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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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So seriously what's the deal? How did we get to this? Did the writers find character driven storytelling to be too much of a challenge and too hard to handle? While it wasn't perfect at last year's end and the start of this year it was much improved and well on its way with some more tweeking that could have very well been accomplished. Is this a submissive move on the writer's part that is showing failure at bringing back excellent soap storytelling or what?

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Which big moments did Melissa Salmons write?

IMDB says she wrote for Liquid Television. I LOVED that show. I wish someone would release that show, I used to stay up and watch it every night, it was so weird, it just hooked me every time.

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So many of us have had issues with the way Y&R writes (or doesn't write) for the Winters. I have to say that OLTL is doing it in a way that works for me. They've managed to introduce several AA characters in a slow subtle way and then things just clicked and OLTL has a new AA family. I think OLTL has found a way to get out of the "token" minority character pattern. I'm not even sure how exactly they did it, but for me they did. I just wish Y&R could do the same. And I'm not saying that the OLTL situation is seamless, but I consider it miles ahead of what Y&R is offering right now.

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Taking Alvin's post from the weekly discussion thread and replying to it here, since my reply has nothing to do with the Y&R weekly discussion:

It's very reminiscent of Reilly's style. Like on DAYS when Austin and Carrie, who clearly wanted to be together, decided to meet on the rooftop at midnight on New Years Eve to declare their love for one another, which of course, gave Sami the opportunity to drug Carrie and Lucas' drinks and put them in bed together so Austin could see.

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Maybe if I post on SON and the SONY boards that Nikki, Sharon, or Mary Jane are possessed by the devil, THIS will happen:


Someone PLEASE put this out in the Universe. It could work!

It explains why Nikki isn't onscreen unless she's with Paul(because, in a crossover history story in L.A., Nikki is exacting revenge against Brooke for kissing Victor in that Brooke's Bedroom/Jabot crossover story, which would explain why Brooke and everyone else in L.A. is acting crazy and doing weird, random things).

With Sharon, it could explain why she exhibits such trashy behavior and why all men are drawn to her rotting peach. Neil, Cane, and Chance are the next victims before they perform the exorcism in that Athletic Club suite(using Athletic Club suite every day for a year = low on production costs).

With Mary Jane,

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I must say, the casting dept for Y&R should be awarded an emmy. Rarely have they made missteps in the past few years where a new character sucks a show utterly dry. Eva, Ana and Eden are bad, yes, but they never got a s/l as destructive and all-consuming as some characters on other soaps. And I appreciate the fact that we don't see these dreadful characters anymore even more.

Also will there be a weekly potpourri thread?

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