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Y&R Episode Discussion for the week of July 20

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I recall Penn Badgeley being very thin and a bit on the short side when he played Phillip IV.

Granted kids rapidly grow in length in their teens/pre-teens, so I was a bit shocked to see Phillip IV this tall with John Driscoll (who looked shorter on GL for some reason).

Here's a pic of him in the role, which he only played for like a year:


The boy in the 90's wasn't thin, he looked a lot like Tricia Cast, if I recall correctly. But he was also a bit on the short side.

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Today's show, ugh, get rid of Adam and Patty Jane please. These characters are such cartoon characters that are wearing out their welcome at an alarming rate. What was the point of having Adam hide Patty Jane out at the ranch? Couldn't they have had Patty Jane finding that potted shed herself and living there and Adam discovering her and turning her in once day? Nothing came of this Adam and Patty Jane "alliance" so I don't know why they went there anyway.

LOL! When Adam rushed Patty Jane out of the ranch and all she could say was "What about kitty?!" :lol:

This gaslighting story just needs to end already, Ashley is so f.ucking dumb. I can't stand it anymore.

Ugh, who cares about Daniel in prison? Does any of this story make sense?

Oh, and Deacon forcing sex on Amber again. Yeah, because we don't already have too many dominant men and weak women on this show. :rolleyes:

And Paul's wearing those glasses again. Is Doug Davidson losing eye sight?

I hate Nick and Phyllis, and you all know I hate the quad. You just know Nick and Phyllis will reunite for another 5 minutes before Nick finds out Sharon's spawn is his and everything goes back to square one. Again, who cares?

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^^^^That kid looked so much like Tricia Cast, that was good casting.

Again, not so much weight I guess, but height, I was shocked to see John Driscoll this tall on Y&R and that Phillip had grown that much, though kids/teens do rapidly grow and we had missed most of Phillip IV's teen years.

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I wish the BDWs and SWs had time to read one another's stuff! There are writers on that show from "across the rainbow". Surely one of them would have caught this insulting sh!t if there were some way to share scripts...

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That actually surprises me. Do they really all have time to read one another's stuff??

If yes, how does stuff like "Victor impregnates Sabrina" (after two vasectomies) slide through? [That one grates, because I don't know why it didn't get mentioned right on screen...the "quiet reversal"...the very first time the pregnancy was revealed].

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Amber was in her early twenties or late teens on B&B when Daniel was running around with Lily in h.s. right? They're not too much older.

It's Kevin I'm questioning. He came in during Bobby Marsino's s/l and could not be younger than 24 or 25. He's the real adult out of the four in years.

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Same here. It wasn't nearly as offensive as Victoria tittering into her hands.

It was handled lightly, was lightly funny (Adam WAS a drag queen, at least on one dark and stormy night). And the "carrying women's clothing" reveal will be important down the line.

There is much worse going on. This scene was fine, and Mary Jane separated from Kitty is just emotionally gut wrenching. (yes, mild sarcasm).

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