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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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ATWT never had a new model and it only lasted about a year longer. I wish both shows were still on - I'd bring both back if The Gates does OK - but they were lucky to have survived as long as they did, especially GL.

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But ATWT did drastically increase it's location shooting the last three years. What I never understood was why/how ATWT's looked so much better than GL's. They were supposed to be the same equipment. GL seemed to pick every crummy spot in Peapack and shot it, simply to have it in the can. ATWT at least seemed to put some thought into choosing it's locations.

Was Suzy Cote the world's best ingenue? No. But she did bring a sensible sweetness to Samantha. Whether that should've been the personality of Jackie and Justin's child.....is up for debate. But in a way, I was grateful Ross had a chance to "raise" her before Dinah came back to town a complete trainwreck.

It's undoubtable unfair to blame Gus on Wheeler. He may have even been dead before she took over as EP. But he was insufferable. I reserve the right to throw it out there at every opportunity.

I found it impossible to like Jon/Tammy. Jon was a rageaholic. He had sex with his cousin to lash out at his mother. The entire dysfunctional plot around him (which I believe at one point included Cassie trying to set him up for raping her) was disgusting. GL spent years dealing with the consequences of rape (Holly, Rita and Beth's) and to have Tammy make excuse after excuse for Jon's behavior was like watching a prequal to Holly/Roger. No thanks. 

As for KZ...there's no denying the talent. In the hands of a lesser actress, Reva could have easily veered into a shallow, home-wrecking whore that's done by year three. But it's a lot easier to find her over-the-top moments than these quiet, more grounded ones. Sometimes I do wonder though, if a) she would have all those emmys if Beverlee McKinsey had submitted or b) if Reva would've been as popular without Josh. I don't think Robert Newman gets nearly enough credit in that pairing. 

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ATWT did look better but I never really noticed because I just thought the material was so bad. I remember toward the end they had James Rehborn in a location shoot as a homophobic relative of Reid's, or something - I don't know, maybe I've mixed it all up.

I tended to prefer Reva away from Josh because I thought he was so sanctimonious and cold.

I do think Beverlee deserved those Emmys more than Kim, but after she repeatedly lost at AW to women from her own show it felt like they were sending her a message.


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Now here's something new & I've said it for years & years & I agree with this! If you look at Emmy reels, there's always a scene partner that is holding up half of the sky! RN was always there & he would've caught Kim if she'd needed him to. He's also a really nice person, is grounded. Of all of the very very many people at GL that I was introduced to between 1999 & 2005, he was one of the ones who remembered my name, put it with my face, etc. (This also applies to Jill Lorie Hurst, Liz Keifer, Maureen Garrett & Ellen Wheeler.) 

Beverlee seriously disliked losing! I totally love the story of the night she & Victoria lost to someone (either Laurie Heinmann [SP?] the first Sharlene or Irene Daily) & the two of them went directly to the first place that served liquor & took a table & drank & talked for hours. 

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I've never watched her time at AW, and actually didn't realize she lost to people on her own show. On GL, I think Alex is a lot tougher role with many more layers. I'd almost argue that Alex and Reva are the only two women Long really liked writing for. They're the only ones who consistently drive story.

The problem I usually had with Josh is he got whiney. He would go on and on about hating people feeling they had to protect him, but the moment his feelings were hurt, he usually ran away. 

LOL...I probably noticed ATWT's location shoots more when they included Carly/Jack. 

Edited by P.J.
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I do wonder if she enjoyed writing for Sonni/Solita, or if she just saw her as a plot-mover. I know some fans felt she enjoyed writing for Holly too but we probably don't have enough evidence to decide.

You're right that Alex is a tougher role to play, or was in those years, anyway, before JFP arrived. Beverlee did so much to get all the nuances going.

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Honestly, did Reva have a successful pairing other than Josh? I know every pairing will have fans, but the only ones the show seemed to take seriously were Kyle and Jeffrey. I don't know what happened with Larkin Malloy, but they tanked that pairing fairly fast. And I can't even discuss Brad Cole seriously. 

LOL...that story's funny. I can see her bellying up to a bar and ordering bourbon. Bev seems like that kind of gal.

It's so sad we didn't get more of Beverlee and Chris Bernau than we did. You literally can't take your eyes off them in scenes. It's the same kind of shark vs. shark vibe that Bev and Michael Zaslow give off later.

Didn't most of Sonni/Solita play out during the '88 writers strike? I didn't think Long wrote a lot of that.

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Beverlee McKinsey four consecutive Lead Actress nominations. These were the races

1977: Nancy Addison, Helen Gallagher (winner), Beverlee McKinsey, Mary Stuart, Ruth Warrick

1978: Mary Fickett, Jennifer Harmon, Susan Seaforth Hayes, Laurie Heineman (winner), Susan Lucci (her first nomination), Beverlee McKinsey, Victoria Wyndham

1979: Nancy Addison, Irene Dailey (winner), Helen Gallagher, Susan Seaforth Hayes, Beverlee McKinsey, Victoria Wyndham

1980: Julia Barr, Leslie Charleson, Kim Hunter, Judith Light (winner), Beverlee McKinsey, Kathleen Noone

Kim Zimmer original run four Lead Actress nominations resulting in three wins. These were the races

1985: Deidre Hall, Susan Lucci, Gillian Spencer, Robin Strasser, Kim Zimmer (winner)

1986: Elizabeth Hubbard, Susan Lucci, Peggy McCay, Erika Slezak (winner), Kim Zimmer

1987: Elizabeth Hubbard, Susan Lucci, Frances Reid, Marcy Walker, Kim Zimmer (winner)

1990: Jeanne Cooper, Elizabeth Hubbard, Finola Hughes, Susan Lucci, Kim Zimmer (winner)

Beverlee McKinsey no Lead Actress nominations for GL but had she gotten nominated in 1991, 1992, 1993 she could have easily won at least one of those years as the Lead Actress races I thought were rather weak.


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Beverlee McKinsey was just an absolute powerhouse! I loved watching her scenes. She was very measured and realistic in her approach, which I appreciated as a viewer. In those moments when Alex showed anger or shed tears, I really felt it. The country club scenes when Alex takes down Roger are simply epic. Same for the scenes when she confronts him about his infidelity. Talk about a masterclass in acting. 



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A-M-E-N - everything I've seen from her... just gives me goosebumps and makes me soooo envious of the people who were there in the 70s and 80s to experience this amazing woman when she was among us. GODDESS. 

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I enjoy Ms. McKinsey's slightly southern lilt to her voice.  Especially when she is being either flirtatious or angry.  And it was always present in scenes with HB or Billy.

In fact, I think it is funny that many bring up her AW's recast having an Aussie accent, when Alex's sweet-as-pie drawl was never explained in relation to the rest of the Spauldings.  Most of whom sounded nothing like her. For example, Alex never seemed to have been raised on the same continent as Daniel Pilon when he played Alan.

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