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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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Well at least Donna bases her opinions on something and has research and experience to support them with. All you do is post vague things and baseless statements. Didn't you know something about Krista Allen, that you can't share...Hahaha. I don't think you KNOW anything. And Donna's KNOWledge of things is triggering your sweet brain. Maybe you can learn something from her. But keep it up, you are starting to get hilarious. 

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Again, vague and hinting. If you don't say something, don't hint about it. What do you want to achieve? To sound mysterious and like you are in some high circles, but can't share with us poor people? Good for you.

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Nice that you drink the cool aid of someone who wants to sound important. Please inform her that I am not a he. smh 
To keep this GL related, because the board spammer constantly goes off topic, even Pam Long has memory lapses and says incorrect things. As GL was going off the air, she said that she did not write Reva’s postpartum depression storyline. She sure as heck did and later backtracked on her statements. Even headwriters have memory lapses. Ya can’t believe everything they say. Our own Harding Lemay, former GL writer, had his memory lapses too.

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@Khan, I remember the scene you're referring to fondly between Roger and Meg. I remember Holly witnessing his talk with her daughter as well. I believe it came at a time when the writers were trying to soften Holly's stance on Roger.

Michael Zaslow could convey so much with just a look. In fact, someone commented on one of "Blake Marler's" YouTube videos that you could always see how Roger felt differently about Holly versus all of his other women by the look in this eyes. Zaslow was just a tremendous actor, always giving his performances 150%. 

What happened to him, and how the top Proctor & Gamble/Guiding Light brass treated him was such a tragedy.


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I know this is off topic, but the conversation is here.  So here's my unsolicited input: If my memory is correct, Scott McKenzie did say in a fairly recent interview that Goutman did contact Beverlee about returning to AW for the show's finale, and that Beverlee wanted to do it.  And that Beverlee and Scott talked with Beverlee's doctor(s), who told her she was strong enough for the performance, but they were concerned about the long flight to NYC -- that the flight might be too much for her in her condition.  So Scott and Beverlee decided together to decline Goutman's request.  I feel almost certain I either read or heard this in an interview with Scott.  But it is also possible my memory is faulty on this subject.  By the way, I am not defending Goutman.  I am not one of his fans.  

And on a similar topic, regarding Sam Groom:  I've always thought it was very strange that TPTB hired Groom to return for AW's finale and flew him all the way from California, just to play a minister in a wedding,.  Could it be possible that Groom's return was somehow tied to McKenzie's return?  Perhaps the plan was for Iris to return to Bay City with Russ Matthews (since the two had been close friends for years and at one point were engaged).  But when McKenzie declined to return, TPTB also scuttled Russ's return and just put Groom in the role of the minister since they had to pay him anyway.  I do realize the two actors had not previously worked together on AW.

Again, I'm sorry this is off topic for the Guiding Light page, but I don't think that is good enough reason to kill the conversation.  And if we move it to the AW page, it will be out of context without the earlier comments. So here we are.   

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And, to GL topicality, here's the SOD article where Robt. Calhoun said the strangest thing ...

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You know Beverlee worked 2-3 days at GH to re-up her union benefits & it was no big deal but she was on the same coast as GH. So it's an example when she was capable of a few days' performing but it was "just across town, not across the country." 

Also, my point is not in any way to be construed as a defense of Christopher Goutman. It's a coincidence that it gives him credit for doing one thing right. 

Interesting speculation. 

Good points. I feel bad for the regular GL traffic. So, for a little cross-soap topicality, how many people realize Michael Zaslow once wrote on the AW writing team? And, of course, AW had Maeve Kincaid first & due to Paul Rauch's dark side, we lost her to GL. But, Vanessa is a wonderful character, so it all worked out. 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
add Robt Calhoun stmt
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With the amount of scripts written on an ongoing basis, it makes sense for writers to not remember everything.

Kim Zimmer said in one interview that fans would tell her their favorite scenes and she's like 'Thank you..but I don't remember doing that scene'.  

So I never dog on someone that worked in the soaps for not remembering every story or scene written or acted. 

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One thing that is pertinent, and to me interesting, especially about soap actors, has to do with having so many lines to memorize. Half is memorizing, half is forgetting. They can't be thinking about yesterday's lines because they have to make room for today's! Naturally fans remember things they do not. 

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I agree.  The same goes for everyone else who works in this industry.  The pressure is on them everyday to get episodes done as quickly and as cheaply as possible.  Under those conditions, it's a miracle they can remember anything at all.  Which is why I think the remaining shows need to follow the late Lisa Brown's advice and really find the time again to rehearse.  Actors struggle all the time with memorizing lines, but if they had the time to work with the directors and the scripts so that they would know what they're supposed to be doing in a given scene, I think recalling lines would be a lot easier for them.

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