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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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I don't doubt MAB's affection for Katherine, but writing for the Chancellors is also an easy out. Katherine is 80 and although Jeanne Cooper is in good health, there is a chance her role will have to be diminished over the next few years. The rest of the family is, like much of Y&R these days, not any type of real family. Cane can easily be spun off into other stories. Billy is a solo character. Mackenzie rarely has any real ties to the family (unless you count great moments like saving Katherine by checking her blood pressure). Jill has been so marginalized that she can be written out and at this point most fans may not even care.

When Sheffer was at ATWT, there was usually a strong contempt for what ATWT had often excelled at (friendships, complex family bonds, respect for history and for older characters). That's also come to Y&R. It's all very anti-soap.

If they want to make Y&R into the anti-soap, then that's their choice, but I wish the soap press would stop saying Y&R is classic soap, Y&R is back to its roots. The style which Bill Bell used to make Y&R the #1 show was radically different to most of what is now onscreen.

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Y&R needs a change badly, not this crap Maria Bell and Company call a show. This isn't Y&R, I don't care what anyone says. Maria and Company's stories and execution sucks, there's nothing classic about it.

And sorry, I don't watch for just scenes, if they overall storyline is problematic, why the hell should I just try to enjoy scenes? It all feels so damn hallow.

The sad thing is, I really beleive that Maria and Company beleive they're writing a near perfect show and very little is wrong with it. If they were more aware of their problems, these problems they have now wouldn't be lasting this long.

Ugh, all of the people invovled in the creative direction of this show need to be fired.

Exactly, I'm sick and tired of the excuses and rationalizations for the incompetence of this regime, and especially how some gloss over the issues this show has.

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I think they may last longer than 3 years, at least if they don't blow their budget. OLTL doesn't. Court shows, talk shows, and the expansion of morning shows only make so much profit, otherwise all the soaps would already be gone.

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I'm going to GLOAT here for a moment!!! I just went over to the official Y&R site, and they have a poll asking which returning character SL are you enjoying the MOST... and the WINNER IS!!!! Phillip III!!!!!! with 21 percent of over 16,000 votes. HA HA HA!!! Patty Jane Comes in a close second with 19 percent, and Nina comes in third. So it looks like Thom maybe aorund for quite some time! We all know they use their own site as their own personal focus group.... YIPEE!!!!

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Those polls mean nothing, anyone can scam them, especially a rabid fanbase.

Nick and Phyllis have repeatedly won best couple on that poll, it didn't stop Maria and Company from breaking them up and having Nick constantly bed Sharon.

If you look at the threads on that board, Phillip III isn't that well liked too.

Those polls are not a good measure of what will happen on the show.

Focus groups are conducted independently, outside of the internet.

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I'm happy for you personally, but Michael and JT won big as best fathers on the show and yet both have not had scenes with their sons for going on close to 5 months at the time. I am sure in theory many are happy with P3's return and maybe like this story but that doesn't mean that P3 will stick around. I see this P3 story as having a few goals. One to integrate P4 onto the canvas as a full blooded Chancellor, two to make Cane no longer the rightful heir, and three to give TB some work and a place to support and publicize his agenda.

Now do I want to see P3 fully integrated into the cast and get other stories beyond this one with his family? No, and frankly I don't think it is fair to let go of and minimize fine actors because of financial reasons or playing favorites while bringing back TB and giving him additional story.

Let him play out this story with his family and son, then use him like Beth Maitland's Tracy Abbott, but that's it.

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I don't think this regime cares what the fans and fanbases want. I think they are more interested in playing them against one another, playing with their emotions or ignoring them completely.

I did think they seemed to care last fall and early winter, but something happened a few months ago.

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Oh. Not because of you!

Because, if last year you had asked me:

"Do you want P3 back?"

I would have said: "Can't happen. We SAW him die ON SCREEN."

And if you'd said, "Well, what if we can retcon that?"

I would have said: "He was SUCH an important character in the late 80s. His death really fueled the deepening of the Jil-Kay feud for Jess Walton. It was an iconic moment on the show. If they bring him back, I want it BIG. I want us to really FEEL how much we missed."

And now...we get this. Not even a HUG. This selfish pr*ck who is not even sorry for what he did!! Who can't even register a facial expression when he sees his son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, now I agree with you. He is/should be a short timer. I can't believe I would ever have come to that.

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I guess what a lot of us can agree on that the current state of the show isn't pleasing many, and while its true that the show will always have detractors, this seems to be a pretty heated time. Various groups of fans in various places aren't happy with what's happening on their show.

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