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Y&R: Episode Discussion for the week of August 10

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We had the idiotic scenario of Abby discovering the hidden camera.So,in addition to a useless security staff,the cleaners at the ranch are just as incompetent.That thing was as obvious as the mole on Vail's face!!

Has that horrible wall hanging always been there?

To make this story have any semblance of credibility,Adam should have had an accomplice,Where and when did he buy all this surveillance equipment?

Liked Heather and Paul's scenes.After months of being ignored,Paul is given scenes and story and shows why he's been around for 30 years.

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Could Nina be a bigger hypocrite acting like Chloe isn't good enough for her baby bait son? Chloe might have gotten a man drunk to pass off her baby as his but she didn't have to get Billy drunk to get him to sleep with her in the first place. As it has now turned out, Cane wasn't trapped by Chloe, but was the one doing the trapping. Nina seems to have also forgotten that she had an affair with a married man, Ryan. Why couldn't she say, from my own experience, I think Chloe is messed up and might not be in the right mindset for a healthy relationship, and maybe you should find a girl who isn't tied up.

Do the writers know what other script writers have written? I thought Estella was pretty much cleared of suspicion when MJ was being chased out of the ranch and being accused of gaslighting Ashley. Now she's back to being the number one suspect?

The memorial was good, but Zapato never should have been killed.

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I was away, so I didn't see this till yesterday.

I honestly don't see the point of this death. Okay, he "hurt" Kitty. Okay, it shows what Patty is capable of (do we really need a bigger descent into insanity?). But mostly, I think it was to save the animal-trainer fees and to expunge another part of LML's legacy. This just serves so little point.

It did lead me to believe that Sharon and Patty will end up in the nuthouse together.

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Alrighty then.

So they don't even keep Devon and Tyra's indiscretion from Neil for weeks and weeks like a soap opera should.

And Neil doesn't beat the [!@#$%^&*] out of Devon when hearing this because Neil and Tyra had nothing real enough to warrant such an emotion.

So they use Estella, of all people, to justify why every fecking Newman has been retarded these days. Because he's blind and he's Victor's son.

So Mary Jane gets a blond wig and has to pull down her bug-eyed sunglasses for the audience to recognize her, even though she's wearing the exact same clothing.

So, is MAB stealing another idea from Calivari, sending a blond into a psychiatric ward?

At least Stafford's hair is awesome today!!!

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Today's show was hilarious, FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS.

OK, you're telling me that educated Mac, citizen of the world that keeps up with current events had no idea about Mary Jane Benson? Mac feeling sorry for this woman never made sense to me. Billy knows who Mary Jane is, and supposedly Victor's little message to the world got out to just about every in Genoa City, yet somehow Mac didn't notice it? Um, OK, whatever.

God, this gaslighting storyline gets stupider by the minute! So now even Victor is jumping on the Estella bandwagon? The fact that they would think a woman like that has insiders and the capabilities to carry out such an operations is stupid and shows the lack of respect these writers have for their characters, and not to mention the audience.

Don't we get these same Noah, Nick, and Sharon scenes every two months? You know, where Noah goes off on his parents, and Sharon says she wants to make things right on her own and that Nick has to let her do it, but Nick can't fully stay away? They've rung this bell too many times for me to care about the sound anymore. ALL of the characters in this inane quad have been ruined.

The Devon and Neil scenes were just a disaster of epic proportions, but that's expected for the minority characters under this writing regime, right?

Lily and Cane are back to being annoying and smug little bitches. Can't she just die of cancer? The cancer was a lame and rushed plot point, and I'm still asking what was the use of it, even if it did create some nice family moments for a week?

Adam is just a disaster of a character, likewise with Patty Jane.

So the previews for Monday shows Podtoria kissing Deacon. Yeah, a man she's met like twice. Whatever, and not likr her sudden problems with JT were all that severe, and we know they'll be shuffling Aussie girl into this storyline too. I guess I shouldn't even call it a storyline, since with these characters, it will likely only be on once a week.

This show is a train wreck.

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I'm having a real problem with Mac owning the Dive Bar. I mean, I guess she could own it...but the Mac I know (I think) would start to gentrify it and clean it up. Also, given her history with the homeless and so forth, I have a little difficulty believing she'd peddle booze. Crimson Lights was a better fit for her, IMO.

I really hope the cancer is done justice.

The rush-rush-rushing and lack of beats are taking their toll. I'm not understanding why Zapato died. I have lost all hope of understanding Adam's motivations...and so his unrelenting torture of Ashley is making no sense to me. And yes, the general stupidity of those who enable him is making me a little resentful of his story at this point. I don't understand why Paul couldn't have one episode to mourn Nikki. Instead, he is quickly turning to support Heather and then being told about Patty. Why is everything compressed into such a short time span?

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The Dive Bar was initially a nice venture for Marge during the Kay/Marge storyline, since she's poor and from the wrong side of the city.

However, it should have only been used during that one storyline.

I have a hard time believing that Genoa City's elite, and people like Jack, Jill, Katherine, "Colleen", and others would be regulars at a dump like that.

Y&R used to exude class, but I can't say that's the case anymore.

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