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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 2

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Exactly, and yes I did say that. The reason being I said that is because I don't feel ANY minroity (yes, even MINE) has the right to call Y&R racist, homophobic, etc... unless they feature said minority on the front burner all the time. My point was even the great JEANNE COOPER doesn't get that treatment. It's a soap, and characters are rotated. And to complain because your particular minority has been backburnered for several months, when MINE has never gotten a turn in 35 YEARS seems a bit selfish to me, but you still have the right to complain, just like I have the right to think your'e being selfish. . Y&R has always made a huge committment to black SL's in the past, front burner status for 25 years...and for fans to throw them under the bus, and call them racist after all THAT, to me, is tacky and ungrateful, just because the black characters were given a rest for a year? You want under-respresntation, try being american indian... who do they have in popular culture to look up to? Cher? Rita Coolidge? And for the record, I never have a problem with people voicing thier dissatisfaction with black characters not getting story. I have a problem with posters calling the show racist when they don't get their wish RIGHT NOW. Where is the appreciation for evertyhting that came before? Or are we all just spoiled little babies screaming because our binkie was pulled out of our mouths for a little while?

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True, we don't know for SURE.... but SOMETHING had to do it. People who do drugs CAN have children who grow up to be fine, but it's not exactly a common occurence. And we did know she was a ho... she was having sex with men to get drugs, this was mentioned many times on the show.

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Why is that ignorance? Growing up with an addicted parent is a form of abuse. While some abused children come out unscathed... most do not. Of course, not all want to [!@#$%^&*] their aunt... that's just done for shock and dramatic effect, and considering how much Bill Bell liked to do it, Maria and Co. taking it to the next level doens't surprise me in the LEAST. Being a child of a drug addict is something that affects people in a negative way, unless you think these people are getting the "warm fuzzies" thinking about their parents getting high when they were kids. Their problems are varied, and come in degrees... some only have trust or control issues, others become addicts and abusers themselves, some have deep psychological problems. It someone has a parent who is simply a recreational pot smoker, then the damage is less severe in most cases.. but if they are into crack, or a raging alcoholic, then it's usually alot worse. YOUR ignorance is what's astounding. Maybe you should sit in on an ALANON meeting sometime.

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Here's the problem. TIIC at this show should NOT have to sacrifice telling one type of minority story in order to tell another. A talented writer could tell Sharon's baby drama story at the same time as peeling back the layers of Rafe's life AND writing the Winters clan with dignity and respect. There's no need to put one minority on backburner for another. At all.

I know one other show that's fixin to be canceled that is doing just that. They are telling the "Otalia" tale, along with the Reva drama AND the Boudreaux story. If that writing team can do it, I would hope that this team can with it's Emmy-Award winning writer Hogan. :rolleyes:

I truly sincerely hope that no one believes that crack is solely an addiction for black people. If so, that's just sad. And infuriating.

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Yes, for me it would. It's because the character used crack, and we, the viewers, knew it. That teen girl Nancy that Y&R had in the 90's was white, and I didn't call her a crack HO because she didn't have sex for drugs like Yolanda did (at least we never saw that) so I called her a crack HEAD. The sex for drugs is where the HO comes into play. I'm gonna call anyone names who uses drugs, I don't care who you are, I'm just judgemental that way. I've called Katherine a drunken old bag more times than I can count.

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What I said was not to accept any shitty SL, what I said was to accept it FOR NOW, and to be patient and wait for it to come around again, and to not call the producers of the show racist BECAUSE of it. 2/3 of the show is shitty SL's right now, so what surprises you about this? That's the problem with the younger generation, nothing but instant gratification... and if they don't get it, they whine like 2 year olds.

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