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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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The QUAD should have been a small part of the bigger story/picture for all 4 characters in order to move them on in other directions. These are characters that I love just for being the characters that they are. They are multi-dimension, they are flawed, unique, intelligent and strong in their own ways. To now make them only about this stupid plot (quad/wtd/musical beds/idiots) takes away all of those qualities in which I as a viewer love. There is nothing to love anymore. Being in this quad is not THE story for all these intricate characters when is TPTB going to realize that? There is more to each of them. The plots and individual character actions cannot be rational for the average intelligent viewer watching this story play out. The funny thing is they seemingly think they have so many miles ahead for this story but it is having the opposite effect for me as a viewer. I never want to see these four together again at this point (for me to enjoy the story as well as the characters). To me it is more obvious to have these characters branch out and play their dynamics with each other more subtle until it's reached the ultimate climax then wrap it up and call it a day. Now I don't care what the ultimate climax is I just want to not have to see what these characters each have been reduced to and are being kept as for the sake and purposes of this plot.

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So, I guess we could argue that the original tale was also "the quad", because Jack was in it (too).

The compelling dynamic is that we could see with Victor with both Nikki and Ashley, and saw the "love" in both directions. I guess Nick-Phyllis-Sharon could be the same...except that (and I say this with great respect), Nicholas is no Victor.

Now Morrow can be really sexy and engaging...but he's not being that right now. I CAREFULLY compared his emotions yesterday with Summer to the Cassie arc (using Youtube to aid comparison). He is not into this storyline, and it shows.

In both quads, Jack was the "spoiler". For Nikki, as with Sharon, he was the supportive man. I don't believe Nikki ever really loved him like a wife should love her husband. But Jack had other reasons to be in the story. His desire to protect Ashley. His desire to screw with Victor.

In the current quad, Jack's participation makes much less sense. Okay, maybe he loves the damaged Sharon--in part because she is damaged. And I guess he has this "baby hunger", but it plays so flat since he is utterly disregarding his two sons. His feelings to Nick are far more conflicted--including the "stepfather" dynamic--which makes it all a little ickier. And the fact that Bergman is old enough to be the 'daddy'--and HAS been--really screws this up.

Bergman is solid gold! But it is thankless that he's in this story. He was never the right fit for it.

Your comment makes me wonder if the original "triangle" could still work in this day and age.

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This story is centered on Sharon, which is the main reason I think the story has been floundering, because Sharon's actions are all plot-based. It's getting to the point where "lovers" or "haters" no longer see a character, but see the gears winding. That's a precarious place for the show to go, because if people stop believing, they stop caring.

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Proof that we should not put Kay-Marge on too high a pedestal :lol: .

Honestly, I think it was the funeral. And I think it was Murphy. Those two elements gave Y&R something really special. We FELT again. The stunt episode (Marge's farewell narration) was also amazing.

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Let's not kid ourselves here people, the Katherine/Marge storyline WAS NOT good from state to finish. Need I mention the cartoon kidnapping and Maria and company not knowing when to end and how to properly pace a storyline?

The beginning and middle were great, but as usual, they got lost somewhere in the ridiculousness of it all and it all faltered.

How can we forget it led directly into the silver chipmunk fiasco too...

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I have to say that after today... Seeing all those spoiler... Buckets of absolute crap, all unloaded at once on this poor, poor show. The insane amount of idiotic storytelling is puzzling. :mellow: To say the least.

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Maybe I'm wrong because I think Nick is the center. Causing both Sharon and Phyllis to act like doofuses because of something they are trying to build this character to be. The character, as currently interpreted, is no Victor and that's fine I think that's the way it should be only certain things here and there should have Victor likeness. That is how the character has turned out after all this time why try to change it if it works?; Jack seems to be the afterthought throughout this story. PB just sells his material

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