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Y&R: Episode Discussion for the week of August 10

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Maybe not to you, but to some people it was simply crap acting. Her hands were flapping around for a part of that scene, and she's a terrible crier to me. The hand movements were awkward.

But I guess we won't have to worry about Vail for too much longer, as she was recently bumped to recurring and the credits no longer list her with the contract cast.

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I wonder if the switch to recurring for Vail will make much of a difference to her airtime.

Heather has been all over the place in term of appearance numbers while on contract,so maybe she will still be seen fairly regularly.

Maybe she was happy to do so,knowing that she would have steady work and could do other stuff.If she lands something major,Heather will simply not be seen for a while,or leave town on a case.

Recurring can work if actor and producers are supportive of one another.

And it does save money.

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Okay so Devon sleeps with Tyra, Roxanne finds out, Devon confesses everything to Neil.....all in 2 episodes? Are you freakin kidding me? That's like months of story right there! Plus, it's a son having an affair with the father's love interesting - that's a HUGE plot device. Yet it was played for nothing? This is brutal soap opera writing.

I'm usually a Victor fan, but I hated him going off on Rafe. It's absurb that he would think Estella would have anything to do with the cameras/spying. Plus, I hated when Victor picks on "lesser"/innocent people like Rafe, Estella, Colleen. I love it when he goes after the big players like Jack, Brad, Nikki, Jill, etc.

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I'm not gonna touch Wednesday's episode with a 20 foot pole, No matter how good Ali was in it.

I think I'm the only one who enjoys the JT/Victoria s/l. Heinle really doesn't bug me as much as other actors on the show. And I was never a fan of 2D Jeffrey Todd but he's really growing on me these days. It's too bad they had to introduce rapistDeacon to the mix. Thus far, it seemed like the only s/l to be driven from a realistic place. And the pacing seems right (I'm not one of those people who has to see people happy. And they've been married so long, I can readily believe they shared a bond... Too bad it's all to hell on monday.

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And about that bar...

What a depressing set to see just about every episode. Why build such a run-down set, further emphasizing the downtrodden cast? Why is it the new hang out place for everyone who's ashamed of something goes there. That set brings nothing to y&r and needs to be torn down yesterday.

I also love how mac comes to town, saint mac, does all her saintly deeds off screen, buys a bar and becomes insta-slut with Billy, breaking off a "solid" engagement to do so, in a span of months. Yet Chance comes in, GIJoe Chance, signs up to do some meaningful detective work, and build a caring relationship with Chloe, little-momma-lost.

<Sigh> What a guy that Chance is, what a G-man. What a slut that Mac is, what a harlot.

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Devon/Tyra: It's an incredibly gross s/l that should be forgotten immediately. Even if it doesn't follow the conventional soap beat, rage, shock, disgust, shame, or regret, it should've never existed in the first place.

I'm glad they're over it now.

Victor: he doesn't scare a shoefly these days. He's utterly irrelvant, losing his cajones because of this Adam mess. All he can pick on are the little people because everyone else is too cunning for him. And now that Rafe has figured Adam out, even he'll beat Victor down.

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These days all of the once big players like those you mentioned are written as being so inferior to Victor that the scenes have no punch. I still can't believe how they degraded Jill out of any meaningful feud with Victor.

Victor is now too powerful for most of the canvas yet also too weak to ever truly see what's going on with Adam. It's a very bad combo.

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Did anyone else enjoy Adam saying "I wish you knew how annoying you are" about about Abby.

Tyra/Devon: glad that story was rushed. It's like pulling a band aid off a hairy leg,better to do it quickly.

If it got rid of Tyra/Marcille, then good.

Or that bar in Mexico that is now Jimmy's. I agree with the poster that said Jimmy's needs to be gone, who the hell is going to believe that a bunch of rich people go to a dump like this?

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I actually think this story, with better pacing and perhaps a recast of Tyra, could have worked. It's trash, but it's soapy, when it isn't told at breakneck speed.

The stories they do drag on endlessly, like the gaslighting and the quad, I don't think any part of them work, and have not in a long time.

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If only we had the right writers and producers, then I could sense some type of comeback.

But NO ONE at this show right now understands basic soap principles, and they think they're running some type of anti-soap.

And I agree, this show has lacked heart for a while now, and even before MAB and her henchmen came and totally ripped it out and roasted it in the same fireplace they had Adam roast Ashley's fetus.

And sorry, Maria nor Sheffer and Hamner are exactly the type of writers who have shown they understand what soaps are or are about or have written any show with an abundance of heart for a extended period of time. Their track records on other shows and MAB's inexperience speaks for itself.

But whatever, I guess it's too late, if daytime soaps are ending in a few years anyway. Because we have to accept crap in a supposedly dying genre, right? <_<

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