ellen Parker, but I don't remember the source. I know Nancy Curlee had the idea of Roger hiding Maureen so Ellen Parker could come back if the execs changed their minds but that never came to fruition. Actors are often the worst judges of EP's and writers; as long as they get material, they think the people are the greatest. If they're still on the show, they also don't want to burn bridges. 

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Speaking of Mo & Ellen Parker, someone posted on Twi/x that on 1-5-93 the scene where my favorite of ALL soap lines was said by Mo to Lillian, “You have reduced us to a ridiculous suburban joke and I will never forgive you for this”. - Mo to Lillian, GL 1-5-1993. What I want to know is who wrote that iconic line?

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Thanks! I know Curlee was a HW then but I'd never caught who the day's SW was. What a day in soap history & what a line!! And, of course, we know what's coming. One tiny factoid that is fascinating to me is that Phelps did not have the guts to tell Ellen Parker to her face what they were about to do to her. Both Jill & Parker worked at the studio that morning but Jill waited until that afternoon & called Ellen at home, where she was getting ready to head to the theatre because she was in a play, & told her the bad news. 

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Most of the time soap actors play the same beats story after story. If/when some soap honcho comes along with an idea where they play a drastically different dramatic scenario even if it's predictable that fans are going to label it OOC & hate it, to those actors this is that bright shiny object & they're going to think this is the most brilliant idea they've ever heard. As fans we have to accept this about actors & not count on them to be accurate in their assessments of PTB!! 

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Okay, Courtney Sherman Simon is someone I sometimes email with. So last night I dropped an email to her laying out that it is my favorite line & I have learned that she wrote it & ended with "Brava!" I did not expect a reply. But, first thing this morning, I got one & it left me laughing my head off. Believe it or not, this was her reply:

So on this I reflect a few things. #1 She remembers the exact words she wrote 32 effing years ago. #2 She insists that the way she wrote it was better & some actor did what they always do & changed it. #3 She actually takes the time to email me & tell me so.

She has made my week!!! 

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Just tacky and wimpy. As someone who has been let go via the phone, it think it is the most cowardly thing an employer can do. Especially, to an employee that gave blood, sweat, and tears to your organization. Furthermore, it should've been a sign to JFP that maybe the choice she was about to make (getting rid of Ellen Parker) was stupid and would forever damage (not only GL) but the entire genre. 

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What an idea! If JFP had had insight! BAH. The thing is we know that Curlee had enough presence of mind to think of a contingency plan that she could write in case the people in charge changed their minds. Knowing that Roger had one true friend in his whole world, Mo, Curlee envisioned writing that we are looking down from the top of the cliff at the car below. The camera pans up to us & we are Roger standing with a shaking Mo, saying over & over again, "We've got to get out of here." Then, Roger loads her into his car & drives to a motel & stashes her there & tells her that he will be back soon with some kind of plan. Unfortunately, the world was not lucky enough for the brilliant Ms. Curlee Demorest to get to use that!!! 

Co-sign. SO much high drama & loads of emotion. The bit of physical business when Ellen slams the ringing phone receiver down, not once, but three times! And, then, the topper of the whole scene where she just screams at Lillian to get out of her house! The scene is emotionally exhausting for the viewer. I can only imagine what it took out of the actors. 

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The thing is, I don't think Mo would allow her friends and family, especially her daughter to believe she was dead. Now the good old fiery car crash Mo gets thrown out and is unconscious and Roger spirits her away, yes, kind of, but would Roger let Michelle think her Mom was dead?


I love that Sloan knew that the [!@#$%^&*] was going to hit the fan so she had a hard time filming the writing of the letter, so Parker had to go on set and say, "Would you just write the f*cking letter and we can get this over with" (maybe she said damn)

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