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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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Ugh!!! What's on her mind? She looked stunning with longer hair the other day, and kill me after I say this but I could see why Devon was suddenly in love. I hope she won't look like this on Y&R. And what's up with those nails? Ugh Ugh Ugh.

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then they need to at least get better software.

i also think theres a big difference in making a few posts on a message board about thoughts and opinions and making videos to bash something. Take all that hatred and negativity and let it go; find something to replace it that makes you happy and that you enjoy.

i just will never understand people wasting time and energy on things they hate.

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The scenes between Rafe and Adam so far have reminded me of something I might have seen in Celluloid Closet. That's also been the depiction of Rafe and the storyline so far. Viewers are left to guess most of the motivations, and the small moments we get to see are all shock value, all implication. Homosexuality itself is something to tease viewers, something in the darker corners of life, something where so far they have made sure we never actually care about the people involved in these acts.

It's not a view which surprises me from Y&R, as much of the show is now in this mindset, this sort of retro view on most issues (look at how women are treated). And it isn't as retro as I even would like to believe, but the presentation is retro. I keep in mind that Y&R has a conservative audience and for that reason I'm not expecting more than what we've gotten. So many have expected more, this was supposed to be groundbreaking, and shock people, show the other soaps how it's done, and so on. I don't know if Y&R itself has ever seen the story this way. I think Nelson Branco, even though he didn't mean to, set expectations so high Y&R is never going to reach them.

I'm starting to believe Rafe is just using Adam to help save his aunt, and I'm pleased if this happens, because otherwise he's just a complete selfish idiot. Hopefully, at some point, if they have time, they will try to show some of Rafe's motivation.

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Psh, I don't have THAT much faith at this point.

Maybe if everyone posts it enough, Maria will decide to switch gears last minute and not make Rafe the victim.

Although I am not a huge fan of these "Pratt Falls"/make a soap video with these weird Pokemon-esque avatar parodies, at least they don't involve exploiting your children to keep a TV show on the air. Those are really pathetic.
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I remembered one of those clips used a child drawing a picture of Olivia, Natalia, and Emma in crayons with her face on camera for all the world to see. She should not be exploited. It's not her fault her mommy has terrible taste in television soaps.

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Instead of bringing Raul back, I thought they could have had Billy find out that Mac lost her virginity to and had a baby with JT. They made it seem like Mac's relationship with JT was a two week thing when they had Billy describe their relationship as a stint. It still would have proven the point that Mac had moved on and Billy hadn't.

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Because people hope things will get better. I don't get why that is so hard to get. And people don't hate Y&R if they have watched for years. The hate what the show is becoming. When someone has watched the show for years and all of a sudden their favorites get crapped on and the show becomes a pale or twisted version of itself we hope it will get better.

So many stuck around even though they complained about LML because they had hope the show would get better. I know that is why I am sticking around now even though my personal favorites, Michael and Lauren, are afterthoughts and often nonentinties for this writing regime. Of course, the writers can go to far. Aggravated fans are not as loyal and FF's or may even skip shows but it is hard to give it up entirely. And the writers know this. That's why they dangle bones in front of fans and play games like they do with fan bases they care about (Phick/Shick).

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At least Pratt Falls was about the current state of the show and the current storylines. There is no Cassie-clone story, nor is there a time-travel story - and neither is even hinted at. If they're going to mock the state of the show, then hey - mock the state of the show. Make fun of the bad stories for the Winters, make fun of the fetus-Shamwow, etc. But this didn't even make any sense.

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I think part of that goes along with mocking Y&R, since they have done these out of nowhere rewrites with MAB and Rauch, like Phillip not actually being dead, or Mary Jane is Patty Williams. I don't mind them laughing at Rauch because he does have a long history in daytime. The part I thought was stupid was the repeated references to Susan Lucci. That just seemed like a way to fill up time.

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First of all, LOL.

Second of all, these folks probably don't even watch the show.

Third of all, with your clever lines, maybe you should create a video like this? :lol: (I don't actually see it, with your fair and gentle nature).

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Exactly, I think they were making fun of the bizarre and hyper-sensationalistic plots that are only meant for "shock" and "awe." That type of storytelling has been consuming the show since March. They didn't have to make fun of the the current storylines specifically, the ridiculous tone of the overall show right now speaks for itself.

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