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OLTL: Discussion for the week August 10

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The difference between today's episode and something on AMC or GH is like night and day. Today felt like an RC episode from before the strike, before Frons attempted to fire him. You can tell which characters and stories he cares for, and which seem network-mandated. Even the undercover storyline works for me, because Brandon Buddy has improved mightily this year, because Mark Lawson is involved, because it knits into Lowell versus Viki, and other stories. It's an intergenerational, intelligent mix all around, even on days which feature dud stories like the Todd triangle (good actors, good chemistry, lame story with the exception of the new Elijah/secret element, which may really improve it) or Stacy - those days have still had Matthew's court battle, Bo and Nora, Rachel, and so forth. There's no way a show this good today should be cancelled. This is not a show on its last legs. You watch it today and it is vital.

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Does anyone know where they're going with Jessica's story? It would make sense if it were Schuyler pretending to be Nash to get even for his mother's needless suicide, but that doesn't seem to be the direction they're taking Scott Clifton's character. (It would be a great twist, tho)

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If Schuyler was going to get even with someone wouldn't it be Todd? Even if the show seems to have forgotten what Todd did last year.

I'd rather they keep Schuyler a good guy, he's such a needed contrast to the horrible Rex.

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Vital indeed and I still can't believe how great this show can look sometimes. The hospital boardroom, Viki and Dorian dressed to the nines with their jewels, BE and the Llanfair library with its beautiful new lush fabrics. This show on a whole is really good right now and has been for some time.

The other thing that I've noticed as of late is the constant use of history. From Viki telling Noelle about her former husbands to Shawn mentioning Talia the other day, TPTB are not missing any beats. Even today when Viki asked Dorian about her drinking I immediately thought of a post from last weeks thread (sorry I don't remember who it was) saying something along the lines of that if this were Y&R, Dorian's drinking would have either led to a confrontation or a new storyline. For so long so many storyline threads had been hanging there or dropped and it seems that there finally being tied together. I was interested in the Cole/Mob story and even more so now that it looks like Dorian and Viki are being wrapped into it threw Mayor Lowel and even Stacy I can handle now that she is being used in moderation. Also Crystal Hunt has been doing a descent job as of late, IMO. The gas lighting of Jessica and the stalking of Jared and Natalie really has me on the edge of my seat and reminds me of the psychological storytelling we got last November with the Rapemance and Dorian fighting for her position at the hospital is genius and does justice to the character.

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Well I'm glad the rest of you are enjoying it, but I still see OLTL as a hodgepodge of too many flakey teens and 20-somethings...too many dayplayer/recurring players taking up too much air time...too many wimpy burger plots coated in A-1 and being served up like it's steak...too many actors/characters/couples on that I either despise or am totally uninterested in — while too many more important characters like Kevin, Cassie, RJ, Cord and Tina are painfully MIA. OLTL needs to fire at least 1/3 of its cast and cancel about 80% of its current storylines. It's been HOW MANY years now since JFP? The show is still in shambles.

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However it works, I'll take it. The show desperately needs to develop a consistent and viable working community of professionals. So far, we only have the working class police officers and baristas at Roadies and the diner with occassional court cases afforded to Tea and Nora. I welcome a team of doctors especially if we get Dr. Dorian Lord again.

Jared and Natalie at BE today? Well finally! They are at their best when they are working at BE and JB and MA have exhibited great sustainable chemistry together.

I don't have one single solitary complaint about today's show. Carlivati seems to be getting his mojo back. The only story that I despise is Rex/Gigi/Stacy.

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Based on promos and spoilers I'm not seeing David's interaction with Bo. Hope I'm wrong because that would be a huge oversight.

I really hope that Todd and Tea don't have some kid. He would then officially become the Sonny Corinthos of Llanview. Plus I think that would be a lame secret for Tea. There's many more interesting things I can think of.

Jared and Natalie are simply made of awesome. Thanks to the writers for proving that a couple can be together without losing that oooooomph that makes them hot and sexy. Hope that this story continues to develop and there's a lot more excitement to come.

I agree with Vee. Yesterday's show felt like RC during the ride up to Nash's death. Definitely firing on all cylindars. The complexity. The multi-threaded stories that seem to be working toward some kind of explosive intersection.

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