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Scott Hamner Says Y&R Is NOT Doing A Gay Story

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F@CK THEM!!!!! how many years have I waited for this, and they pull this crap!!! ???? I've got petience, but honey, after that... the fuse has officially BURNT DOWN!!! The male Mary Richards is ready to make a SCENE!!! There ain't nothin worse than promising something, and then snatching it away!!! And he doesn't give an explanation as to why, I WANT TO KNOW... AND NOW!!!!!! They can do it on Brothers and Sisters, OLTL, FREAKING DEGRASSI!!! a show for TWEENS!!! I want to know what Nelson intends to do about this, and it BETTER BE GOOD.

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I always said that Y&R wasn't the type of soap that could/would develop a gay storyline.  It's just not that kind of a show.  It's too icy, too business, too button down, stealthy, and hard-line.  Same way with GH.  The rest of the soaps can better foster gay s/l's and characters, because they are more, I guess, "domesticated."  But Y&R and GH just aren't.

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Duh. The moment Y&R did not show the Rafe/Adam kiss that was obvious. This reminds me of when the Bush Administration kept claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before the invasion. I could never understand how so many people could not see through such an obvious lie. Maybe ultimately most people believe they want to believe instead of seeing reality.

Y&R's homophobia was furiously defended when it did not show the Rafe/Adam kiss. Not a peep from Branco or those people beating up Engen or Mauceri. I can't wait to see the reaction now that there is disputing Hamner who has made clear Y&R's intentions. The situational outrage should be entertaining.

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Does anyone know where we can find the 2 interviews-- Maria's words vs. Scott's Hamner's so we can compare? Unbelievable...do these writers actually even work together and/or do they have any idea what they are doing from one day to the next? We already know there are no long-term storyline plans for any of the characters. I can't say I'm shocked MAB&Co. are going back on their word since I can't say I'm shocked about anything this show does or doesn't do anymore.

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You know, people can find Y&R's choices lame while still condemning the (alleged) homophobia of Chris Engen and Patricia Mauceri. It is not an either/or proposition, it never was, and nothing you say or do will change that. I think Y&R's "gay" storylines have turned out lame, particularly in the way they haven't let Adam and Rafe be overtly intimate. I don't bother with the show. That doesn't change the fact that I think Chris Engen's conduct was shameful, as was Patricia Mauceri's at OLTL. Regardless of the merit of these shows or their storylines, these actors chose to perpetuate anti-gay behavior. By the same token, Y&R chose to do a regressive, antiquated version of a gay storyline. I am disgusted with the actors as well as Y&R. I can do both and chew bubble gum at the same time.

The repeated attempts to conflate criticism or enjoyment of Y&R with supporting or defending homophobes or "uppity gays" are a losing battle. The equation of "IF Y&R is good/bad THEN Chris Engen was wrong/right" does not exist, and is not accurate or fair. Don't try to do it again. Your arguments against the program are valid enough without needing to chain them to the corpse of Chris Engen's career and his bigoted choices.

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Oh, please. What a bunch of bullsh!t in this thread.

Even though Maria said they were doing it, how on Earth could anyone believe that? A straight guy seducing a gay guy for his own sinister ends is NOT a gay story. And that same straight guy CANNOT turn gay. Not in a well-crafted storyline, anyway. Nor was he ever intended to do that in the end, escape with Rafe or whatever. :rolleyes: So I don't know what's this fuss about? The whole story was absolute bullsh!t from the very start.

And those Phillips and their orientation... :rolleyes: Who cares? How did anyone expect them to write such a story? Absolutely INSANE. This is a classic case of Y&R people hyping something and that same thing coming to bite them in the as$. Big time. You gotta love it when Bell soaps people get the Bell soaps payoff in the end: the Bells got you! Buahaha!

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Sylph... your post has me confused... did Hamner say that there was to be no gay SL PERIOD, or was he referring to Adam/Rafe only? Anyone have the exact quotes? I'm just wondering why Hamner would come out in a national publication and directly contradict the queen. I'm mystified. Unless MAB is too much of a chicken sh!t, and sent Hamner to fall on the grenade.

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Hamner said in SOW that Y&R won't be doing a gay storyline anytime soon and that Adam seducing Rafe was not a gay story, but a story as to how far Adam would go to cover his tracks.

He said they won't be doing any other gay related stories soon, which means nothing for either Rafe or Phillip III.

And this is Maria's show, if she wanted a gay storyline, it would be happening. Since she promised one and has no intention of delivering it, it's all on her.

That's exactly what happened, this is Maria's "show" and Maria's "vision" after all. Remember?

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