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OLTL: Discussion for the week August 10

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Wouldn't it be interesting if whoever was gaslighting Jessica was connected to the people Cole and Brody are trying to take down? Didn't Nash have ties to the mobor something like that?

I seriously get a feeling that Mayor Lowell is heading for a downfall, I wouldn't be surprised if he's involved in this whole drug fiasco.

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I don't know who to believe on that Stacy quote. On the one hand, RC probably has to go out and talk this crap up in the press, but it's possible he may sincerely feel that way. On the other hand, Farah Fath all but said the Stacy story was not his idea. Regardless, I'm enjoying most of the show. I can only hope that either RC is saying what he has to, or worst case, perhaps there was a gas leak in the building, or he was dosed with LSD in his frappuccino, and his mind became affected at the time of that ridiculous quote.

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I'm loving the show lately. I've been enjoying it a lot since the end of the KAD Killer story. Since then Llanview has slowly become a fun town again.

Re: Stacy... I get the feeling that Ron Carlivati's original plan for the story is very different than what ended up on screen. My main issue with the story has been the complete character assassination of Rex. He is bordering on irredeemable for me right now.

BUT... I am loving the Matthew/Destiny/Rachel/Greg/Shawn/Nora/Bo/Clint story. I may be I. The minority, but the Evans family is one of my favorite additions to the show in a while. I hope they sign Shawn to a contract.

I'm also on the Kyle/Fish bandwagon, even if it's obvious the story is just meant to pave the way for Christian/Layla.

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I have been loving the show lately too, it feels more like the OLTL I fell for in the early/mid-'90s. But ITA with All My Shadows that David Vickers is so played out. They've gone too far. I don't know who's responsible, maybe Tuc was pushing for more of this kind of stuff and that's what keeps him coming back, but they have imo done themselves a disservice by making David a complete and utter caricature of himself, "Here comes David, Wocka Wocka Wocka!" How tiring. For every subsequent return, they'll have to find some wacky way to top the last. Maybe this doesn't interest them now, but destroying David's credibilty as a "real" person is not a good idea imo. I don't think a character with his past and connections should only be rolled out for comic relief once or twice a year, it's kinda old now and it's only gonna get older. A little bit goes a long way. I long for the days of gothic Irene's diary David, I want more of those type of stories.

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I have the same problem here many have with Eden's AMC returns. At least Bianca, on those increasingly poorly written returns, has basically remained herself. David has become more and more of a caricature, and what annoys me is even in the brief returns there's more time to explore his personality and motivations if they try. Like last time they spent months on the Buddhist jokes and less than a week on his being Bo's son. Why?

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Exactly, so much meat there. And I am a sucker for OLTL's history of psychological drama, particularly in the Lord family. Would be nice to see some of that visit the Bukes, especially a troubled soul like David (brother of nutcase Spencer).

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The Lord family has become so predictable, in that the women all seem to lose their minds while the men are all ha ha comedy, even after all the stuff Todd did last year. I think they need a jolt. Not like killing someone off (they would just kill off Charlie or Jared), but some reason to make their usual personalities change.

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LOL! That's pretty much it, though. Except, you forgot to add in his last name with pure indignation. "David Vickers?!"

The thing that gets me is that when he came around the last time, they were all about "Oh, David's gonna be serious this time, the story's gonna go to a very serious place blah blah blah." No, it did not. It was all about milking the Buddhist joke cow for every ounce of what it was worth. It'll be extremely hard to buy David in a serious storyline ever again.

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