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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 2

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But she made a point of saying "black women don't sleep with their foster children". Couldn't she have said "foster parents don't sleep with their foster children" or something?

Why not?

DeeeDee, 95% of the time I actually enjoy reading your posts. I really do. Even the ones I disagree with. But whenever someone makes a slightly negative remark about Victoria Rowell, it turns ugly. You spaz out on them as if they insulted you personally. I'm a Daniel Goddard/Cane fan, but you don't see me kicking up a stink every time you post one of your ostrich pictures (which I find hilarious, by the way). I have apologized for my 'racist' comment more times than I care to count (which is more than can be said for VR) and I fail to see the need for you and others to constantly dredge it up.

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Because it's funny. Also probably because you said it to me didn't help because I'm not always one to let people live silly things down (as most people don't let me live things down lol)... it's more of an inside joke than anything else... and we're just having some fun. Come up with some Canadian remark to make fun of me if you want ;)

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Okay, so where the hell did Heather disappear from that hostage situation from Thursday to Friday? Is it that they just couldn't pay the actress to do one more episode or they completely forgot about, just like they do with all of the cliffhangers? Bad pacing, bad continuity...

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Eh. No.

That would be you.

The epitome of hypocrisy.

You act like an idiot ANY time ANYONE mentions anything less than nice about your beloved Tammin or Christel so before you begin whining you need to just STFU & not even BEGIN to throw stones.


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Wow, this is like a toxic episode of Y&R... but a better one, nonetheless.

Are the Y&R HWs gonna snatch these petty fights people have over whether Tammin and Christel are good actresses or not too? They done stole everything else off of here. At least this has some passion embedded in its core.

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